Kam Chin Kee did not intend to attract the attention of all his competitors, but currently, there was no difference between him and a bright red lantern! The entire space glowed bright red, which made Kam Chin Kee easily seen from afar.

This might be the mandatory final test – to fight, or worse, survive the joint attack of all other teenage elites to filter out the best disciple of this generation amongst all!

Right away, energliph surged around Kong Yau, and the Celestial Starmap gliph took form behind her. All eight stellar light beams were aimed at Kam Chin Kee. Meanwhile, Lam Zaa congealed energliph around himself once again.

As the saying goes, “All streams run into the sea.” This saying perfectly embodied the rejuvenation cultivators with this special body form experienced compared to ordinary cultivators. His powerful energliph was similarly aimed at Kam Chin Kee!

“Mung girl!” Chui Yim shouted suddenly, making Mung Si frown. She didn’t really like the nickname Chui Yim gave her.

“I know you don’t really care about winning, so help me block that woman and let Kam Chin Kee win! I’ll cure your illness in exchange!”

He received no reply from Mung Si.

Chui Yim was right, winning was of little importance to her. She valued direct combat capability, so Mung Si looked down on Kam Chin Kee, who she perceived as relying on objects. Furthermore, the prize of a giant demonic spider’s egg was unattractive to her. The only thing that fueled her desire to win was that she didn’t want the entire Cloud Palace outer sect, including herself, to be expelled.

After a short pause, Mung Si turned to Chui Yim. “Deal.”

Eeek! A phoenix’s cry was heard as it left a trace of fire in the air.

A burning shadow blocked Kong Yau’s light beam!

“Hmph!” Lam Zaa paid no attention to Mung Si and Kong Yau’s combat.

After acquiring the Hundred Streams Body, this group contest was his chance to 

gain fame, and Lam Zaa was confident in clinching victory! He was also confident that he could successfully stop Kam Chin Kee if his attack succeeded.

But he did not expect Chui Yim to shout for help again. “Lee Bak! Haish…after today, you owe me nothing for Matchless Guardian!”


The next second, Lam Zaa’s vision was taken over by a blood-coloured blade!

“How dare you!” Lam Zaa’s face turned pale as he turned his attack towards the blood-coloured blade.

Boom! The wave-like attack submerged the bloody blade and was still as powerful as ever.

“I can’t fight anymore, all the best,” Lee Bak said as Chui Yim watched him be covered in blood-coloured light

Chui Yim couldn’t believe his eyes. He intended for Lee Bak to block Lam Zaa so as to allow Kam Chin Kee to reach the door to the ninth floor. He didn’t know that Lee Bak could only sustain a single attack! That’s it? The favour the Blood Dragon Fairy’s direct disciple owed me was offset so simply?

“I’ve been scammed!”

But Chui Yim didn’t have the time to daydream; Lam Zaa was already chasing after Kam Chin Kee after his first attack.

Now, there were only five participants left on the eighth floor.

Kam Chin Kee dashed towards the blood intent spiral, which was the door to the ninth floor.

Being locked in their own intense battle, Mung Si and Kong Yau didn’t have energy to spare for Kam Chin Kee

Lam Zaa chased after Kam Chin Kee with all his might, but soon, he felt a strong punch coming from his back.

“Biting off more than you can chew!” Gaze turning ice-cold, Lam Zaa turned around abruptly and his dark blue hair swayed with this action. At the same time, he launched an attack.

Boom! The attack met with the punch!

It was a contest between the wave-like attack and a simple punch from a boy with weird, flaming hair. But soon, Lam Zaa was appalled to learn that his “one-slap wonder” technique failed to make Chui Yim retreat!

On the other hand, Chui Yim remained calm, and he unleashed another attack. It was still a simple attack, but a dense punching sound could be heard. He relied only on his bare body!

Without much thought, Lam Zaa launched another slap.

Boom! Boom boom boom…

Continuous attacks were launched by both parties, and Lam Zaa was forced to meet Chui Yim’s attack once again. Ceaseless muffled sounds were heard! This was a collision of body and energliph.

The audience’s jaws dropped, eyes widening in disbelief whilst the important figures on the grandstand even jumped out of their chairs! Everybody had their eyes fixated on the scene of Chui Yim and Lam Zaa.

There was another interesting battle going on at the same time; Mung Si and Kong Yau’s battle was quite intense with fancy gliph strings dancing all around the place. But it was still less interesting compared to Lam Zaa and Chui Yim’s fight even though there was totally no external assistance, just plain punches and attacks accompanied by loud booms and muffled sounds.

But this was exactly why their fight was a real man’s fight; one side had enormous energliph beyond his cultivation state while the other possessed a physical body as strong as gliphic beasts!

They were just like fire and water, and even the surrounding blood fog had to avoid them. A clean, circular space was created with the duo at the center!

Eyes out on stalk, Lam Zaa continued to fight with all his might. His attacks, capable of destroying one-chambered gliphers, were totally worthless against Chui Yim, who even had the energy to counterattack and unleash a punch against his energliph field. It didn’t hurt Lam Zaa directly, but he clearly felt that his energliph field was getting weaker as it took each of Chui Yim’s punches.

The eighth punch. Lam Zaa guessed that after receiving the eighth punch from Chui Yim, his energliph field would shatter!

Is he human or a gliphic beast!?

Somewhere in the Metallic Blood Giant Tower:

“There’s still effects to it…” Lung Wai Yuet muttered to herself. She sat cross-legged, controlling the entire contest from afar, so she had a clearer perspective of the battle. Lung Wai Yuet realized that Chui Yim’s snake-like flaming hair would decrease in length every time Lam Zaa hit his body. After receiving more than ten punches, the hair was less than half of its original length

She focused fully on Lam Zaa and Chui Yim’s battle.

Lam Zaa, who was reliant on the defense and energliph from the Hundred Streams Body’s resonance, only had a mediocre physical body. If Chui Yim’s monstrous punch lands on Lam Zaa after he loses his defensive energliph field…

There’s a possibility that Lam Zaa will lose his life, Lung Wai Yuet predicted.

She dared to bet on the loathsome kid of the Wai-Chi Clan’s life… but not Lam Zaa, the son of Emperor Lam Chun, who was currently spectating the contest.

I’ll send any party that loses their combat capability out of the tower immediately, even if it’s a misjudgment.

Boom! Chui Yim was sent flying and vomited blood.

Lam Zaa heaved a sigh of relief, smiling happily. In this dragged-out fight, he was eventually the victor.

Sadly, his happiness did not last long. He soon realized that he was tired out after his first big fight equipped with the Hundred Streams Body, which shouldn’t have been the case! Having this special body form was as good as being doted on by heaven. It was like winning at the starting line, and anyone who had it was guaranteed to be extraordinary. The first Emperor Lam stepped into the five-chambered state with the help of this body form and established their imperial clan.

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