Chui Yim listened to their conversation as he tried to hide his smile. It would be fun if Chor Shing Chit found out that Kam Chin Kee was Craftsman Kam, Swallow Continent’s pre-eminent craftsman. Sadly, there were just only a few in this world that knew about this secret. Just as they were chit-chatting, a cry was heard coming from outside of the residences. 

“Big brother Chui! Brother Chin Kee! Boo hoo…” 

Chui Yim and Kam Chin Kee exchange a helpless smile. In no time, Lam Ming Sum came running in with a helpless-looking Kan Hang trailing behind. She was dressed simply today, all she wore was a simple, white dress that went well with her mediocre yet pitiful looks; especially with her shredding tears right now. 

“Boo hoo…I was so worried! Uncle Kam even said that you both were being chased and preyed by a giant spider monster!” Lam Ming Sum wailed. 

It was a surreal scene for Chor Shing Chit. Who would have imagined that the students he taught at a far-away institution in Southary was now a thirteen year old double great master genius and the current Princess Lam! Life’s indeed unpredictable, huh? 

“Greetings, Sir.” Lam Ming Sum bowed respectfully the instant she saw Chor Shing Chit, leaving the latter at a loss. Theinstant change in Lam Ming Sum’s attitude got Chui Yim laughing. 

“But I’m here alive and kicking now.” 

On the other hand, Kam Chin Kee only smiled gently at the scene. Lam Ming Sum was just like his younger sister, and he even make fun of her. “Speaking of danger, Chui Yim was the one that faced actual danger. He even baited the monsterous spider away from me as for me to escape.” 

“What!?” Lam Ming Sum let out a shierked and glared at Chui Yim with her arms akimbo. “What were you thinking, brother Chui!?” She said angrily. 

And that earned Kam Chin Kee a glare from Chui Yim. “That’s a misunderstanding, Kam boy. I’m not that great.” Chui Yim patted the jade on his waist and something appeared on his palm. 

“This…” Lam Ming Sum was stunned. 

“The ghost face pepper that could only be found in the Forbidden Forest,” Chui Yim laughed. “I saw this thus I got it for you.” 

“So that was what you went for?” Kam Chin Kee couldn’t believe his eyes. 

“Duh!” Chui Yim huffed and glared at him. The ghost face pepper was a precious type of ingredient and g-food. Although it do not has intelligence, it naturally came with natural flame-like gliph. It was the spiciest known spice in the world and that was where the simile “so spicy that I could throw flame”, originated from. 

Because the ghost face pepper ony grows in the Forbidden Forest, it was rare and of high demand; g-chefs would fight for it when there’s supply, and this was the first time Lam Ming Sum saw an actual ghost face pepper. A smile only appeared on her face when Lam Ming Sum saw the clear, scary ghost face on the pepper that proved the pepper’s identity. “I’ll let you go than, thank you, brother Chui.” 

Lam Ming Sum’s crisp voice put a wide smile on Chui Yim’s face. “Hurry and prepare lunch. Our tummies are rumbling!” 

“Okay!” Yeung Chun replied with confidence. “I have discussed so much about the Northern and Southern culinary skills this few days, and I have so much idea!” 

“Let’s hurry and work on them, Uncle Yeung!” Lam Ming Sum replied happily. 



Mung Si witness two figures appear out of the blue in front of the Wandering’s Son Lake. She squinted her eyes at the familiar energliph movement; it was the same as Yam Chui Ying’s, and face. It did not take her long to regonize the famous Imperial Guard Nightwalker, Kan Hang, who was also known for being the first shadow to betray Shadowforge Hall ever since the establishment of Lam Empire! 

So who was the girl that came with Kan Hang…? The through of this had Mung Si leaning against the wall silently to observe the people in the living room. 

“What!?” The girl let out a shierked and when Mung Si took a close look, she had her hands akimbo and glaring at Chui Yim with monolids eyes. “What were you thinking, brother Chui!?”

Chui Yim let out a few laugh and took out a bunch from his jade. What was that bunch? Pepper? The following conversations left Mung Si shocked. 

So energy dissociation was not the only thing that bothers me, but the scene replaying in my mind…

“Take her and leave first. I’ll catch up later.” Mung Si watch the bald head get further and further from her. 

This was one of the rare occassions that nearly left her in tears. Born in the North where weak were preys to the strong, never had she met someone who was willing to sacrifice their lives for her. The bald teen that was going further from her had Mung Si feeling that this was the first time she knew him and he was no longer as hateful as he always was. The scene constantly replayed and left her mind in a mess. 

Finally, it took her here but for her to find out that Chui Yim used himself as a bait not to save her life, but for the bunch of pepper that the girl fancies. Betting his life for a bunch of pepper? 

Mung Si dissapered from the spot as crystal clear droplets landed on the ground. Within no time, it was evaporated by the strong sun and disappeared as if it had never appeared. 

“Chui Yim, I owe you a favour,” Kan Hang picked up the cup and bowed at Chui Yim. “I’ve greatly recovered after receiving Great Master Ping’s treatment.” He put out his left arm which was no longer as dark as before and there was even flesh growing out of the horrifying looking hole! 

“He’s indeed a brillant doctor.” 

“It would be great if he’s character was as brillant as his medicinal skills.” Chui Yim mumbled when he was reminded of Ping Chi. 

“But medicinal skills weren’t the most important; safety was. You have a sensitive identity. Many would be unpleased to find out that the shadow who betrayed the Shadowforge Hall continues his life as a cultivator. Remember that nobody else should find out about your recovering hand.” 

Chor Shing Chit remained silent with his head lowered as if he heard nothing. Kan Hang said no more.  He choosed to mention it infront of Chor Shing Chit because he trust Chui Yim’s friend. Furthermore, there wasn’t much that dared to come at him in this world; his hands might have been paralyzed but Embroidered Cloth and Nightwalker were powerful gliphility that gave him ridiculous ability to protect himself. 

Very soon, Yeung Chun and Lam Ming Sum came out with a scrumptious feast. It was a happy occasion for in the Wandering Son’s Lake residence. 

South Imperial City. Winter has yet to leave, but it was no longer freezing cold. This was sign of winter ending and spring arriving. In huge tower was a figure sitting crossed legged. Her blood coloured robe showed her snowy white thighs had man man lusting for her. But since she was who she was, none that knew dared to disturb her because of just one reason, her ability. 

She was someone that stood at the top of the world, and the world addressed her as Blood Dragon Fairy, Lung Wai Yuet. And currently, there was a teen standing in front of her. 

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