The other spectators subconsciously moved away from the middle-aged man while frowning at the Old Star Reacher’s actions. So the rumour of him being a hopeless, old grumpy man with no chance of advancing his cultivation was true! 

Nevertheless, the Stars Unite Education Center’s arrival was one of the day’s highlights, especially the teenage girl who led the disciples. She stood right behind the Old Star Reacher and was dressed in a light yellow shawl, unlike her schoolmates who wore blue uniform robes with yellow stars. Everybody who knew anything about the Stars Unite Education Center could immediately identify the graceful, affable-looking beauty.

She was Kong Yau! The top disciple of her cohort, and the Star Unite Lake Master’s final disciple, despite having previously announced that he wouldn’t be accepting any more disciples.

It was said that shooting stars covered the night sky on the day of her birth, and starlight entered her body and strengthened her innate wind chamber. Furthermore, a bizarre astronomical phenomenon was said to have occurred the day Kong Yau broke through her innate chamber, with shiny stars twinkling across the bright blue sky as if congratulating her. Therefore, she gained the nickname ‘Star Blessed Girl’.

There were plenty of rumours about her, but nobody had witnessed her actual strength. This interschool exchange represented Kong Yau’s first step onto the world stage!

Her actions, waving to the surrounding spectators with a smile and a gaze, Kong Yau was obviously down to earth and approachable.

Suddenly, a shout distracted everybody from Kong Yau. “Look, what’s that!”

The crowd heard sounds similar to Buddhist chants coming from the distance as a black shadow was seen flying over speedily. The black shadow turned out to be an old painting emitting the chant.

“Thats…The Great Book Academy!”

“It’s their precious treasure, the Heaven Control Book!”

“Legends say that an ancient ten thousand-gliphic gliphist passed it down, and his remnant energliph after he passed on was still strong enough to induce changes to the world! The Heaven Control Book was then regarded as a precious treasure of the academy’s and rarely appeared in public ever since.”

“Oh lord…”

The Heaven Control Book descended slowly as the surrounding crowd made space for it. Soon, figures started coming out of the book as if they were characters escaping a novel. Unlike the Old Star Reacher from Star Unite Education Center, the old lady leading the Great Book Academy smiled benevolently. But this didn’t stop her from being any less scary and the crowd quieten down the moment she appeared; it was as if her aura suppressed the noisiness. 

“Is that…Grandma Chin Shu?”

“That’s a familiar name too…”

“Of course, you idiot! She’s a five-chambered elite, Elder Man Shu’s partner!”

“It’s said that Grandma Chin Shu and Elder Man Shu have a powerful joint gliphility that those of their rank dare not face!”

“This year’s interschool exchange is indeed different… Few cultivators of this status came for the past few exchanges!”

Hearing the crowd recognise her, Grandma Chin Shu smiled and waved to them. She was like an ordinary grandma, and anyone who met her gaze felt overwhelmed. After seeing how popular Grandma Chin Shu was, the Old Star Reacher huffed, leading his disciples into the Metallic Blood War Gate.

Very soon, the crowd was distracted by the ice-cold beauty behind Grandma Chin Shu. Even though the she seemed cold, her beauty left everybody captivated.

“It’s Wong Kwan! She’s already in the ten-gliphic state, the core disciple of the Great Book Academy!”

“What a pity she’s of the same generation as the Cloud Palace’s fifth teacher. If not, she or the Chor Clan’s young master Chor Shing Chit would’ve definitely made it into the Cloud Palace.”

Wong Kwan heard all the comments about her. Be it those praising her looks or lamenting her fate; she kept an emotionless expression as if she wasn’t the one being gossiped about. All that was on her mind right now was that Cloud Palace’s outer sect would be in attendance, so she would definitely meet Chui Yim. She seemed to not care much about the world but kept up with news of the boy who turned the city upside down.

That meant that Chor Shing Chit, who was very close to Chui Yim, would also definitely turn up as a spectator.

It’s been half a year since he returned to South Imperial City, and he didn’t even come to visit once…Wong Kwun’s pretty eyes unconsciously filled with sorrow at this thought, while the spectators barely contained their urge to rush up and comfort their goddess.

“Miss Wong?” A teenager pulled her sleeve, bringing her back to reality simultaneously. 

“That’s the Ha Clan’s young mistress, right?”

“The Ha Clan is a glipher clan, and their Burning Leaf Blade is a powerful gliphility…Who would’ve expected their descendant to become a gliphist…”

“What’s the problem with being a gliphist? It has more potential than being a glipher anyways!”

“But it’s a pity that the clan doesn’t have anyone to pass down their Burning Leaf Blade to…”

However, all the comments were silenced when another teen girl appeared next to Ha Yu Bing, stealing all the attention.

“The Siu Clan’s mistress! Miss Siu Suet!”

 “Siu Suet’s a true genius!”

“The Siu Clan is famous for their swordsmanship, and Siu Suet came up with a way to merge it and her archery, creating a new combat style for her clan. No wonder her clan values her so much!”

“Her clan would definitely do well in both aspects in the future, and their strength will flourish!”

These comments didn’t affect Siu Suet in the slightest, who took Ha Yu Bing’s hand in hers. They might not be related by blood, but they were as close as actual sisters, and because of Siu Suet’s strong protection, Ha Yu Bing became a slightly pampered girl.


A person landed on the ground with a sharp sword aura. He didn’t even control his strength, injuring the nearby spectators with his impact, causing them to howl in pain.

“What the heck!? He’s too much!”

“Shh…don’t you know who that is? He’s Fok Fung!”

“Sword Madman Fok Fung!?”

“Yes! The Fok Clan’s genius swordsman! I heard that when he had his chamber check, all the swords in their clan’s sword wood made loud cries that the entire South Imperial City could hear! He also lived up to their expectations, breaking through his innate left-hand chamber at nine, quickly becoming familiar with their clan’s Fok Clan Swordsmanship Guidebook at eleven and comprehending his sword intent at twelve. That sword intent is why he, as a one-chambered glipher, can control a grade three gliph weapon; the Soul Destroying Sword!

“When Elder Man Shu met Fok Fung, he commented that he would definitely reach the five-chambered state as long as he managed to stay alive!”

The crowd gasped, and some of those injured by Fok Fung’s sword intent even laughed instead of being angry. “Haha, I can boast in the future that I was injured by a five-chambered glipher!”


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