For various reasons, the interschool exchange was now considered a big festival in South Imperial City. As they assembled, numerous gazes of anticipation and envy lingered on the institutions’ students.

Just then, a group of well-built teenagers resembling twenty-year-old adults entered the Metallic Blood War Gate. They were led by a man all the spectators recognised.

“Oh god. Isn’t that grandmaster Fung?”

“That’s the Blacksmith Academy. Like their name, they focus on producing the next generation of blacksmiths with grandmaster Fung Seung as their guest lecturer! They are said to be the best Southern forging institution which aims to overtake the Northern Blazing Skies Mountain!”

At the same time, a group of teenage girls also arrived at the Metallic Blood War Gate. Their leader was a woman with breathtaking beauty. She wore a white shawl that revealed parts of her milky white skin, and she seemed unbothered by the stares as she smiled prettily. The girls she led wore similar white robes that left the spectators dizzy.

“Was that the…School of Blossoms? Then that would have been their principal, Fa Siu Siu.

“Don’t be deceived by her beauty; she shows no mercy when she kills! Despite being only fifty, she’s a peak hundred-gliphic gliphist, almost at the thousand-gliphic state, which makes her one of the rare cultivators in her generation with the chance to reach the thousand-gliphic state. She was originally from the Stars Unite Education Centre, but she left them due to their strict rules.” 

“How could the Stars Unite Education Center allow such a talent to leave as she wished?” Another person asked in confusion.

“Haha, they did take action. They sent five ten-gliphic elites back then to catch her, but she swiftly annihilated the team and vanished. Back than, she was similarly of the ten-gliphic state too! When she next returned to South Imperial City, she had already become a hundred-gliphic gliphist. Being a reputable institution, the Stars Unite Education Center wouldn’t make their Lake Master go against such an insignificant figure, so she still led a good life despite offending the institution. She even established the School of Blossoms, which only accepts female disciples.

“Fa Siu Siu; her name means beautiful smile when in reality, someone dies every time she smiles. There’s no difference between her and the grim reaper!”

Fa Siu Siu didn’t mind the gossip about her, looking around like she was searching for something. However, she seemed disappointed as she couldn’t find whatever she sought.

 After the School of Blossoms entered, another group with a distinctly different vibe appeared. The entire group was bald and led by a man with gentle facial features whose fierce expression and his scar-covered arms contrasted greatly with his facial features. It was impossible to identify his gliph amidst his scars.

“Is that…the Apex Temple?”

“Yeap. The man leading them is Mute.”

“Mute? What a weird name. Why would somebody name their child that?”

“Well, there’s much you’re unaware of. Mute has a tragic past. He was a Northerner from a small tribe who became a disciple of the Metallic Blood War Gate for a hefty price. When he returned home as a successful cultivator, his tribe had already been wiped out. As a terrifying lone wolf, Mute spent fifteen years wiping out all the tribes that destroyed his tribe, disappearing once he completed his task.

“When he showed up once again, he had become a four-chambered glipher, but he never spoke. As time passed, he became known as Mute instead of his actual name.

“Before reaching the four-chambered state, he ranked as one of the first few in the Divine Skies Rank, and the Cloud Palace said that it was because of the cultivation style he cultivated. It was an extremely powerful style from the ancient ascetic practice called “Silence”.

“When you add on his defence-attributed gliphility, the Golden Bell Shield and Universe Divine Style, it’s said that only some five-chambered or thousand-gliphic cultivators can break through his defence. 

“He established the Apex Temple, only accepting determined disciples. They rose in strength faster than even the Metallic Blood War Gate in the short decade it was established, becoming one of the Eight Institutions.”

The institutions in the South were ranked as Big Three and Eight Institutions. The Big Three were the Metallic Blood War Gate, Stars Unite Education Center, and the Great Book Academy. However, the Eight Institutions changed over the years.

Other than the Apex Temple, School of Blossoms, the Imperial Physician Medical School was on the list too. Their principal was the current imperial physician, Kuen Hip, and the institution was meant to nurture future doctors for the Evergreen Palace. Another example was the South Heaven Academy, an institution for gliphists backed by the Lam dynasty. 

Many other institutions fought to become one of the Eight Institutions, and even more unpopular schools were filled with determination! Of course, the world cared most about the Big Three.

Boom…Everyone suddenly heard a sound coming from afar that attracted their attention. They turned over only to see a bright ray of light.

“What monster is that!?”

“Idiot, which monster has such a gorgeous appearance? That’s the mount unique to Stars Unite Education Center, the shooting star deer!”

“The shooting star deer? The gliphic beast with horns worth more than ten thousand gold taels?”

“It’s a gliphic beast found only in the institution’s Stars Unite Lake. If you can sneak inside and steal the horns under the five-chambered Lake Master’s watch, then forget ten thousand gold taels, you can even get a million gold taels! Their horns can absorb starlight, which allows them to shine at night. It’s an extremely precious g-food ingredient. Sadly, it can only be found in the Star Unite Lake.”

A group of eight deers with shiny horns left light trails as they passed. They pulled a huge carriage and stopped a hundred meters before the Metallic Blood War Gate. The first person to alight was an elderly man who looked like he belonged in a coffin. However, when his old yet scary gaze landed on the spectators, they dared not look at him directly. “My god…who’s that?! What a terrifying aura!”

“He’s the Elder Star Reacher, otherwise known as the Old Star Reacher. He’s the principal and leader of Stars Unite Education Center excluding their Lake Master. He’s also the first disciple of the Lake Master. He’s a powerful cultivator. It’s been a century since he broke through to the hundred-gliphic state. Everyone knows he has no chance of breaking through again, but the time he spent as a hundred-gliphic cultivator made him invincible within his state!”

The Old Star Reacher stared coldly when he heard the middle-aged man’s words about his future breakthroughs. The man suddenly felt like he was being choked to death. After a short while, the Old Star Reacher looked away and spoke coldly. “Be careful. It’s not worth it to die just because of your words!”

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