Duen Por Do’s eyes shrunk and he spoke in a low voice, “Rumour has it that you’re the best disciple of the Cloud Palace outer sect, and this is my chance to verify it. However, a plain old battle would be boring… should we spice things up?”

Ooh, I can feel the evil thoughts surfacing. Kam Chin Kee laughed to himself but played along. “Oh? How would we do that?”

Duen Por Do patted his waist and a fist-sized rock appeared in his palm. It seemed like nothing special, but Kam Chin Kee could see it blinking with dim five-colored light as if the laws of heaven and earth were contained in this simple yet elegant rock.

Fung Seung who paid full attention to his disciple from the start suddenly jumped up from his chair with an ugly expression when he saw what the former was doing.

Realising his gaffe, Fung Seung sat down immediately, his hands gripping the armrests tightly.

Kam Chin Kee was scrutinizing the rock. He wasn’t sure if he identified the product accurately, but he asked, “Is that a… pentachromatic divine rock?”

“Brother Kam has sharp eyes,” Duen Por Do said coldly. “Indeed, and not just any ordinary pentachromatic divine rock but a pristine, unprocessed stone. This one rock can allow a grandmaster-level blacksmith to create five Divine Bracelets of Five Elements.”

Even Kam Chin Kee was shocked at how hefty the bet was! He once took a close look at Chui Yim’s Divine Bracelet of Five Elements and was enlightened about the rules of heaven and earth.

Fung Seung was absolutely shocked that Duen Por Do owned such a powerful item as even he did not have a Divine Bracelet of Five Elements that was recorded in the Rare Treasure Records! It was obvious that Duen Por Do feared Fung Seung would demand the item using his status as master.

On top of that, the one Duen Por Do owned was an original pentachromatic divine rock! It was way more valuable than the short section of everlasting wood they bid for before, worth as much as a piece of thousand-year-old everlasting wood.


The more Fung Seung thought about it, the angrier he got. He suddenly had a great urge to stomp into the tower to stop this bet.

Yes, Fung Seung could immediately tell that Duen Por Do hoped to make a bet with Kam Chin Kee using this rock.

Kam Chin Kee was similarly astonished by the extravagant bet Duen Por Do made, but being a twice-reincarnated human, Kam Chin Kee was very mature. “I’m afraid I don’t have any treasure that could compare with Brother Duen’s precious treasure.”

“I heard that Brother Chui and Brother Kam recently bought a piece of everlasting wood at the Black Tortoise auction house.”

In reality, this was quite nerve-wracking for Duen Por Do. This pentachromatic divine rock was one of the treasures left behind for him from the Duen Clan when it declined, and this ingredient was so precious that only a great master blacksmith could use it to make a Divine Bracelet of Five Elements.

As a descendant of the Duen Clan, the everlasting wood was the most important thing of all, and there was even a section of their skill set dedicated to controlling everlasting wood!

The downfall of the Duen Clan was because they lost their godly sword, and there was no way for Duen Por Do to use his clan’s skill set without everlasting wood. Now that he was the only descendant left, to Duen Por Do, that small piece of wood was way more valuable than the magical rock he had.

Even though the market price of a pentachromatic divine rock was incomparable to such a small piece of everlasting wood, the latter was exceptionally rare, only showing up every few centuries. Duen Por Do did not have the time to wait another few hundred years for one. Rather than being careless, he was grasping the nettle!

Kam Chin Kee looked as calm as he always did, but many possibilities went through his mind in a short period of time. Although quite smart, he couldn’t possibly guess that Fung Seung was the person that fought with him and Chui Yim for the piece of wood, nor that he did so on behalf of Duen Por Do, nor that Duen Por Do was the last member of the fallen Duen Clan. The clan fell centuries ago and Duen wasn’t exactly a rare surname, so it was difficult for Kam Chin Kee to link him to the sword god of the past.

There must be something fishy going on. Kam Chin Kee thought fast.

Seeing how calm Kam Chin Kee was in front of such valuable treasure, Duen Por Do became anxious. With that, he sneered.

“Is Brother Kam perhaps afraid? I see that being confined in the Evergreen Palace for a long time turns you into a coward.”

“There’s no need to goad me into the bet, Brother Duen.” Kam Chin Kee stared at him calmly, and Duen Por Do felt like he was being stared at by some scary monster.

“I accept the bet.”

Duen Por Do was still too young; he tried to keep his cool, but the joy in his eyes was more than obvious to Kam Chin Kee. He tried his best to keep his cool and wore a thin smile on his face. “I believe that Brother Kam will definitely abide by the bet.”

“Of course, Brother Duen, same goes for you.” Kam Chin Kee laughed, but Duen Por Do only sneered in reply.

Losing? That’s impossible.

However, something surprising happened; a cold voice rang across the area.

“I’ve heard your bet and I will be the witness, as well as the person to make sure the loser forfeits their item.”

Lung Wai Yuet was filled with curiosity. She knew how talented her disciple, Lee Bak was. In fact, he was even better than Sze Fung. She never worried about Lee Bak’s future and was even confident that, with the institution’s resources on top of his talent, he would have an eighty percent chance of making it to the five-chambered state.

This same Lee Bak greatly admired Kam Chin Kee and even viewed him as his lifelong rival. Now that there was a bet with two extremely valuable items, it was more than worth it to have Lung Wai Yuet as witness given her status.

Duen Por Do burst into laughter when he heard Lung Wai Yuet, unable to contain his excitement anymore. Meanwhile, Kam Chin Kee looked as calm as usual, as if nothing in the world could shake him.

“Brother Kam, I thank you for fulfilling my wish.” Duen Por Do said after laughing like a madman.

“Launch your attack.” Kam Chin Kee shook his head. He had lost interest in speaking to Duen Por Do. 

“Beware, Brother Kam.” Duen Por Do nodded. “This is the Carefree Sword passed down in my clan for generations.”


Kam Chin Kee’s eyes shrunk. A visible finger-sized aura pierced through the blood fog and came for him! Instead of blocking the attack with his puppet, Kam Chin Kee dodged, and the red bird on his shoulder turned into a red shadow and went for Duen Por Do in turn.

“Great moves.” Duen Por Do was taken aback. He had been training since childhood, nearly ten years, so he was very clear on how fast his sword could be. The best example would be all his previous competitors being defeated before they could even react. But Kam Chin Kee dodged the attack so relaxedly that he had the time to launch an attack of his own.

However… Duen Por Do remained calm in the face of the red shadow. He flashed his long sword, which seemed to be hidden behind a black fog.

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