With just a blink of eye, it’s the day for interschool exchange. 

Spring embraced South Imperial City with comfortable warmth, moist and even brought beautiful blossoms to decorate the city’s pathway. The pretty flowers around Wandering Son’s Lake residents lifted Kam Chin Kee and Chui Yim’s mood greatly. 

It even put a gentle smile on Kam Chin Kee’s face. “They would start with forging today, go easy on them ya.” 

“I’m not here to get expelled by the outer sect, so count them unlucky.” Chui Yim shrugged. He obviously put the exchange in his heart. 

“I heard that winners get rewarded too; I wonder what the rewards are.” Kam Chin Kee laughed which got a glare from Chui Yim in return. 

“Thinking to get a share of my reward, huh?” 

Along with Kam Chin Kee’s laughter, the duo arrived at the outer sect. Many of their classmates were already practising and of course, some noticed their arriva. Kam Chin Kee might have great ability now, but since he was no longer related to the Imperial Lam Clan, nobody feared him. Any superman without a powerful backer was merely a reckless idiot. 

This interschool exchange, especially the last group segment was a large scale event with a hundred disciples competing each at the same time. Teamwork was definitely needed and from past experienced, clan disciples that were more familiar with each other had already formed small groups among themselves with the hopes of getting ranked. 

It was even said that cloud palace would update the Blue Skies Rank after the exchange. The Blue Skies Rank was a famous rank of the Cloud Palace that records the name of the most powerful cultivators below the age of eighteen of two-chambered and single-gliphic state and below. 

The rank was meant for new talents and it would be meaningless to rank those who spend their entire life in the single-gliphic and two-chambered state. Above the Blue Skies Rank was the Divine Skies Rank that was too much for the teens to reach. 

Many familiar names like Mung Si, Lam Zaa, Chor Kwong Laan and many others made up of the current Blue Skies Rank. However, they were ranked at the last few and Mung Si was only considered to be in the middle. 

There have never been a regular pattern or timing which the Cloud Palace updates the rank and everytime it happens, the order would be greatly messed up so the world guessed that there would only be an update when there;s a huge change. It wouldn’t up date the small changes; for example, somebody moving or going down the name. If the rumour was true, than those who was one the rank was more than eighteen this year, making room for them! Who would miss this chance to be put on a rank by the Cloud Palace! 

To these teens with burning passion, no great rewards were more valuable than having their names recorded down in history. 

Just than, a figure walked towards them confidently. “Chui Yim, you must win the forging segment, alright? I’m worried you’re ruin the outer sect’s reputation.” Woo Hung had his nose in the air. 

“Please take a look in the mirror before criticizing others./Mind your own business” Chui Yim rolled his eyes. 

“Do you think you are that really that great? You only reached the great master state under Doctor Odd’s guidance and mere luck.” Woo Hung sneered. 

“My dear, do watch your mouth,” Kam Chin Kee squirted his eyes and said gently. “Don’t you remember that was how Pak Lei Fung died? Because he spoke unnicely.” 

“We are currently at the Cloud Palace outer sect located in South Imperial City, mind you. What can you do to me!?” Woo Hung cackled. 

Bang! It was obvious that someone received a punch.  

Chui Yim’s arm was still streched out by Woo Hung has been threw onto the wall. His left cheek was red, swollen and there were even teeth that fell out when he coughed! “Did…you beat me up?”  Woo Hung was in great disbelief that he couldn’t speak properly.  

“Yes I did. What are you going to do about it?” 

“I’ll kill you!” Woo Hung pounced towards Chui Yim but was interrupted by a cold voice. 

“Enough!” An extremely neat figure came. Not even a single strand of hair escaped from her bun, and her footsteps were as if accurately measured by ruler like how she always was. She knocked Woo Hung unconscious lighty and glared at Chui Yim. 

“Today would be the first day of the interschool exchange, which the forging competition would take place. It would last for two days, day one being the day to pick out best eight disciples for finals in day two. The format would be the same for alchemy and gliphism. In total, we would spend the first six days for individual segments and only the group competition on the very last day, seventh day. 

“For our discipline and ordinarly, all disciples must be present for all competition, even if you’re just to cheer for your classmates.” Woo Nim scanned her surroundings calmly. Sighs and unhappiness was evident in the class the moment she announced this. 

Lee Bat Fan even stood up to retort. “Miss, I remember that this wasn’t need for the previous outer sect cohorts, though. The previous cohort only required the disciples to turn up for during the group competition which take places on the last day.” 

He immediately recieved a glance from Woo Nim which made him trembled. It was as if he was being watched closely by a gliphic beasts. As the memory of Woo Nim fighting a giant demonic spider forcefully, Lee Bat Fan regretted his actions. 

“I’m the current teacher of outer sect, thus I’ll set the rules. Everyone follow up, we’ll be heading for the Metallic Blood War Gate now.” 


The Western White Tiger Avenue was currently bustling with activities. Human jam, the calling of roadsite food store owner’s as well as the smell of sweat filled the street, it was a crowded and lively day at the avenue. 

Today was the first day of interschool exchange. This was an important event in the South Imperial City as the results determined the resources and it would get for the next three years. In South, other than the dragon-like clans, institutions were competitive amongst themselves also. Each institution seemed to stay low, but every graduate of them had strong marks of the institution on them. 

As disciples graduate from their alma mater, they grow to become huge trees. This was the scary, hidden power of institution. For example, the Metallic Blood War Gate was once home to numerous gliphers that make up a huge number of the commandos of Lam Empire. 

On the other hand, Great Book Academy and Star Unite Education Center produces countless gliphist, who had the ability to control the future of gliphers. Hidden power were just like sleeping volcano that comes with great effects once activated. 

Thus every interschool exchange was the time where institution split benefits to important figures and to commoners, they would be witnessing the birth of a new generation of talents if the Blue Skies Ranks update after the exchange. It was a way for them to join this mystical world that they were born to be excluded from. 

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