Lee Bak was a bizarre existence in the Metallic Blood War Gate. Not hailing from any prestigious clan or with any powerful backer, he was but a boy from an ordinary family with great cultivation talent. As he was born with an innate heart chamber, it didn’t take long before a teacher of the Metallic Blood War Gate noticed him during a chamber check and brought him to the institution as a special student. 

Under normal circumstances, a cultivator with an innate heart chamber would never give up the chance to become a gliphist. Even Mung Si, who wasn’t born with an innate heart or wind chamber despite having two innate chambers, went to the Chamber Refining Cave so she could become a gliphist. 

However, Lee Bak did the opposite and became a glipher. What many people overlooked was that the heart chamber wasn’t only about mental strengthening, but also physicality. 

When Lee Bak was nine, Lung Wai Yuet recruited him into the Metallic Blood Giant Tower. After four years of secluded cultivation, Lee Bak finally stepped out of the tower a few months ago as a one-chambered glipher. He was a reserved and quiet teen that many elders of the Metallic Blood War Gate believed would become the seventh disciple of the Cloud Palace despite not enrolling in the Cloud Palace outer sect. 

Lee Bak’s ability had always been a mystery, but Kam Chin-Kee would soon know the answer to it. 


Suddenly, Lee Bak moved his head to the side as a blue figure flew past him. He would be lying on the ground unconscious like the others if he hadn’t moved in time. 

What’s up with this guy? Kam Chin Kee stared at him and got ready to fight. He flipped his palm, and a few small blue beasts appeared.

“Go,” he whispered.

Five blue figures pounced towards Lee Bak from all directions. He kept his composure as he moved his left arm slowly like he was exercising. However, every time he moved, a blue figure slammed into the small shield on his left arm before bouncing back. 

Clank clank clank clank… A series of metallic clashes resounded throughout the woods.! 

Countless hardly-visible blue figures drew mystical aftershadows in the air, only taking form whenever they were about a foot away from Lee Bak before disappearing.

Lee Bak blinked. Like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, the blink was merely the beginning of the subsequent ripples. He suddenly moved his right hand which he had kept still since the start of the fight and slashed the air!

Kam Chin Kee’s face fell before he heard three thuds. Three blue figures paused momentarily in the air and fell onto the withered leaves on the ground. 

“I’ve never seen such a trick,” Lee Bak spoke monotonously, but there was admiration in his voice. “To incorporate such techniques into combat is truly unique.” 

Kam Chin Kee felt that Lee Bak differed from the earlier few; the swordsman had a strong passion for combat. This was different from Kam Chin Kee, whose goal was to become powerful enough to take control of his life. Still, he didn’t dislike Lee Bak’s character.

“It’s not much,” Kam Chin Kee replied with a smile. At the same time, a few thin, silver threads dropped to the ground from his right hand. 

Lee Bak’s slash had cut off the threads he was using to control the puppets, making them drop and lay lifelessly on the ground. 

Kam Chin Kee had reincarnated twice. He spent his first life in a sect named the Thousand Mechanism Sect, known for puppeteering and manufacturing mechanical puppets. He was the great senior of that sect, dying from an accident before reincarnating in the Sallow Continent where Chui Yim was from. 

However, it didn’t take long for the cunning ones to plot against him. He lost his life again, finally arriving at this world of gliph. 

Puppeteering was a foreign technique from another world—a mystical technique to the locals. 

“I see that you are truly a powerful cultivator. It would be rude for me to hold back.” Kam Chin Kee smiled thinly and patted the jade on his waist. A ray of light landed on the ground, solidifying into a wooden wolf that stood as tall as half a man. 

It was no different from the beasts that dropped on the ground earlier, just that it was bigger. The wooden wolf was dark blue since it was made of a special wood he acquired from the Black Tortoise auction house, the spiritual hill tree.

Spiritual Hill was a small hill located at the Four Season Mountain’s Autumn peak. The odd weather conditions of the Four Season Mountain affected the trees that grew on it. Tough as metal but light as wood, the spiritual hill tree had the drawback of poor energliph conductivity, hence it was rarely used for high-grade gliph weapons or treasures. However, this material was best for grade one gliph weapons, especially for plantae faction gliphers since it was a type of wood. 

One-chambered gliphers made up the largest demographic of cultivators in this world, so Southern carpenters bought this wood in bulk. Being a small hill, the Spiritual Hill couldn’t keep up with demand, and things eventually alerted the Four Season Heaven. Yeung Chow, the Autumn Peak leader, solved the problem by claiming the hill as the Four Season Heaven’s property. Since then, people had to pay to get their hands on the spiritual hill tree wood. 

Prices for spiritual hill wood surged, making the Southern carpenters who previously used it for its affordable import cost look for alternatives. 

But to Kam Chin-Kee, this material was most suitable for making puppets! The wooden wolf stood next to him, who flashed Lee Bak a thin smile. “Be careful.”

At that instant, the wooden wolf disappeared. 

Lee Bak watched this with excitement as he entered a horse stance with his left hand in front of him. The wooden wolf appeared before him and slammed into his small shield. 

Kam Chin Kee, who wasn’t far away, smiled as he slightly moved his pinky.  The wolf’s tail swung swiftly towards Lee Bak—embedded on the tip of the tail was a hidden knife! 

Lee Bak exerted force on his left arm and shoved the wolf away. As he squatted into his stance, a sharp aura sliced through the air. He immediately rolled forward and pounced towards Kam Chin-Kee. 

Catch the man before catching his mount! Lee Bak thought.

Kam Chin Kee’s smile grew. What an interesting fella. I’ll play along. 

Above the Forbidden Forest in the skies were two people, one of whom was lying on the clouds lazily. When taking a closer look, one would see a small gliph in the depths of the clouds. The other person sat crossed-legged while paying close attention to everything in the forest below. 

Who else other than Cheuk Kwun could the lazy person be? 

“I’ve marked them all. Take it easy,” Cheuk Kwun couldn’t help saying after seeing how serious Woo Nim was. 

“It’s my responsibility,” Woo Nim replied without turning around. Her hair bun was so neatly tied that not a single strand of hair escaped. 

“Alright, alright.” Cheuk Kwun gave up. “As long as there’s nothing wrong with the borders you set up, it’s no longer our business. Their cultivation, life and death are up to the heavens.  

“If they can’t even survive this hurdle, then there’s nothing much to be said.” Cheuk Kwun shut his eyes once more. He appeared to be asleep, but in reality, he had already created countless mental copies of himself. He was watching his students fight, be it gliphic beasts, students of the Metallic Blood War Gate, or cultivators who were originally adventuring in the Forbidden Forest. 

He was like a god looking down at the mortals.

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