“We’ve known each other for decades, even before Doctor Kuen broke through and was still an ordinary doctor.” Kan Hang shook his head and gazed at Kuen Hip calmly. “I’ve never once thought of visiting another glipheon to treat my illness because I trust you, Doctor Kuen.” 

“Brother Kan, why the courtesy? I wouldn’t have become the imperial physician if not for your recommendation. As dear friends, it’s only natural for me to lend you a helping hand.” Kuen Hip seemed greatly moved by Kan Hang’s words. 

Kan Hang stared at Kuen Hip hard without uttering a word. After some time, he downed his cup of tea and stood from his seat. “I was just thinking about how long it’s been since we last met, so I decided to pay you a visit. Sorry for the intrusion late at night, I’ll get going now.” 

“Do visit more often, brother Kan. We need to catch up more.” Kuen Hip stood up and sent Kan Hang off. As soon as Kan Hang disappeared into the bamboo forest, the smile on Kuen Hip’s face vanished. 

“Has he discovered it?” Kuen Hip muttered to himself and shook his head after a pause. “But it shouldn’t be. The Kan Hang I know isn’t smart enough to notice.”

Even so, he felt the need to make a report. 

Darkness embraced the skies as night fell. An old man was reading under dim lights at his desk; he studied each word carefully, mumbling as he did.  

All of a sudden, he stopped what he was doing, shut his book tightly and flung it onto the ground. The book he was reading so intently moments ago now sat amidst a pile of other books pitifully; it was titled “Sealing Gliphs and Mending Chambers”. 

“Since you’re here, show yourself instead of acting like a coward.” The elderly’s voice passed through the small residence to the black shadow standing under the moonlight. 

“Greetings, Sir,” the black shadow spoke politely as energliph surrounding him disappeared to reveal the ordinary-looking man beneath it. “Someone recommended that I come to Sir for medical treatment.” 

“Oh?” The door creaked open, and an elderly man with aged yet wise eyes looked out. “Who?” 

“He told me to address Sir as “old fox” and Sir would understand,” the black shadow spoke with a hint of embarrassment. 

“That boy!” The elderly man flared up, but there was a slight hint of happiness in his eyes. “Come in, then.”

The black shadow smiled bitterly and followed the elderly man into his residence. The black shadow was Kan Hang, who had just left Kuen Hip’s residence.

Silver moonlight shone down onto the beautiful Southern Mountain tonight. 

Chui Yim and Kam Chin Kee woke up early the next day. 

Their excursion was accompanied by Woo Nim and Mr Cheuk, but they were still travelling to a forbidden area at the end of the day. Moreover, it was unlikely for the teachers to provide them with too much protection given the intent of the trip. Both of them, especially Kam Chin Kee, were no strangers to death; they were extremely cautious as they would never forgive themselves for losing their precious life due to carelessness.

Chui Yim even made a few Thousand Mechanism Arrows for emergencies as he knew he was far from a decent combatant. On the other hand, Kam Chin Kee looked at ease. Compared to his well-prepared companion, he was actually anticipating the trip in excitement. 

Unlike Chui Yim who had plenty of freedom, Kam Chin Kee had spent his childhood only in South Imperial City. He couldn’t contain his excitement as this would be his first trip out of the city. 

They arrived at the Cloud Palace outer sect to other teenagers chirping in excitement. As youngsters, combat excursions were undoubtedly a fun event to look forward to, and most were chatting away with their friends.

Some seemed nonchalant as if this was just any other day. This included the crown prince Lam Zaa, Mung Si from the North, and Kwan Shan Chuen of the Kwan Clan. Chui Yim and Kam Chin Kee glanced around briefly before taking a seat to wait for Woo Nim and Mr Cheuk. 

The bell rang, indicating that it was time for class. The strict Woo Nim entered while dragging a sleepy Cheuk Kwun behind her. She scanned the class to see if everyone was present before speaking. 

“Since everybody’s here, let’s go.” She immediately dragged the sleepy Mr Cheuk out of the class. 

Kwan Shan Chuen also stood up and announced, “Let’s follow Miss Woo.” 

The class followed their teachers to the small field opposite their classroom where Cheuk Kwun had once brought them for a lesson on gliphility. 

Woo Nim then released her rude grip on Cheuk Kwun’s collar before turning to him respectfully. “Thank you, Mr Cheuk, for the trouble.” 

Cheuk Kwun lazily made his way into the middle of the field as he complained about the situation in a mumble. The students surrounded the field as they looked at him, unsure what he was up to. 

Mr Cheuk took a deep breath and no longer looked as slothful as he put on an imposing atmosphere. His dirty sleeves danced in the air as his expression changed and he activated his energliph. The contrast stunned all the students. 

A hundred-gliphic gliphist! Who would’ve thought that the lazy and dirty Cheuk Kwun was a hundred-gliphic gliphist?! 

The aura he emitted wasn’t that of a recently promoted hundred-gliphic gliphist, either. Cheuk Kwun stood in the field calmly as his sleeves danced around him. Countless glimmering gliph strings appeared and criss-crossed each other. What seemed to be a messy mesh was in fact a pattern.

As Chui Yim watched, his jaws dropped open. 

Why is this gliph so familiar? Wait, isn’t this the teleportation gliph formation I saw Wong Kwan and her students use back at the Engraved Mountain Range? He’s drawing one right now? 

“South Imperial City is too far from the Forbidden Forest. Using the teleportation gliph formation is more convenient,” Woo Nim explained from the side. 

Her explanation was simple, but the students were utterly dumbfounded. It cost a fortune to build a teleportation gliph formation. Besides precious ingredients, two gliphist of at least the hundred-gliphic state were required to build it. That was why most people never had a chance to take a look at the teleportation gilph formation as it was extremely costly to repair if damaged. 

A temporary gliph formation didn’t require any ingredients, but it was way more tedious to draw, usually requiring several hundred-gliphic gliphists to construct. Meanwhile, Cheuk Kwan was drawing it all by himself like it was a piece of cake. Just how skilled was he? 

After some time, the gliph strings lit up like a chessboard. Some of the spectating students were so dizzy that they felt like vomiting. 

Woo Nim was the first to step into the formation. “Okay, stop wasting time and come in. Let’s leave for the Forbidden Forest.” 

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