After isolating himself from the world for several years, Mute gradually learnt to ignore worldly affairs like the Cloud Palace. However, as his disciple, Yuen Yau was aware of his master’s capability and was astonished to hear that his master viewed Chui Yim so highly.

“Remember Master’s words: never become enemies with Benefactor Chui. He’s brimming with zen energy and blessed by the heavens, he has plenty of luck. Benefactor Chui can only be a friend, never a foe. That’s all Master has to say.

“After this, Master will be going into seclusion again. It’s unknown when I will end my seclusion, but do not participate in the Cloud Palace enrollment. Instead, take the time to focus on cultivation and push for enlightenment as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Master.”

When Kam Chin Kee woke up, it was already noon.

Chui Yim had already eaten and was fiddling with something in his workshop. Kam Chin Kee gobbled the food left for him on the table and went into the workshop with a few buns.

“Whatcha doing?”

“This.” Chui Yim threw the book towards Kam Chin Kee, who dropped his buns just to catch it.

“What’s this?” Kam Chin Kee took a few glances at the book. Despite not understanding it, he was still able to identify its preciousness. “Great stuff you have here, where did you get it from?”

Therefore, Chui Yim told Kam Chin Kee the entire story that happened this morning, which left the other bursting out in laughter. “It seems like even during your previous lifetime, your hairstyle was predetermined.”

“I’m being serious here!” Chui Yim snatched Kam Chin Kee’s bun and bit into it hard.

“I don’t think there’s a need to worry,” Kam Chin Kee chuckled. “As long as we keep the fact that we’ve reincarnated to ourselves, no second person would know. Besides, that seems like an excuse to me.”


“The founder of Apex Temple is a glipher, but their current best disciple, Yuen Yau, is a gliphist.” Smiling, Kam Chin Kee explained. “Mute is known for three styles and skills; the monstrous Invincible Diamond Body, the absolute defence gliphility Golden Bell Shield, and the terrifying offensive gliphility, Kassapa Palm. Now do you get it?”

“Do you mean… my physical body?” Chui Yim pondered.

Kam Chin Kee gave him a loud smack on his body and chortled. “Yeah. I think that Monk has his eyes on your monstrous gliphic beast-like body.

“Mute’s three famous skills and styles all depend on a powerful physical body, especially the Kassapa Palm; it’s said to make full use of mental and physical strength to perform the attack. The requirement for blood energy and physical strength is exceptionally high.

“But things are different for you since the Heaven’s Flame fused with your heart; these gliphilities that depend on physical power aren’t a burden to you, making you the best choice as Apex Temple’s direct disciple. I will suggest that you make your decision later. With your current quality, the Big Three and Eight Institutions will all come for you, but you can forget Cloud Palace.”

“Why?” Chui Yim was stunned. “Of course I must choose the best among them all.”

“Because it’s reserved for me!” Kam Chin Kee smirked, “There isn’t a space left for you.”

“Get lost!”

Time flew past. It was holiday for the Cloud Palace outer sect the past few days, in the name of allowing them to have ample rest. But under tacit agreement, Chui Yim and Kam Chin Kee remembered Cheuk Kwun who looked like he was about to fall asleep every lesson and came to the conclusion that their mentor was the one who secretly wanted a holiday.

But today was the day that Cloud Palace outer sect had to head to the Blood Library to pick a cultivation style or gliphility of their choice.

Unlike the inter-school exchange, it was less grand, and Cheuk Kwun did not even turn up, leaving the responsible Woo Nim to lead the class. The Metallic Blood War Gate didn’t prepare an imposing welcome; Sze Fung and Lee Bak stood at the front with Sung Hau and Suen San Kuk standing behind Sze Fung, welcoming them at the gates of the institution.

Although there was no grand welcome, it was enough that their current principal, Sze Fung, as well as the mysterious Blood Dragon Fairy’s direct disciple Lee Bak were here to greet them.

“We welcome the talents from the Cloud Palace outer sect.” Sze Fung greeted them with a soft smile.

Lee Bak flashed the class a gentle smile too and turned to Kam Chin Kee and Chui Yim, nodding as a form of greeting.

“Please come with us to the Metallic Blood War Gate’s Blood Library.”

With Sze Fung leading, Woo Nim and the disciples followed behind them. They passed the arena where the inter-school exchange was held a few days ago, which was now crowded with teenagers practicing martial arts. Their booming shouts shook the earth, leaving a huge impact in the outer sect’s disciples’ minds.

As if not noticing the sight, Sze Fung continued, “The Metallic Blood War Gate has been established for about a hundred years, and not only are we the best institution for gliphers, the gliphilities and styles in the Metallic Blood War Gate amount to more than a thousand, many of which are original works by our own gliphers. They wrote their hard work into a legacy and left it in the Blood Library before they passed on, waiting for a fated disciple to pick it up.

“And this is the first time in about a hundred years we’re opening the Blood Library to non-members of our institution and allowing them to pick something.” Sze Fung flashed the outer sect disciples a gentle smile as he spoke amongst the loud voices.

Excluding the Northern disciples, most of the best cultivators of the generation were enrolled in the outer sect. For example, Chor Kwong Laan, Wong Chow Yip, and On Kuet were the best young gliphers of their clans. Where would the disciples go when the school term for the outer sect ended? Cloud Palace only accepted one disciple, so the rest would choose to attend other institutions.

To gliphers, their best choice would no doubt be the Metallic Blood War Gate. Therefore, Sze Fung deliberately took a longer route to lead them to the arena and show them the scene of disciples wearing red uniforms, practising martial arts uniformly, which would most likely leave a strong impact in the talents’ minds – for them to be reminded of the Metallic Blood War Gate when they failed the Cloud Palace enrollment.

Legacy was extremely important in the South, and to the Southern clans and institutions, this was the main thing that helped them improve and go against the North.

On the other hand, the North focused on individual capability. Their culture was survival of the fittest. Their three biggest organisations – Imperial Sunset Palace, Four Seasons Heaven, and Blazing Skies Mountain – might have set up a sect to provide education to their disciples, but their requirements were high and their disciples were as good as prisoners since they would be considered part of the sect for the rest of their lives.

Southern institutions gave their disciples more freedom. Disciples could choose their path after graduation and were only expected to render a helping hand in the future if their institution got into trouble.

People like Tsui Sin who were taken into tribes and given ample resources for her to grow were as rare as a hen’s teeth in the North, but common in the South.

This was why Sze Fung deliberately brought them on a longer route so as to leave a strong impression of his institution in the talents’ hearts while not letting them think that he was selling his institution.

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