The Cloud Palace Outer Sect students were given a day off today.

The trip to Forbidden Forest was unexpectedly dangerous, and even Woo Nim and Cheuk Kwun had to step in. Thus, they decided to give the students a day off.

 In total, the class lost ten disciples during their journey; three were killed by gliphic beasts or rogue cultivators, while seven were eliminated. The remaining students were also exhausted and needed a break to recover. 

However, some disciples felt pressured instead. Mung Si had just finished a round of cultivation. She looked towards the window, the blazing sun reminding her of Chui Yim’s words.

“You feel agitated every afternoon; your energliph is turbulent and gets stuck after a few cycles. You also have trouble sleeping at night, so you usually cultivate instead. But unfortunately, the same problem repeats every few cycles, becoming a vicious cycle as time passes.”

 “Hmph!” An irritated expression covered Mung Si’s lovely face. She changed into her training outfit and went out, bumping into a teenager walking past.

“Miss Mung, where are you headed?” He flashed her a gentle smile which was rebuffed by Mung Si’s ice-cold expression.

“None of your business.”

“I was just curious,” The youth shrugged. “You can always let me know if you need my accompany.”

Mung Si shook her head and left, while the teenager watched her disappear from his sight slowly as the smile on his face faded, replaced with burning desire. Mung Si, you’ll definitely be my, Wai-Chi Chun’s, woman! 

Mung Si walked around the South Imperial City aimlessly. On her way, she captured many with her gorgeous looks unintentionally. Sixteen was the age where girls blossom, her hourglass figure that was slowly taking form and her “just-right” bosom captured the eyes of everyone that walked past. 

Her tanned skin gave her an exotic allure. But her freezing countenance deterred all potential suitors. Mung Si was like the blossom of an icy mountain, destined to be admired from a distance but beyond reach.

When Mung Si regained her senses, she found herself near Wandering Son’s Lake.


It had been a busy day at Wandering Son’s Lake residences. Early in the morning, Kam Chin-Kee and Chui Yim were awoken by Chor Shing Chit, whom Chui Yim had not met for a long time.

 Chor Shing Chit was still occupied, settling the aftermath of the theft of Chor Huet Zhin’s remains by the necrocultivators while also handling the clan’s change in leadership. Furthermore, as the current Clan Leader’s son, he had to help his father manage clan affairs when his father returned after changing the guards at the Bulwark.

After hearing how Chui Yim saved Chor Kwong Laan, Chor Shing Chit came to pay Chui Yim a visit despite his busy schedule. Thus, Chui Yim woke up to Chor Shing Chit’s face on his day off.

“Waking me up in the morning just for such a small matter?! Chor boy, you’re now Young Master Chor, how could you lose your cool because of such a tiny matter?”

Veins popped up on Chor Shing Chit’s face after hearing Chui Yim. It might be because they hadn’t met for a while, but Chor Shing Chit became slightly uncomfortable being nagged at by a teen. Yeung Chun watched them from the side with a smile, keeping silent.

“It’s no small matter to become a great master glipheon at thirteen; I see you’re becoming more famous.” Chor Shing Chit took a deep breath and calmed himself down before replying.

“I’m not scared.” Chui Yim rolled his eyes and sipped his tea, its bitterness waking him up. In fact, ever since the day Lam Zaa summoned him to the palace, nobody dared to act against Chui Yim. After all, he was in the South Imperial city, territory of the Lam dynasty. Nobody wanted to directly offend Emperor Lam in his territory. Lam Zaa’s status acted as a talisman for Chui Yim.

Adding on to his status as a great master fire-forger and glipheon, Chui Yim had become a brand new shining star in South Imperial City.

As they chatted, Chor Shing Chit turned to Chui Yim’s “new friend”, Kam Chin-Kee, with a meaningful smile.“Little brother Kam here is another talent too. It surprised me largely that an ordinarily teen had so much up his sleeves in reality.” Commonly known as the “most famous orphan”, Kam Chin Kee had always been well-known in South Imperial City. He was someone who commoners mocked during teatime, jealous of how he became a part of the Imperial Family.

They mocked Kam Chin Kee when he spent his time in the Evergreen Palace’s Sacred Scripture Pavilion, sneering when he enrolled into the Cloud Palace Outer Sect for abusing his status to forge connections and laughed at his arrogance when he left the Everygreen Palace. 

But now that Kam Chin Kee showed his capability, the world was left in utter shock. They refused to believe his ability but the silence of those young talents who witness Kam Chin Kee’s fight with Lee Bak proved the incident to be true; Kam Chin Kee ended up with a tie during his combat with Lee Bak—Metallic Blood War Gate Tower Master’s direct disciple who just ended seclusion, with a tie.

The trip to Forbidden Forest had been known to the world from different sources and evolved into different versions. Some even said that Kam Chin Kee was already a ten-gliphic state gliphist. 

“I wasn’t deliberately hiding it. But there was no reason for me to show off back then.” Kam Chin Kee said. Chor Shing Chit was slightly taken aback, but he slowly chuckled.

“That’s true.”

Kam Chin Kee had never deliberately hidden anything. It was just that there wasn’t the chance or need for him to display his strength. The safe Evergreen Palace meant no opportunities to fight, and with his past lives, he was more mature than others and find showing off pointless. He finally displayed his strength only when he encountered a life-threatening situation in the Forbidden Forest.

Just like he mentioned, he had never once intended to hide anything.

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