Bitter-faced Sung Hau wanted to speak but dared not utter a sound eventually. His uncle might be a few years younger than him, but he was someone he sincerely feared. 

Szz Szz Szz Szz…

The giant demonic spider might be big and strong but it was still a spider afterall, thus extremely patient and determined when pursuing its prey. It threw daggers at the humans as it spit spider webs that coiled around the surrounding trees, forming a multi-layered web that surrounded all of them. 

Even in such a situation, Lee Bak was still kept his cool. Be it his combat skills, constitution or intuition; he was a born fighter. Even the small, circular shield coiled around his arm seemed imposing. He naturally understood that they only stood a chance to escape if they stayed calm. 

He walked towards the giant demonic spider calmly with his sword and shield drawn. 

Compared to the three-metre-tall spider, Lee Bak was like an ant. However, he emitted a determined aura that was familiar to all the Metallic Blood War Gate disciples. His schoolmates were stunned as they felt it and their eyes turned red the next moment. There was a burning yet suffocated feeling in their hearts, after a long pause, they all muttered the same word. 



“Follow the lead of our future tower master!”

Crackle. Lee Bak stepped forward coldly with his sword lowered, followed by his schoolmates. It was a magnificent scene! 

Eeek! The spider yelped and stretched its leg outwards, almost two meters long.

Lee Bak took a deep breath and suddenly lunged forward. He raised his sun-like shield out in front of him! 


An energy wave exploded in all directions. The spider had kicked Lee Bak’s shield, forcing him a step backwards, but he had blocked the spider’s strike! As Lee Bak blocked the spider, his schoolmates all charged the spider simultaneously. Ching Lang Pak leapt into the air towards the spider. 

After witnessing Lee Bak fight Kam Chin Kee, he was awed and became his loyal fan in  no time. Therefore, he was the first to act after Lee Bak made his move in this battle. Energliph surged out as his arm turned into a ray of blinding blue light. Ching Lang Pak sent out a punch, and the phantasm of a huge tree appeared once again. It was the Heaven Reacher’s aura! 

All the Blood War Metallic Gate disciples were gliphers, as the institution didn’t accept gliphists. The countless gliphilities represented human’s unyielding determination as they were unleashed like fireworks. 

On the other hand, the respected worldly geniuses of the Cloud Palace outer sect stood rooted to the ground. Even the Northerners who called themselves real fighters were only watching the Metallic Blood War Gate disciples while stunned and afraid. 

To them, they were above everybody else their age and destined to become future dragons and phoenixes a hundred years later. Yet, they only played the role of stupified and useless teens in this battle. 

The spider’s eight eyes turned around quickly. Normally, gliphic beasts above the one or two-chambered state had significant intelligence. The spider in front of them was only of the two-chambered state, but its intelligence wasn’t worse than that of humans, thanks to its bloodline. The disciples firing gliphilites at the spider noticed the disdain and annoyance in its eyes. 

Not only did it have eight eyes, a spider had eight legs as well. Its four hind legs were stuck deep into the ground while it used its forelegs like spears! 

Boom boom boom boom! Any gliphilities that met the spear-like legs were destroyed instantly! 

Ching Lang Pak had it the worst. To perform the Heaven Reacher, he had to go all out. His attack had hurt the spider, but he received a large backlash; Ching Lang Pak fainted and was sent flying backwards and landed on the spider web strung between the trees, looking like a dead fly.

Boom boom boom! 

Lee Bak restrained one of the spider’s legs while the spider’s remaining three legs moved swiftly and sent Metallic Blood War Gate disciples onto its web one by one! This scene made Lee Bak huff and exert more strength to climb up the spider’s leg.

As he did so, the spider shook its tail and shot a web at him from an unexpected angle! Unfazed, he shouted. “Sung Hau, you better clean up the mess you made!” 

“Boo hoo…Uncle, please don’t let my master know about this…” Crying, Sung Hau leapt into the sky like a huge bird and landed in front of Lee Bak with a long sword in both hands. The swords shone brightly as the sound of thunder was heard. 

Lightning and thunder. 

Sung Hau’s childish attitude was now replaced with respect for his sword. He could be seen mumbling to himself. “Thunderstorm Sword Formation.” 

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh…..

The sound of numerous swords slashes rang! The path of his swords congealed in the air and formed a mysterious gliph! 


The lightning-like sword destroyed the spiderweb and allowed Lee Bak to escape and charged at the spider! His eyes were now blood red. Energliph had entered his blood, forming a bloody river of energliph in his body! 

Blood Body! 

Lee Bak’s speed suddenly increased as he moved like a blood-coloured lightning bolt, the sword in his hand glowing blood-red at the same time. Its bloody aura was so thick it almost felt solid! Those that saw Lee Bak kill Pak Lai Fung could tell that this was the same attack! 

The spider seemed to grimace as if it felt threatened by this attack! 

It stopped caring about the other annoying ants as it moved two of its forelegs to block Lee Bak! 

“Divine Blood Slash!” Lee Bak howled. 


The blood-coloured strike landed and vanished just like a lightning bolt. The spider’s painful yelp of the spider was heard as dark green blood flowed out of its leg; its blood even corroded the leaves on the ground upon contact! 

Lee Bak had slashed off two of its leg! However, the blood-coloured light had stopped like it had no more power left for Lee Bak to take the spider’s life. 

This angered the spider, who stepped on Lee Bak before kicking him away! 


Lee Bak who have used up his energliph vomited blood and flew backwards towards landed on the web to join all his other schoolmates stuck on the web. 


A blue shadow flew towards Lee Bak and caught him. At the same time, four thumb-sized blue items pierced into four of the spider’s eyes silently. Dark green blood flowed out as the spider’s screech of pain was heard. The eyes were an extremely sensitive weak point, no matter the beast’s species. 

“Are you okay, brother Lee?” A figure appeared next to Lee Bak, stunning Yam Chui Yim. Kam Chin Kee? 

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