The teen had his eyes shut slightly.  Even after standing before Lung Wai Yuet for an hour, he showed no sign of impatience. A pleased smile appeared when Lung Wai Yuet finally opened her eyes to the sight of him. 

Sometimes, she sighed at the thought of how few adults could match this teen’s patience. Is he actually some weirdo? 

“How was your trip?” Lung Wai Yuet asked upon remembering it. 

The teenager was none other than Lee Bak. He wore a rare smile when he heard her. “It was interesting. There are indeed many crouching tigers and hiding dragons in this world.”

“I see you made an interesting friend during your trip.” Lung Wai Yuet was slightly confused, but she burst into laughter once she understood.

Lee Bak nodded silently.

“Haha,” Lung Wai Yuet flashed a gentle smile. “It’s important to meet people o equal capability; they motivate you to improve.”

However, Lee Bak didn’t respond to Lung Wai Yuet, as the scene of Kam Chin Kee battling the giant demonic spider replayed in his mind. It excited him so much that battle intent soon filled his eyes. What excited him most was that he didn’t feel like Kam Chin Kee was going all out, even when they fought the spider. 

Indeed, when Kam Chin Kee detonated his puppet, it was equivalent to him losing an arm, but it was because he’s still young! What if he had more puppets and could coordinate his gliphism and puppets simultaneously? The many dangerous “what-ifs” made him wary, but he was soon reminded of something else.

“Master, this was the cause of the whole incident.” Lee Bak said as he extended his palm with a spider egg sitting on it, and the sight of it hurt his head. However, he decided to let Sung Hau off as he had no malicious intentions. Lung Wai Yuet glanced at the egg before giving him a slight nod.

“Quite a good treasure.” A giant demonic spider’s egg was a priceless treasure to most, but this was elite Lung Wai Yuet! She couldn’t care less about it with her cultivation state. It would take forever for the spider to mature, and the three-chambered spider the teenagers fought was the best example. The three-chambered spider was over a hundred years old, so how long would it need to reach the five-chambered state?

At Lung Wai Yuet’s current state, special chances or secret areas in the world that boosted one’s enlightenment were more important. She material possessions were less important to her.

“But…This would work as a great prize…” There was a gorgeous and gentle smile on Lung Wai Yuet’s face as she spoke. Few in this world had the chance to witness her smile, and Lee Bak was one of them.

 “Master, are you referring to the interschool exchange?”

Lung Wai Yuet nodded. “Our institution is the organiser for this year’s triannual interschool exchange. The grand prize must be something valuable enough to live up to our name.”

“A giant demonic spider egg is more than enough to be a prize.” Lee Bak looked at the shiny, pearl-like egg in his palm and nodded. Lung Wai Yuet smiled in response, but she soon wore an odd expression.

“Of course, the most desirable result would be for us to win it back. You’ll live up to my expectations if all your opponents are below eighteen, right?”

“Your disciple will do his best.” Lee Bak shuddered.

“Indeed,” Lung Wai Yuet smiled, pleased. “A loss will prove that your training is inadequate. You would need to enter seclusion once again.” Lee Bak grimaced upon hearing the word “seclusion”. It was as if it triggered several painful memories.

“Yes, master.”

A brand new day at the Cloud Palace outer sect.

Disciples streamed in slowly, surprised to see both Woo Nim and Cheuk Kwun waiting for them at the teacher’s table. For the past few months, they had only Woo Nim or Cheuk Kwun teaching them, never having them both teach them simultaneously.

The students were surprised, but they kept silent. They all felt like the classroom was less cramped, likely because seven classmates had just been expelled and three others killed.

 They might not all like each other, especially those like Pak Lai Fung with a bad attitude and rude temperament, but he was undeniably part of their live before; even though it was insignificant. Now that he had disappeared, the remaining teenagers felt how unpredictable life was.

When all the disciples had settled down, Cheuk Kwun stood up. “Okay, since you’ve all arrived, we will discuss your performance in the Forbidden Forest. This is also the reason why I’m here today.”

Cheuk Kwun spoke lazily like he always did, but he captured the students’ full attention as his gliphism and Woo Nim’s powerful physiques that could fight a monster straight up had earned the entire class’s respect.

He first turned to Chor Kwong Laan. “I’ll start with you, the most seriously injured of the group. If not for Chui Yim’s proficiency in medicine, you’d likely be dead.”

Chor Kwong Laan winced but didn’t respond. Having a gliph destroyed was extremely dangerous, but he didn’t require much rest after Chui Yim’s treatment. In other words, he almost died, but he recovered quickly.

“Are you an idiot?” Cheuk Kwun spoke so straightforwardly that Chor Kwong Laan was stunned. “I understand your intentions to save Wong Chow Yip, but that’s not how it works. You panicked; you had so many options to save Wong Chow Yip without putting yourself at risk; you could’ve used a gliphility or your gliph weapon to block the spider web. It’s pure stupidity to sacrifice yourself as you did.

 Cheuk Kwun spoke mercilessly. “In short, you’re no hero, just an idiot who chose the most dangerous choice despite your many options.”

Chor Kwong Laan flushed red as a tomato, but he realised Cheuk Kwun was right. He had a variety of safe methods to block the spider web, but he couldn’t think clearly during the crisis. 

After Chor Kwong Laan, Wong Chow Yip was next. “As for you, your carelessness was the cause of this incident. A battle isn’t an exam; there’s no room for mistakes. Remember to always stay calm and act carefully if you don’t want to lose your life.”

The students couldn’t hold in their laughter when the proud Wong Chow Yip and cold Chor Kwong Laan were chided. Woo Nim glared at the student laughing the loudest.

 “Sun Liu, I don’t understand how you can laugh when you chose to forcefully block the spider’s leg attack. When did you reach the two or three-chambered state? Moreover, you’re the first person from the outer sect to end up on the spider web. If not for your special Spirit Bear Body form which protects your organs, you’d end up much worse.”

Sun Liu stopped laughing as he was suddenly embarrassed.

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