The Metallic Blood War Gate was enormous. Comprising dorms for foreign students and staff over a big area, the entire school ground was equivalent to the size of a small city. The same went for other Big Three.

However, all Cloud Palace outer sect disciples yearned for was a simple-looking hut; not shabby, yet quite ordinary compared to the majestic architecture of the Metallic Blood War Gate.

There was a sign, “Blood Library,” hung from the roof. The small, dark red building resembled a temple, and outside the building was a coffee table with two bamboo chairs that looked out of place.

The disciples saw an elderly man enjoying tea outside of the Blood Library.

“Yo, Old Fung, what’s with these kiddos?” He greeted Sze Fung when he noticed the group.

Sze Fung chuckled at his words. “You’re obviously not paying attention to the many matters you left me with. They are the winning institution of this inter-school exchange, and Master awarded them with a style or gliphility of their choice.”

“An able man should do more work.” The elder shrugged. “Tsk tsk. There are so many of them… Generous, I’ll say.”

The Cloud Palace outer sect disciples exchanged glances. They knew that beneath Sze Fung’s friendly front, his social standing and capability were beyond ordinary. If this elderly man can speak to Sze Fung so casually, he must be of equivalentstatus to him… which means that he’s similarly an elite too.

Yet none of the well-educated clan disciples managed to identify the old man.

As the teens pondered hard, Lee Bak went up to greet the man. “Greetings, Second Senior Brother.”

“Here comes my little junior brother, how are you doing now? Have you completed your work? Hehe, you know what Master is like.” The elder returned a wide smile.

Facing this elder, Lee Bak made a joke, which was a rare sight; “Junior Brother will quote this directly to Master for Senior Brother.”

The elder’s face fell instantly upon hearing this. “Oh my… I was just joking around, Junior Brother…

However, some teenagers were in a bad mood, contrary to Lee Bak.

“Greeting, Blood Dragon Fairy’s second disciple,” Lam Zaa stepped out respectfully. “I’ve long heard about Lo Sing Yi – Senior Asura Spear – who dominated the world with just a spear. It’s a pity that Sir has been living in private for sixty years, but I’m honoured to meet Senior Lo here today.”

“Haha, good. I never expected that there would be a kiddo that recognizes me after I’ve lived in private for decades. Nice.” Lo Sing Yi was glad to see that somebody recognized him.

“Living in private? More like not daring to show his face to the world.”

Not just the Cloud Palace outer sect disciples, even Sze Fung’s face turned black hearing such a comment. Only Lo Sing Yi was totally unaffected. He was even filled with curiosity to identify the speaker.

Surprisingly, it was Mung Si! She was a talented teen who usually preferred to stay low profile. The attention she garnered was not through deliberate actions; she was simply such an excellent cultivator that she shone wherever she went! Yet she made such an unpleasant comment today.

“Lo Sing Yi, do you admit to the numerous Northern lives you took back then?” Mung Si continued, glaring at Lo Sing Yi hard.

Sze Fung wore an ugly expression. On the other hand, Lo Sing Yi seemed unaffected. “There’s nothing that I dare not admit.”

Chui Yim immediately remembered who this elderly man was. The name Lo Sing Yi did not ring a bell in his head, but it did after Mung Si mentioned the Northern lives he took

Tracing back to a hundred years ago, Lo Sing Yi was a middle-aged man who just reached the three-chambered state and was obsessed with martial arts and combat skills. At the Bloody War Frontier, he intimidated the entire battleground with just a spear, and his battle with Winter Peak Leader Yeung Tung ended in a tie.

The battles Lo Sing Yi participated in always ended with someone dead; he was not one to show mercy. His merciless killings at the Bloody War Frontier garnered him fame as the Asura Spear, but things did not end simply.

It was unknown how, but Lo Sing Yi managed to find a route that bypassed the Bloody War Frontier and challenged all the big Northern tribes. With his power and skill, few Northern cultivators of the same state could withstand his attack and numerous Northerners died under him. He left a trail of corpses as he went.

Even after being gravely injured, he would continue his murderous journey alive and kicking.

At last, the Blazing Skies Mountain was annoyed and sent a hundred-gliphic Mung Clan elite to take down Lo Sing Yi. The elite had the absolute upper hand during the combat due to the difference in state, but Lo Sing Yi, who had gone overboard with taking lives, suddenly broke through to the four-chambered state during combat and stunned the world by taking the Mung Clan elite’s life!

The loss of a hundred-gliphic gliphist was heavy for any organisation, and after the incident, the Blazing Skies Mountain’s Sect Leader Yim Yung could no longer stand Lo Sing Yi’s actions and planned to take Lo Sing Yi’s life with his own hands.

Knowing this, Blood Dragon Fairy Lung Wai Yuet came and fought Yim Yung.

The outcome of the fight was unknown. All that was known was Lo Sing Yi was brought back to the South as a four-chambered cultivator.

But the story had yet to come to an end. Six months later, Lo Sing Yi recovered from his grave injuries and started targeting the large clans and institutes of the South. He who was obsessed with murdering took the lives of his Southern peers, and those who survived were left seriously injured.

The story ended with a furious Lung Wai Yuet abolishing Lo Sing Yi’s cultivation with her own hands when she learnt of his actions. From then on, the Grim Reaper vanished from the world and was nowhere to be found.

However, not many noticed the additional servant outside of the Blood Library.

Not only Mung Si, but the other Northerners wore unfriendly expressions when they recognized this grim reaper

After decades, the energy-filled grim reaper had become an elderly man, and most of the world only knew him as Asura Spear instead of his actual name. Even so, he still left a huge impact on the world and turned it upside down. The best evidence would be how Lung Wai Yuet and Yim Yung, elites who might not participate in combat even once a decade, fought because of him.

Lung Wai Yuet was considered one of the youngest five-chambered elites, but every human would age, including her, and Lo Sing Yi was seen as the next candidate to lead the Metallic Blood War Gate after the Blood Dragon Fairy retired.

Had his cultivation truly been abolished? No important figure believed this. He might’ve been a cold-blooded murderer, but his actions also proved his out-of-this-world capability, and no organisation would destroy such a talent

The outcome of him being the guard of the Blood Library was unexpected.

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