
The Heaven Reacher crown shot directly at Chui Yim!

Fear made Chui Yim’s skin prickle, but he didn’t retreat. Instead, he dashed towards the phantasm, pulling his long, burning hair behind him like a fireball!

Without any energliph movement, Chui Yim threw his right fist out. It was an average attack by a teenager with no energliph meant to meet an astounding gliphility performed by a one-chambered glipher performing beyond his state.

Some audience members covered their eyes, unable to watch the scene unfold. Others zeroed in on the fight; after spectating the group competition for the entire day, they knew there was a ball of blood-coloured light that would silently save any participants in danger in the nick of time.

The thunderous energliph movement clashed against Chui Yim’s ordinary little fist.


The energy movement and impact of this fight were not visible through the broadcast, but the audience saw a shockwave disperse the fog around Chui Yim and Ching Lang Pak, leaving a large clear space!

Ching Lang Pak wore an ice-cold expression as he used most of his energliph to launch his attack while Chui Yim was rooted to the ground as his flaming hair flew upwards.

Boom boom boom!

There was a potent burst of energy waves.

It was a jaw-dropping scene to watch a young man block a gliphility with his bare body!


Ching Lang Pak had a bad feeling as he sensed the opposing strength increasing!

Creak creak creak creak…

The Heaven Reacher let out slight creaking sounds, and the phantasm was now filled with cracks. Chui Yim’s burning hair moved in the air fluidly as he took a step forward abruptly!

Boom! The phantasm exploded, revealing Ching Lang Pak’s ashen face. Before he fully understood the situation, a hand grabbed his neck.


A blood-coloured light ball surrounded Ching Lang Pak and forcefully separated him from his attacker. Ching Lang Pak’s vision became blurry, and the last thing his gaze lingered on was the pale yet tough pair of hands, as well as a pair of eyes staring back at him amongst blazing fire.

The spectators saw many dark horses emerge during the group competition, such as Lam Zaa. However, as the crown prince, his unexpectedly good performance was considered reasonable to the public.

However, Chui Yim defeating Ching Lang Pak was like dropping a bombshell on them. It was widely known that Chui Yim had weak combat ability. His performance in the Forbidden Forest was known to the world, and some even looked up his past in Southary, including his fight with Chan Ngou Tin that left him badly defeated.

Well, he technically won the fight by cutting Chan Ngou Tin’s arm off with the Flame’s Knife gliph, but not before being beaten up rather badly. If he was skilled in combat, he wouldn’t have suffered at all, so people considered his win a fluke.

Even after this fight, Chui Yim did not change the minds of the public. He was still a weakling in combat, but with his sturdy body alone, he eliminated Ching Lang Pak who was from a famous clan!

Chui Yim received more than a hundred attacks but was unaffected. He took them all with his bare body and forcefully turned the tables, breaking the Heaven Reacher with a single punch and turning Ching Lang Pak – who had a great reputation in the Metallic Blood War Gate – into his stepping stone!

Not only the regular audience, even the important figures on the grandstand were left dumbstruck as they stared at Chui Yim like he was a ghost. They couldn’t be blamed when all Chui Yim used to block the energliph of a one-chambered glipher was his bare body. One needed to reach at least the three-chambered state to achieve this!

Chui Yim… has the body of a three-chambered cultivator!? He only broke through his heart chamber yet he has the body of a three-chambered cultivator?

Sze Fung seemed unaffected, but he was secretly communicating with his master in the tower. “Master, this kid…”

“After this competition, send someone to have a chat with Chui Yim. I don’t mind one more disciple if he doesn’t,” Lung Wai Yuet replied to him immediately.

Sze Fung’s face changed drastically. His master rating Chui Yim so highly was out of his expectations as he understood his master very well.

“Special” and “talented” were never the best words to describe the ordinary Sze Fung, but he became who he was today after incidentally becoming Lung Wai Yuet’s disciple. After him, Lung Wai Yuet only took in an additional disciple every hundred years, and Lee Bak with his monstrous talent was her only exception.

He knew that Lung Wai Yuet would not take in any more disciples unless they were an exceptional genius!

And this boy had the heart chamber as his innate chamber, just like Lee Bak… and Lung Wai Yuet.

Not only Sze Fung, Grandma Chin Shu also contacted her partner, Elder Man Shu, and discussed this matter immediately. Both of them came to the conclusion that it was a must to recruit Chui Yim after the group competition.

All of the Big Three and Eight Institutions currently had their eyes on the talented Chui Yim.

His weak combat skills didn’t matter as those could be nurtured, but not his physical body that was made just for battle! He was like a human tank!

Of course, Chui Yim was still in the tower and knew nothing about the attention he was garnering. After inhaling Ching Lang Pak’s blood intent, he went off with a sigh, lamenting at how quickly his precious training session ended.

When his blazing hair first grew back in the Forbidden Forest, Chui Yim wondered how powerful his body was in that state. The Giant Demonic Spider that appeared back in the forest was a grade two ancient beast that had mighty strength, but Chui Yim was fine after receiving an attack from it. Thus, he turned to Kam Chin Kee’s blue wolf; made of durable spiritual hill wood and possessing lightning speed and strength, Chui Yim finally found his limit.

In his current state, only a two-chambered glipher’s gliphility or a single-gliphic gliphist’s personal gliph could threaten him. After discussing with Chor Shing Chit about the changes taking place to his body, they came to the conclusion that his physical body was beyond his cultivation state – Chui Yim’s body was now as strong as Chor Shing Chit’s, a three-chambered cultivator.

However, things were different when gliph weapons came into the picture. The human body could never be invincible against sharp weapons at the end of the day, which was the reason why Kam Chin Kee told Chui Yim to leave when they came across Duen Por Do.

Duen Por Do launched speedy attacks that even Chui Yim’s monster-like body wouldn’t be able to resist.

In short, Ching Lang Pak was unlucky to come across Chui Yim because his close-range martial arts were useless against such a powerful body.

The Metallic Blood War Gate’s torches lit up the night sky as its disciples started giving out simple buns and drinks for the audience.

It had been more than ten hours, yet none of the audience was prepared to leave as they were still brimming with excitement and anticipation. This was the most stimulating competition in a hundred years, and the results were completely unpredictable due to all the talents being so similarly outstanding! There were also rumours that the Cloud Palace outer sect had a rule that, if there was an inter-school exchange during their academic year, their disciples would have to participate and clinch first place or the entire cohort would be expelled, which made this competition even more worthy of watching!

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