Lee Bak’s face paled, but his icy cold expression remained. He turned to Kam Chin Kee with gratitude. “Thank you, brother Kam.” 

“No problem. It’s too difficult if brother Lee and your fellow schoolmates have to fight this monster alone. I’ll join in as well.” Kam Chin Kee said as he stared at his corroded puppets in pity. The Giant Demonic Spider’s blood was too corrosive even for the firm spiritual hill wood. 

Lee Bak stood up to face the spider before checking on his allies. Including Sung Hau, only six Metallic Blood War Gate disciples were left fighting while the others were stuck on the spider web. 

“It’s partially blinded and wounded. We still have a chance, don’t give up!” Lee Bak growled and drove the energliph in his blood once again. He was going all out! 

Kam Chin Kee remained silent as he moved his fingers behind him. With a tug, the blue wolf puppet disappeared as it pounced towards the spider! 

It’s been half a day yet Chui Yim, Chor Kwong Laan and Wong Chow Yip were still stuck in the formation. Chor Kwong Laan had his ultimate attack counter seven times to no avail. 

Wong Chow Yip’s counter was six, one less than Chor Kwong Laan’s, but he was in a worse state than the other. Like their name, the Mad Tiger Wong Clan members were “mad “. All their disciples, even their elderly clan leader Wong Pak, fought carelessly without hesitation; it was crystal clear that Wong Pak was from the Mad Tiger Wong Clan when he fought one of the most powerful cultivators in the world even though he was only of the four-chambered state! 

The style of the Wong Clan, Tiger Breath, was an explosive style that resulted in Wong Chow Yip experiencing strong backlash which got worse with every attack. After his sixth attempt, Wong Chow Yip was all worn out and Chui Yim even had to give him some elixirs to help his recovery. 

During the duo’s break time, they taught Chui Yim their gliphility. Of course, it was impossible for Chui Yim to learn the Military Strike or Tiger Claws within a short period of time but it taught him about short-range attacks and gave him brand new ideas! 

Boom! After Wong Chow Yip failed the seventh time, beautiful petals descended from the sky like colourful snow. It was an amazing sight, but Chor Kwong Laan and Wong Chow Yip were too moody to enjoy it. 

Chow Kwong Laan sat at the side with an unhappy expression while Wong Chow Yip cursed out loud profusely. He was so fast that even Chui Yim couldn’t understand what he was saying. 

“I’ve had enough!” Wong Chow Yip stood up abruptly after taking Chui Yim’s elixir.. “Brother Chui, our excursion time is precious, and I can’t stay here the entire excursion only to gain nothing. I am going to leave in search of other opportunities.” He turned to Chui Yim and said with courtesy. 

“Same for me, brother Chui,” Chor Kwong Laan stood up simultaneously, “During our time here, we have been safe from cultivators and gliphic beasts. This shows that this place is safe and suitable for brother Chui who has just broken through to rest and cultivate until the excursion ends.” 

“Why are you copying me?” Wong Chow Yip glared at Chor Kwong Laan only to receive a sneer. 

“What do you mean?” 

The both of them exchanged glances and shouted at the same time. “I give up!” 


The petals surrounding them congealed slowly, enveloping Wong Chow Yip and Chor Kwong Laan. In the blink of an eye, both of them had vanished. This left Chui Yim in disbelief. 

So they left me just like that? 

Chui Yim had the urge to give up as well, but the thought of wandering around the depths of the Forbidden Forest’s outer range alone with his cultivation made him give up the idea. It only took a single gliphic beast to be slightly more powerful than him to end his life! 

Yes, he had the Thousand Mechanism Arrow, but it was for single use, and there was no way Chui Yim would risk his second life. With that, Chui Yim sat down on the stone to cultivate. It didn’t take him long to forget the disappointment of Chow Kwong Laan and Wong Chow Yip leaving him alone.

He focused on the Military Strike and Tiger Claws that seemed to be of equivalent level.  

Military Strike was a clean and simple style that sought to defeat opponents quickly. On the other hand, Tiger Claws was as “mad” as the Wong Clan’s combat style. The cultivators would crazily give it their all and only plan for their next step afterwards. 

The two styles replayed in Chui Yim’s mind. He had never actually practised combat skills before, but he had witnessed many different styles over his travels. Even though Chui Yim was unable to actually fight, having witnessed many different techniques, Chui Yim had gathered his own insights to combat. Now that he had learnt the Military Strike and Tiger Claw, his knowledge had crystallised. 

He was suddenly reminded of the Bloody War Strike. The Military Strike required the cultivator to have great control of his body, similar to the Bloody War Strike where the cultivator had to control his energliph and blood energy! 

Tiger Claws’s straightforwardness was similar to Bloody War Strike’s aura, which caused heaven and earth to change just with a punch! 

Excitement washed over Chui Yim. Before he broke through, he had made full use of the Bloody War Strike legacy left in him by Chor Huet Zhin to open the pouch; this resulted in him having to comprehend the strike himself from now on.

But this also helped Chui Yim to perform a single not-so-authentic strike. It was better to walk a thousand miles than read a thousand books, so why not try it instead of just learning the knowledge? 

The Bloody War Strike he performed in his mind had allowed him a first-hand experience of the powerful strike. Chui Yim was awed by the feeling of having power and strength. The strength didn’t just come from energliph, but an energy that seemed to burn all his internal energy and blood. It was like a ball of fire in Chui Yim’s hands. 

So this was the Bloody War Strike? Chui Yim thought as he subconsciously tried to perform the technique. 

Thump thump…His heart raced once again. Chui Yim had his eyes shut thus he failed to notice smoke coming from his head. Subconsciously, he clenched his fist tightly. 

Suddenly, Chui Yim opened his eyes. It was as if there were burning flames in his orbs! He stood in the accurate position Chor Huet Zhin had forced him to while training. 

Keeping his right fist on his waist to gather his aura, he lunged forward with his left leg and heaved a sigh before throwing a punch out with his right fist. 

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