Lam Zaa’s eyes carried a mixture of emotions as he watched blood-coloured light envelop Chui Yim. Despite blood trickling out of his mouth, Chui Yim flashed Lam Zaa a wide smile, showing off his teeth stained crimson as well as his arrogance.

A look of confusion crossed Lam Zaa’s face. Why is he so happy to be eliminated and robbed of all blood intent? But the mystery was solved when his gaze landed on a dark gray, simple-looking pearl on the ground.

It looked just like a smooth rock that lit up dimly and was almost imperceptible. Thus, by the time Lam Zaa took notice of it, it was too late.

Buzz… The pearl emitted an energy wave.

Ping Chi, spectating the contest, shook his head with a chuckle. “This sneaky boy.”

In reality, the pearl was a grade one elixir – Expulsion. This grade one elixir could drive everything within its radius out. Normally, it was only used on cultivators below the one-chambered state, but in the current circumstances, it worked wonders.

Lam Zaa’s energliph field had decreased greatly after battling Chui Yim, to the extent that he was incapable of resisting the elixir’s impact and was forced five meters back.

With Chui Yim restraining him and the elixir’s impact, it was now impossible for Lam Zaa to catch up with Kam Chin Kee.

As expected, Lung Wai Yuet’s voice bombarded throughout the tower a few moments later. This time around, her voice was projected to the audience too.

“I will now announce the final result of the group competition:

First place – Cloud Palace outer sect representative, Kam Chin Kee.

Second place – Cloud Palace outer sect representative, Mung Si.

Third Place – Cloud Palace outer sect representative, Lam Zaa.”

A commotion followed immediately after the ranks were revealed. Many were unhappy with the final results; the top three were all participants from the Cloud Palace outer sect.

After Lam Zaa realized that he stood no chance of catching up with Kam Chin Kee, he changed his target to Kong Yau right away. Lam Zaa might not have been on good terms with Mung Si or Kam Chin Kee, but they were still his classmates. He would rather help Mung Si eliminate Kong Yau. Moreover, coming in second place didn’t matter to Lam Zaa since his goal of first place already went to Kam Chin Kee instead, so he didn’t battle Mung Si for second place.

Contrary to the general audience, the important figures of participating institutions received this news well. They knew how Cloud Palace steered clear of worldly affairs. The division of resources and authority between institutions were unrelated to them, therefore, these figures could even be considered pleased with the results.

If Kong Yau managed to secure a place in the top three, the Stars Unite Education Centre would’ve been the actual victor when it came to the splitting of resources and many other situations. Despite being slightly disappointed with the final result, stagnant was way better than ending with a decrease in benefits.

This group competition gave the world a look into the capability of the younger generation. They were surprised to learn that there were so many dark horses in this generation – Duen Por Do, Wai-Chi Chun, Tsui Sin, and many more

Amongst them all, Lam Zaa garnered the most attention. Everybody wondered if the world was going to welcome another era of the great imperial Lam Clan since the legendary body form had surfaced in the world once again.

This marked the end of the inter-school exchange. The award ceremony was 

quick and simple, unlike how the audience expected it to be.

First place received a giant demonic spider’s egg, while second and third place 

received a tigard elixir and a grade three gliph weapon respectively. With that, Sze Fung announced that the victor’s institution would be allowed in the Blood Library three days later, which would officially end the inter-school exchange.

Of course, the audience was still bubbling with excitement and made commentary as if they were legendary cultivators. Some even became loyal fans of a certain talent. No matter what, this competition left a great impression on the audience and became a tea-time topic for them.

In the midst of the crowd’s discussion, the leading star as well as victor of this contest, Kam Chin Kee, had already returned to his residence with Chui Yim.

The fragrance of wine seeped out of the Wandering Son’s Lake residence a thousand miles away. It was this fateful day that Chui Yim opened the Thousand-Mile Aroma he bought from the auction house.

Lam Ming Sum, Kan Hang, Chau Chung, Yeung Chun, and Ping Chi were all present. Lam Ming Sum and Yeung Chun prepared delicacies to pair with the delicious wine. It was a dinner of high spirits.

Kam Chin Kee burst into laughter watching how Ping Chi and Chui Yim fought for food, Kan Hang groaned at how Lam Ming Sum kept serving Chui Yim food, and Yeung Chun watched Chau Chung gobble down the food he made with great satisfaction.

It was a joyful night at the Wandering Son’s residence as laughter filled the peaceful lake with ripples.

The Wandering Son’s lake glistened beautifully beneath the moonlight. There were two teenage boys sitting quietly at the side of the lake.

This sight had Ping Chi lamenting his long-gone youth. After the group competition, Ping Chi gained confidence in Kam Chin Kee’s ability and felt at ease knowing that Chui Yim was under his care. Therefore, in the middle of the night, he left for Southern Ping without bidding Chui Yim goodbye.

Staring at the lake, Kam Chin Kee spoke suddenly, “Chui Yim, sometimes I think about how funny it is that I’ve never met any of my biological parents before.

“I was an orphan during my first life and was already part of the Thousand Mechanism Sect when I gained awareness. I practiced how to use mechanisms and how to assassinate from a young age; motherly love was something that I could never have.

“During my second life, I met with my mother’s disgust-filled eyes the second I opened my own. She left me outside a house in a hurry and left immediately. Thus, I still didn’t have a concept of what parents were.

“Only in this life have I finally understood what a gaze filled with motherly love was, and the looks of happiness and expectation from a father.”

Kam Chin Kee raised his head and downed the wine in his hands. Chui Yim’s mouth tightened; he was at a loss for words after being reminded of his father.

After some time, Kam Chin Kee heaved a sigh of relief. “They called me the luckiest orphan, being taken into the Evergreen Palace and the imperial clan. But my days in the palace were no different from prison.

“My aim in this life is to acquire the power to control my own destiny, hunt down the culprits that took my parents’ lives, and have them repay me with their lives.” Kam Chin Kee narrowed his eyes and rubbed his thumb and index fingers, making a rustling sound.

“It’s my parent’s death day today, and my win is for my parents in heaven; for them to know that they gave birth to such an outstanding son.”

“It’s your birthday too.” Chui Yim’s laughter rang across the area. He picked up the wine in his hands and gave Kam Chin Kee a toast.

“Happy birthday, Brother.”

Kam Chin Kee was stunned.

“Hehe, Ming Sum told me,” Chui Yim laughed like he had succeeded at something. “Today’s victory is my birthday gift for you.”

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