The Divine Bracelet of Five Elements was known for its massive storage space and gliph weapon nurturing effects. But things were different for Chui Yim who observed that gliphic plants and treasures could also be nurtured in the bracelet. When he placed the Thirty-six Lunar Needles into the bracelet, the needles flickered at a faster speed, and there were even energliph movements sensed from it.

Indeed a divine bracelet! To be honest, this might be the most expensive item on me now!

The thought of this made Chui Yim dump everything into the bracelet after sorting them out, even the cauldron Ping Chi gave him. Since it had such an enormous storage space, why not use it fully?

After fully researching the bracelet, Chui Yim walked out of the room to be greeted by the aroma of food and a surprise guest. His guest remained as calm as ever, but only Chui Yim’s appearance could make him lose his cool. “Brother Chui!”

Chui Yim laughed. He knew what he was here for. “What brings you here?”

“He” was none other than Lee Bak, who visited yesterday. Currently, awkwardness washed over his face as he was at a loss for words.

Seeing this, Chui Yim stopped teasing Lee Bak. “You’re here for the gliph weapon, am I right?”

Lee Bak nodded. “Brother Chui, the shield you forged today…”

“Of course, it’s yours. Why else would I forge a shield for nothing!”

Lee Bak was on cloud nine to hear that from Chui Yim. The incident during the interschool exchange proved the shield’s strength. Chui Yim waved his left hand and the shield appeared in his hands soundlessly. The bracelet didn’t even light up when used! “I have yet to make a handle because I haven’t measured your arm length, but I will adjust the handle as you grow.”

“It’s a pity that it’s just slightly too big.” Lee Bak said subconsciously as he held the shield fondly. The shield Lee Bak was currently using only had a diameter of fifty centimetres, and it was very light, enabling Lee Bak to use it for many purposes.

Chui Yim immediately turned to Kam Chin-Kee and laughed weirdly when he heard Lee Bak’s comment. This made Kam Chin Kee shudder, and he nearly dropped the food in his chopsticks. “Why are you looking at me?” 

Ignoring his question, Chui Yim turned back to Lee Bak. “I thought of that as well.”

With that, he took back the shield and turned it around. “Do you see this?”

Lee Bak moved closer to realise the subtle seams behind it. “Yes, they are…” Without speaking much, Chui Yim adjusted the shield extremely quickly.


Plop plop plop…

The diamond-shaped shield transformed into one-fifth of its original size, and in the middle was the Rebound gliph. Kam Chin Kee was taken aback at this. “A mechanism?”

Chui Yim had been helping Kam Chin-Kee create new puppets these past few months, and he had learnt plenty about mechanisms from the other. To Kam Chin-Kee, these were the foundational skill in making puppets but a new technique to upgrade gliph weapons for Chui Yim.

“The shield looks like it’s one whole, but it can shrink through its hidden mechanism. Simply put, you can think of this weapon as having two forms.”

“Forms?” Lee Bak looked normal, but he was very confused now.

Chui Yim nodded, “I call this the focused mode,” He waved the shield in his hands. “With one of the gliphs as its core, the benefit of this mode is that you can activate the gliph without any energliph. When we add other gliphs in the future, besides this core gliph, the effects of the other gliphs will decrease by thirty per cent.”

Chui Yim suddenly waved the shield as a plop was heard!

The sound of the mechanism rang out. “This is the normal mode, acting as an ordinary gliph weapon. To use the gliph to its fullest, you will need to exert your energliph. When I received Yau Suet Chung’s attack, I changed the shield to its focus mode, but it was too fast for many to catch. But even if they did, they wouldn’t connect the dots and think of the mechanism behind it.

“Continuous improvements and development are what makes a blacksmith. Over the past few months, I gained new ideas of using mechanisms in gliph weapons.” With that, Chui Yim turned to Kam Chin-Kee and struck a victory pose. Kam Chin Kee and Lee Bak only realised now that the seemingly perfect diamond-shaped shield Chui Yim was playing with was made of five triangular shields instead. 

“Matchless. The only word to describe your skills!” Lee Bak gasped.

Chui Yim handed Lee Bak the weapon. “Since this was a gliph weapon I did my best to forge; you’ll be the one naming it.”

Lee Bak was thrilled to hear this. It was already known that Chui Yim’s naming sense was extremely ‘unique’, and his New Rich series was still infamous.

“Because of its matchless defensive strength, let’s call it the Matchless Guardian.”

“A shield that is matchless in its functions?” Chui Yim nodded in satisfaction. “Not bad.” 

“I’ve given it to you in advance; don’t you dare use it against us for the group competition! Or else I’ll never upgrade it for you!” Chui Yim warned Lee Bak.

“Haha, I’ll leave first since it’s late.” Lee Bak laughed as he nodded. He obviously couldn’t wait to test his shield.

“Alright. Remember to pay me!”

After Lee Bak left, Kam Chin Kee couldn’t help but gasp. “You really saved a lot of money by using ingredients from the Blacksmith Academy, huh?”

“That’s only possible because I’m capable!” Chui Yim laughed.

Watching from the side, Yeung Chun could undoubtedly tell how powerful the Matchless Guardian was with his state; that weapon could defeat another weapon with a higher grade! He couldn’t help but ask. “Brother Chui, my nephew’s a glipher too, and he’s pretty talented too! Can you forge him a gliph weapon in future too?”

“Of course!” Chui Yim patted his chest. “Brother Yeung’s nephew is my nephew too. It will be on me!”

Poor Yeung Tin Hin still doesn’t know that he had unfortunately become a teenage boy’s nephew…

Day three of the interschool exchange. The alchemy competition.

There were more spectators today compared to the day before, not because of the importance of this field but because the process was more interesting compared to forging. If not for Chui Yim putting everything he had into forging, even utilising the Nine Levels of Fire Mark, the competition would’ve definitely been less interesting than alchemy.

Furthermore, it was indeed a more important field than forging to some. 

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