The students lined up to enter the field under Woo Nim’s instructions. “This trip to the Forbidden Forest will be challenging . We cannot predict the potential dangers, and we won’t be watching you all the time. So don’t think this trip will be safe just because Mr Cheuk and I are present. We will only step in when dangerous and unexpected situations that require our intervention arise. However, that will also mean you will be eliminated from the Cloud Palace outer sect, even if it’s a life-threatening situation.”  

The gliph in the middle of the field lit up brightly. Powerful energliph surrounded Mr Cheuk and his dirty robe, giving off the aura of a deity. 

Woo Nim was as calm as ever; she was clearly used to it. 

“Lastly, good luck. May all of you return safe and alive.” 

As soon as she finished, Mr Cheuk clenched his fist and raised it above his head. It activated the gliph, which lit up like the sun! 

Buzz! Light enveloped the entire class right before everything disappeared together. 

Chui Yim felt unwell as haziness took over. He knew that this was the teleportation gliph formation at work, but the feeling of being spun around dozens of times within a few seconds was too nauseous for anyone to bear. 

He stood up, head still spinning when he heard a loud, sudden, growl. Chui Yim looked up to realise a wolf-like gliphic beast was warning him with growls. 

How did I get here? But before Chui Yim figured out the situation, an energliph wave lit up. A complicated and elegant gliph taking the form of a vivid flame phoenix soared towards the gliphic beast. 

The fire phoenix turned the gliphic beast into ash before it could even whimper. A girl was standing on a nearby tree staring at Chui Yim with a complicated yet cold expression. 


Chui Yim squinted his eyes and realised it was Mung Si. After another glance, she left as if nothing happened. 

“Hmph!” Chui Yim huffed and watched her leave. He might dislike the girl, but he couldn’t deny that she did him a favour. 

I’ll find a chance to repay the debt. Chui Yim took off the white uniform of the Cloud Palace outer sect and revealed his simple yet comfortable red vest.

“Let’s go, then.” After a few stretches, he nodded in satisfaction. 

The Forbidden Forest was a vast sea of trees. It was a magnificent view to watch the leaves dance along with the wind like surging waves from above. Kam Chin Kee strolled through the forest of slender, weird-looking trees. It was currently noon when the sun shone brightest, but instead of the comfortable warmth that sunlight brought about, the rays that passed through the odd-looking trees emitted a creepy vibe instead. 

Even so, he wasn’t even frightened in the slightest as he looked around like a curious cat. 

In the Classic of Mountains and Seas, it was recorded that this forest wasn’t always as dangerous. It only turned into a forbidden zone after the two greatest cultivators of an era fought from the Eastern Sea to this forest. Their ultimate blow left permanent damage to the forest and its geology. The book mentioned that the cultivators’ energliph seeped deep into the soil and created a weird forcefield that disrupted the sense of direction and time in humans. As a result, commoners were often trapped in the forest till their last breath. 

As time passed, the Forbidden Forest turned into a forbidden area, but only for humans. With the absence of humans came gliphic beasts who took shelter in the forest. After a thousand years, it became the largest gliphic beast habitat in the South, giving people another reason to stay away from the hazardous woods. It was out of bounds to all unless special requests were made, usually by those with special backgrounds. Those who applied for entry based on prowess had to be at least of the three-chambered rank to be granted permission. 

Kam Chin Kee nodded silently as he matched his surroundings with the pictures and descriptions he had learned from the book. Woo Nim had spoken of how deadly their excursion was, yet they were only at the outer edge of the forest. Legends said that deep in the forest lived terrifying beings that even five-chambered or thousand-gliphic cultivators had to take on seriously. If weaklings like them were to be transported there, they would be dead within a blink of an eye. 

Kam Chin Kee heard rustling close by. He immediately turned around to see a human silhouette among the trees. He decided to stay where he was and waited to see if the approaching person was Chui Yim.. 

It didn’t take long until a few figures appeared on the road next to him. The teens wore dark red robes and were far more muscular than those of their age. A single glance was enough to tell that they were of at least the one-chambered state. Kam Chin Kee greeted them and got ready to leave once he realised Chui Yim wasn’t among them. 

“Hold on, brother,” somebody called out Kam Chin Kee.

He heard the hustling of clothes, and moments later, several  figures blocked his path while another person stood calmly behind him, sealing off his path of retreat. 

“May I know what’s the matter?” Kam Chin Kee turned to the three teenage boys calmly. The teen in the middle was well built and about fifteen years old, yet he was already 160 centimetres tall. He was significantly taller than Kam Chin-Kee and was staring at him excitedly. To be exact, he was staring at his white robe. 

“Are you perhaps from the Cloud Palace outer sect?” 

Kam Chin Kee glanced at their dark red robes and the small embroidered bright red tower on their left chest. He immediately knew what was going on; that was the Metallic Blood War Gate crest. 

Kam Chin Kee suddenly understood why Woo Nim said that it might be a dangerous trip despite only sending them to the outskirts of the forest. There weren’t too many horrifying beasts, but this was also a popular training ground for other institutions. The environment and beasts might not be the scariest things around—humans were. 

Ching Lang Pak felt that he just struck the jackpot. 

Even though his teacher had hinted that they might come across students from other institutions, they thought he had meant the Stars Unite Educational Centre or Great Book Academy, not the Cloud Palace outer sect. 

Bumping into opponents meant nothing to him, but the Cloud Palace was different. If he defeated Kam Chin-Kee, he could boast forever that he had once triumphed over a student of the Cloud Palace outer sect student. It would even help pave his way to glory, be it through becoming a soldier or returning to his clan! This was the perfect testimony of his strength for him, and the thought alone excited him. 

“I am Ching Lang Pak, and I’d like to learn from the Cloud Palace.” 

It didn’t take Kam Chin Kee much to know what the teenager in front of him was up to. He plastered a smile on his face and shook his head. “I’m not good at fighting, and I’m sure you can tell that I have yet to break through. Don’t you think I’m not a suitable sparring partner for you?” 

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