This rumour remained baseless for more than a thousand years as there had never been a chance to verify it, considering that the young geniuses of every generation joined the outer sect.

However, things were different in this exchange.

The public saw talents that were no lesser than the outer sect disciples – Kong Yau from the Stars Unite Education Centre, Fok Fung from the Great Book Academy, and Lee Bak from the Metallic Blood War Gate all had wonderful achievements despite not being enrolled in the Cloud Palace outer sect.

The world was a cruel place. Most people secretly hoped for those standing at the peak to fall, and the Cloud Palace outer sect was no exception. There were many waiting to watch the Cloud Palace outer sect suffer their first downfall during this inter-school exchange, defeated by equally talented members of famous clans that chose to not join the outer sect.

But at the end of the day, the outer sect was still part of the prestigious yet mysterious Cloud Palace.

The group competition was slowly coming to an end as participants were seen stepping onto the eighth floor.

Now was the most exciting part of the competition, where participants had to battle grade two blood spectres as well as the best disciples of other institutions.

Amongst a few hundred participants, only eleven successfully made it to the eighth floor, with five participants belonging to the outer sect that many hoped would lose!

These numbers signified the outer sect’s capability and shocked the audience. The Cloud Palace outer sect would have made up half of the qualifiers if not for the fact that Suet Sing Fuk, a gifted Northern gliphist representing the outer sect, was eliminated by Fok Fung on the seventh floor. Even so, he managed to injure Fok Fung before he was thrown out of the tower.

Siu Suet and Ha Yu Bing were in a pitiful state. Their teamwork brought them to the eighth floor successfully, but now, it seemed like their time was up as the girls met eyes with two pairs of shiny orbs amidst the blood fog.

Their hair was a mess, yet it did not lessen their beauty, adding a touch of toughness to them instead. Even the opponents could not help but take a second glance.

“Are you perhaps His Highness, Lam Zaa, from the Cloud Palace outer sect?” Siu Suet spoke with a small hint of respect. As a cultivator, she was fully focused on her training, so politics was something she rarely cared about.

Lam Zaa flashed her a gentle smile. “I’ve heard that the genius daughter of the mighty Siu Clan fused her clan’s swordsmanship with archery and created a brand new skill. Today, I’ve found out that Miss indeed lives up to her name.

“During this inter-school exchange, I’ve put aside my status as the crown prince, but this ordinary Lam Zaa hopes to learn from both of you girls.”

“You’re planning to fight both of us alone?” Siu Suet’s face fell instantly.

Every elite in the world had their pride, and that included Siu Suet. Lam Zaa’s words were an obvious sign that he belittled them.

“Haha.” Lam Zaa smiled, “I’ve had wondrous gains that boosted my ability recently, and I hope to test it out with you girls. I hope the both of you will fulfil my wishes.”

Ha Yu Bing was no pushover either; Lam Zaa’s words had her gritting her teeth. “I hope your test doesn’t get you killed!”

“How dare you!” Yam Chui Ying yelled immediately, but Lam Zaa stopped him.

“I’m just an ordinary participant, there’s no crown prince here. No need to act in such a manner.”

With that, he took two steps forward and raised his robe, putting his blue hair behind him. “Misses, please.”

Siu Suet and Ha Yu Bing exchanged glances and saw that the other party was fuming as well. Instantly, Ha Yu Bing took two steps back, and frost-like gliph strings appeared around her. With great speed, Siu Suet pulled her bow and three energliph arrows went for Lam Zaa!

The girls worked with tacit understanding; the next second, Ha Yu Bing’s gliph took form, and the Freezing Frost Blade dashed for Lam Zaa, ready to chop him in half!

Unfazed, Lam Zaa did not dodge the attacks as if they were nothing to him. Siu Suet’s eyes widened in shock. She was not aiming at Lam Zaa but the spots he could dodge toward. Lam Zaa would have to take one of her arrows if he wanted to dodge Ha Yu Bing’s attack. But it seems like he’s choosing to take Ha Yu Bing’s Freezing Frost Blade instead…

Siu Suet smiled at this thought. Freezing Frost Blade was no simple gliph. Most importantly, it could slow down and freeze the enemy. Siu Suet pulled her bow, ready to attack Lam Zaa the moment the effects of Freezing Frost Blade hit him and eliminate him before he could react!

Yet Lam Zaa was still standing on the spot silently.

The Freezing Frost Blade stopped a few inches in front of Lam Zaa as if there was an invisible force. Ha Yu Bing’s face fell as she tried to push it forward, but there seemed to be an invisible force stopping her gliph from reaching Lam Zaa.

This unforeseen situation left Ha Yu Bing in disbelief and lost. This was different from her expectations! “What’s going on!?”

Lam Zaa chuckled as he glanced at the three arrows hitting nothing while the Freezing Frost Blade remained floating mid-air. “It would be rude for me to not counterattack.” With that, he slapped the air and the Freezing Frost Blade vibrated violently.

Hmph! Ha Yu Bing fell back with blood trickling from her mouth.

“Junior Sister!” Siu Suet could not be bothered with Lam Zaa as she rushed to help Ha Yu Bing up.

“I’m fine. He was being lenient. With his ability, destroying my gliph with a slap was no big deal,” Ha Yu Bing said as Siu Suet helped her up with a solemn look, gripping her bow tightly.

“Is that… a special body form?”

“Hundred Streams,” Lam Zaa nodded and whispered.

The girl was in utter disbelief to hear this. “A hundred streams entering one’s body to congeal energliph… the Hundred Streams body that’s ranked third on the Heaven Rank? How can that be!?”

Siu Suet had her guard up, but she already felt powerless when looking at Lam Zaa.

“The first case of the Hundred Streams body appeared with the first Emperor Lam. This special body form allows energliph and body to resonate; one’s body absorbs energliph automatically and forms a barrier that blocks all attacks without the owner needing to control it. This is the most powerful defensive body form.”

“Indeed the miss of the Siu Clan. My clan’s special body form, Hundred Streams, hasn’t appeared in the world for more than a hundred years, yet Miss Siu still has such great understanding of it. Lam Zaa is impressed at how Miss Siu excels in both combat and knowledge.”

“You must be naive to believe that we’ll give up just because you possess a supreme body form.” Siu Suet gripped her bow hard

“Then I’ll gladly receive Miss Siu’s guidance.” Lam Zaa nodded with respect.

“Junior Sister, please step back.” Siu Suet turned to Ha Yu Bing, who agreed that she should stay back after her painful injury. Not wanting to drag Siu Suet down, she stepped back and left a space.

Siu Suet calmed down slowly as her bow resonated with her energliph, forming a small tornado that surrounded her bow.

Sensing the sharp energliph movement, Lam Zaa viewed this fight with complete seriousness. “I’ve heard that Miss Siu gained a powerful gliph weapon from Chui Yim. It seems that’s true.”

“Come try it yourself,” Siu Suet responded coldly.

The moment she said this, she already raised her bow, aimed, pulled the string, and shot the arrow!

“It’s useless.” Lam Zaa didn’t even move. The arrow landed on the invisible barrier and bounced off.

This was how superior the Hundred Streams body was. There wasn’t even a need for the cultivator to move because powerful energliph would rise on its own. Furthermore, as the cultivator improved, the invisible force would become stronger and cover a bigger area. This was the exact reason why it was ranked third on the Heaven Rank!

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