Only two people sat in the Heaven Sacrifice Tribe’s main tent. 

Yu-Man Lung had almost fully recovered after receiving treatment, but due to blood loss, he was still weak and pale.

“Father!” he spoke with hatred in his eyes. “I want them dead… no! Death isn’t enough. I want them to suffer by my very ha—”

Yu-Man Lung and Yu-Man Chong were not just a pair of father and son, but the gods of Heaven Sacrifice Tribe too. 

“Shut up! You wretched child, can you not tell what deep trouble you’ve caused?” Yu-Man Chong scowled at his son. “You, who’ve been staying in the tribe for too long, know nothing of the outside world. Do you think the young master of the Four Season Heaven is someone we can offend? Put aside their five-chambered sect leader, even their vice sect leader, Yeung Tung…” 

Yu-Man Chong recalled an event from the past. 

On a snowy day, several tribe leaders arrived at the Snow Peak for Yeung Tung’s tea party. A powerful four-chambered tribe leader challenged him to a spar under the gentle snow. Yeung Tung didn’t even get up or reach for his weapon, but the challenger was instantly defeated and left lying unconscious on the ground. That was when all the tribe leaders present realised that Yeung Tung was already at the peak of the four-chambered rank.

It was also then did Yu-Man Chong become aware that Yeung Tung could crush his entire tribe at will. 

Yu-Man Chong felt uneasy as he thought of this. He turned to Yu-Man Lung furiously and howled, “Let me warn you. You’d better not mess with them again. Let them stay here peacefully for the night and they’ll be gone tomorrow! Our entire tribe will be ruined if you offend them!” 

“Yes, father.” Yu-Man Lung looked down, answering respectfully. However, Yu-Man Chong didn’t catch his son’s fuming eyes.

Yu-Man Lung left his father’s tent staggering shortly afterwards. Hearing the surprised gasp of the teenage girl who was being carried into the tent by his hundred-year-old father, he put on a cold glare. He dragged himself slowly back to his tent and assembled his loyalists.  

A dozen or so men arrived shortly after. The weakest amongst them had yet to break through, while the strongest was of the three-chambered rank. Despite being the young master, he wasn’t as influential as his prestigious father. The most powerful cultivator at his command was Cheng Hak, a cultivator with a special place in the tribe. 

As a three-chambered glipher, Cheng Hak wasn’t among the top elites, but he was above average at the very least. He had achieved this rank a decade ago and was experienced with his gliphilties and strength. Any cultivator who had refined themselves for so long was not to be belittled anyways. 

Strangely enough, Cheng Hak was mostly unbound by even Yu-Man Chong’s orders, only heeding the sacred son’s call. What made it worse was that he was the one who always sent boys to Yu-Man Lung’s tent in secret, which earned him the young man’s trust. He naturally came instantly once Yu-Man Lung summoned them all. 

Yu-Man Lung looked around him, and everyone who met his gaze turned fervent. The Heaven Sacrifice Tribe was one that centred around belief, and everyone here was a zealot except the odd Cheung Hak. They were here because Yu-Man Lung was their sacred son, and they worshipped him so much that they would willingly sacrifice their life for him; it was an honour to die for the sacred son. 

“I believe all of you know why I’ve summoned you.” Yu-Man Lung sounded solemn and majestic, but weaker due to his injury. This was a proficient trick of the father and son. “Two foreigners came to our tribe today, insulting our beliefs and harming your sacred son! They cannot be allowed to leave as they will definitely spread this news, and the world will forever disregard our ancestors and us!”  

“Be at ease, Sacred Son! We will not let the foreigners leave alive!” his followers suppressed their eager voices as they shouted after him. 

“However, they will only stay for a night. Once the day is over, they shall be gone forever. Our only chance to strike will be before dawn.” Yu-Man Lung creased his brows and put his hands together with a sincere look. “May our ancestors be with you all.” 

“May our ancestors be with us all!” Yu-Man Lung’s followers recited in excitement. With that, they left one by one. 

Yu-Man Lung wasn’t worried as he knew they were going to make final preparations. Very soon, only he and Cheng Hak were left. 

He no longer looked as zealous as he was earlier; pure hatred was written all over his face. Cheng Hak wasn’t born and bred in the Heaven Sacrifice Tribe, but instead a lone glipher who stayed with the tribe. Yu-Man Lung knew that such mind games wouldn’t affect Cheng Hak. 

“Uncle Cheng, I want them dead,” Yu-Man Lung stated. He saw himself as the centre of the world. If his father were the heavens, he’d be the earth. Anything he wanted, he’d get it. But today, things turned out differently. Yeung Tin Hun and Man Yee Ho woke him from his daydream and tore his fantasies apart. 

Apart from their retaliation, he was infuriated that Yeung Tin Hun had defeated and captured him despite being of an inferior rank. As the sacred son, he had a sheltered upbringing—would any tribe member dare to go all out in their spars? The difference between his soft skills and Yeung Tin Hun’s combat-tempered spearmanship was obvious. 

They were a whole rank apart, yet he was easily defeated.

Even his father was afraid to act against them. 

Nobody can live a better life than me! Yu-Man Lung boiled with jealousy.

Cheng Hak looked at him calmly and nodded slowly. “Okay. Let’s kill them then.” 

Yu-Man Lung regained his calm. He didn’t want to lie to Cheng Hak. 

“Uncle Cheng, one of them is the young master of the Four Season Heaven.” 

“Mhmm, so?” 

“Uncle Cheng, you may lose your life if you take theirs.” 

“Mhmm, so?” 

Yu Man Lung stared at Cheng Hak in silence, as if this was the first time knowing this mysterious person. After some time, he turned away.

“Thank you, Uncle Cheng.” 

“Mmm.” With that, Cheng Hak disappeared from the tent. 

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