Ching Lang Pak sighed at how Chui Yim stayed glued to the ground like he was stupefied. This is no different from offending a future grandmaster blacksmith…

In a flash, he arrived behind the frozen Chui Yim. Ching Lang Pak planned to eliminate Chui Yim by smacking him unconscious as this was the least embarrassing way, thus he raised his hand and smacked toward the back of Chui Yim’s neck while looking for the direction Lee Bak went at the same time.

“What do you think you’re doing?” somebody spoke, startling Ching Lang Pak.

He looked up to meet Chui Yim’s eyes and found that his hand was immobilized.

Chui Yim was grabbing his left arm so tightly that Ching Lang Pak started trembling in pain. It was as if his arm was stuck in a vice grip. Bewildered and maddened, Ching Lang Pak subconsciously threw a punch with his other hand toward an area of Chui Yim’s left chest that was in his blind spot.

Each and every clan of Great Wisdom City was skilled in short-range fights.


His punch landed on Chui Yim’s left chest successfully, but the sensitive Ching Lang Pak noticed that Chui Yim didn’t even flinch at the powerful energy that collided with his body. In fact, he was even counterattacking with his left fist as well! Ching Lang Pak squinted his eyes as his heart leapt into his throat!

Not only was Chui Yim counterattacking, his punch was rather mighty!

What kind of power is this!? Feeling the danger, Ching Lang Pak couldn’t care about respect anymore as energliph gushed through his body.

He attacked strongly with his right fist again. This time, he aimed for Chui Yim’s head. With the support of his energliph, Ching Lang Pak’s attack was much stronger and forced Chui Yim to retreat.

As soon as Chui Yim released his grip, Ching Lang Pak took many steps back and stared at Chui Yim, unable to believe what happened.

Distressingly, Ching Lang Pak found that his wrist that Chui Yim grabbed for only a short period of time was swollen and painful. It was to the point that he would have difficulty using it in the upcoming fight; he was basically already injured.

Chui Yim was still just standing there as he faced Ching Lang Pak calmly. “C’mon.”

However, Ching Lang Pak caught a slight excitement in his eyes. With a sneer, Ching Lang Pak pounced forward.

Ching Lang Pak attacked rapidly. However, things were clear to Chui Yim, who dodged to the side swiftly as he recalled the neat moves of Military Strike. He knew that he should spin around and take down his opponent with the fastest speed…

The next second, Chui Yim was kicked hard in his abdomen. Ching Lang Pak immediately made a turn and launched a kick at Chui Yim when he missed his first attack!

This was the start of their battle. Despite having an injured arm, as a member of the Great Wisdom City’s Ching Clan, Ching Lang Pak’s short-range attack skills were out of this world. In fact, their fight didn’t spark the interest of many, because instead of a fight, it was more appropriate to say Ching Lang Pak was suppressing Chui Yim. There were traces of the Chor Clan’s clean Military Strike and the Wong Clan’s fierce Tiger Claws in Chui Yim’s attack, but it was obvious that he was constantly dodging and barely counterattacking.

Chui Yim’s and Ching Lang Pak’s skill was like chalk and cheese. Under Ching Lang Pak’s continuous aggressive attacks, Chui Yim was unable to hit Ching Lang Pak once!

Unfortunately for Ching Lang Pak, all his attacks that landed on Chui Yim were ineffective. Every time he attacked, the other party didn’t even spare a glance as he focused on fighting back.

This left Ching Lang Pak gloomy, and he vaguely felt that Chui Yim was using him as practice. “Is he… taking me as a sparring partner?”

Indeed, Chui Yim was brimming with enthusiasm. He always had an interest in martial arts but had a weak body. After breaking through with his heart chamber, Chui Yim had a vigorous body instead of the delicate one most gliphists had, which enhanced his desire to practice martial arts.

However, all Chor Shing Chit taught him were skills to escape.

Back at the Forbidden Forest, he learnt the basics of Military Strike and Tiger Claws from Chor Shing Chit and Wong Chow Yip, but because of how unfamiliar he was to battle, his body could not execute the skills successfully.

As for Kam Chin Kee, he was unable to train with Chui Yim since he practised assassination skills. In the past, he was from the Thousand Mechanism Sect, the scariest organisation of assassins in that world, and all his puppetry skills were meant to kill. This made it impossible for Kam Chin Kee to practice with Chui Yim since he didn’t know how to “battle,” only how to kill within the shortest period of time.

Therefore, Chui Yim was elated to come across Ching Lang Pak as he finally had someone to practice with!

He had a durable body that was only slightly affected by his opponent’s attacks, so Chui Yim started practising and applying all the battle knowledge he had acquired. Ching Lang Pak who was from a famous clan was just like the best textbook, allowing Chui Yim to learn from his mistakes and improve quickly.

By the time Ching Lang Pak realised what was going on, Chui Yim had already started successfully counterattacking! These attacks carried powerful energy, so strong that Ching Lang Pak would’ve mistaken them as gliphilities if it weren’t for the lack of energliph movement.

After going on for quite some time, Ching Lang Pak stepped back and gasped for breath. It seemed like he had the upper hand the entire time, but the high-intensity fight was quite tiring for a one-chambered glipher like him! On the other hand, Chui Yim who acted as his punching bag was still zestful. He even looked up curiously when Ching Lang Pak stopped. “What’s wrong? Keep going!”

Ching Lang Pak was speechless. He cursed to himself at how monstrous Chui Yim was, seemingly unaffected by the fight.

“Brother Chui is indeed an exceptional gliphist. In that case, I’m going to go all out,” Ching Lang Pak replied with all seriousness, and his right fist lit up with energliph. Since ordinary attacks weren’t working, Ching Lang Pak decided to make use of his gliphility.

The energy was so shocking that Chui Yim’s face finally changed. It was as if Ching Lang Pak had changed into an invincible lord standing at the top of the world. His surging aura caused Chui Yim’s heart to race.

The art-like flame heart started pounding with great force.

Thud thud!

Blood gushed into all his limbs, and hair grew from his smooth head, dancing without any wind!

Ching Lang Pak did not notice the huge changes taking place to Chui Yim’s body as he was fully concentrated on preparing to launch his gliphility. The Ching Clan’s Heaven Reacher that was passed down through the generations was a gliphility that could normally only be activated by three-chambered gliphers. However, because of Ching Lang Pak’s talent and the Heaven Reacher gliph carved into his right arm chamber, he could perform beyond his state.

As Ching Lang Pak focused on his gliphility, Chui Yim saw a huge illusory tree surging toward the sky.

“I’m sorry, Brother Chui.” Ching Lang Pak looked up suddenly and slammed his right fist forward fiercely.

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