Northerners cared most about their cultivation and strength, thus someone like Yeung Chun was a weirdo to them. Even so, g-chefs were a rarity in this world, making him a rare talent. Once in a while, elites who learnt of his cooking one way or another would travel great distances to taste his cooking! His cooking skills, known as the Spring Peak Feast, was an open secret among the Northern elites.

The Spring Peak Feast was enticing enough to attract countless famous gliphers. 

Those who travel thousands of miles for the Spring Peak Feast, they all leave with the savour lingering in their mouths. Yet Chui Yim and Kam Chin Kee didn’t know that the precious feast in the North was the daily meals they had. 

After introducing several dishes, everyone was drooling. Yeung Chun then moved on to the plate in the centre that shone brightly with the colour of a flame. “And this is the main dish. Made with the unique Northern gliphic plant sunset umbrella as the main ingredient, I stir-fried it with three other vegetables. Its name, Sunset Starlight.” 

Their gazes were drawn to the mushrooms that glimmered like precious gems on the plate.. They were scattered disorderly on the plate, giving the impression of fading stars in the skies .

“I’ll help myself!” With a shout, Chui Yim picked up his chopsticks and popped a mushroom in his mouth. His eyes lit up instantly. “Wow!”  

Yeung Chun laughed proudly as he was the person who invented the Sunset Starlight. “The sunset umbrella is a mushroom with a spicy, stinging taste. I made it milder with three types of vegetables that each taste sweet, sour, or bitter. All that’s left are smooth, juicy mushrooms grown under the bright sun .”

Chui Yim, who had dealt with Chui Tin and Lam Ming Sum before, knew what to do in this situation. He immediately turned to Yeung Chun with admiration as if he was some god. “Wow! You’re such a skilled chef! I can’t believe I failed to recognise your great talent!”  

As the saying went, you could offend anyone but your chef. Chui Yim who loved to indulge in delicacies willingly admitted his mistake while enjoying the food. 

Great wine, great dishes, and great company; the feast was a delightful one, for both the host and guests. 

Even Lam Ming Sum was over the moon. She drank wine till her tanned skin flushed red. As she laughed and cheered, Kan Hang couldn’t help but sigh. Staying in the palace, a place with complicated politics, must have been very stressful for a cheerful girl like her, especially after Kam Chin Kee’s departure. 

“Ha! It’s now my turn!” Lam Ming Sum shouted as she jumped and landed on the ground with a roll before running into the kitchen happily.

“Be careful.” Kan Hang reminded her, but she ran on to the kitchen as she waved her hands.

“I’m okay!” 

The small Lam Ming Sum came back from the kitchen with a huge basin in no time. She made two more trips to the kitchen, bringing with her to a large chopping board and a white jade plate. 

Once she had finished preparing everything, Lam Ming Sum turned to Chui Yim with a smile. “Brother Chui, do you remember my sliced raw fish?” 

Chui Yim was startled before he burst into laughter. 

Chui Yim sat on a chair, shaking his legs. He was chewing a piece of fish in his mouth. “It’s so fresh!” 

“Of course!” Ming Sum answered while putting a piece into mouth as well. Unlike Chui Yim who was enjoying the food, she seemed to be in pain. “This high-grade seamouth cost fifty silver taels!” 

“Just let me eat! I’m a wealthy man!” Chui Yim patted his chest. “Hmm, come back later. I have a surprise for you.” 

“Surprise?” Ming Sum blinked her small eyes.

“Hehe, surprises are meant to be kept secret.”

“Then I’ll wait and see. If I’m not pleasantly surprised, we’ll eat less tomorrow.” 


Sliced fish was the last dish Lam Ming Sum made for Chui Yim before they parted ways, and she was going to make the same dish again for their reunion today.  

Lam Ming Sum grabbed the fish in the basin with her small hands. Yeung Chun was watching with anticipation; the moment she  grabbed the fish, he could tell she was on to something. As the fish was still alive, rookie chefs would likely fail to grab the fish properly out of fear, but he realised that she could grip the fish tightly despite its struggle. 

The others were just watching casually, but since Yeung Chun was also a g-chef, he was focused on her skills. The way she grabbed the fish displayed some of the skills her mother, Sit Ting, had imparted to her. 

She placed the seamouth on the chopping board. It was a low-class gliphic beast with four strokes of gliph on the corner of its mouth that formed a simple speed-boosting gliph. Despite its inferior gliphic rank, the seamouth had energliph stored in its body. However, there weren’t many g-chefs who dared to serve it raw as its excretion system was deep in its body. Failure to handle the organ properly would make the fish foul and impossible to consume. 

Most g-chefs chose to carefully remove the organ before cooking the fish, but this wouldn’t work when preparing raw slices of it. The emphasis was on freshness, and that demanded swift processing of the fish for instant serving. This meant that the g-chef needed great skill; serving a seamouth raw meant the chef did not have the luxury to prepare it slowly.

Lam Ming Sum held the fish securely with her left hand. No matter how it struggled, it stayed there as she felt for the knife on her back. The black cloth around the blade slowly fell to the ground, revealing the kitchen knife. It was none other than the Heart Defender Chui Yim had made for her. 

Lam Ming Sum’s cheek was still flushed red from the liquor, but her not-so-large eyes were fixated on the seamouth as if it was the only thing she could see.

“I’m so sorry,” she muttered to the fish, a habit of hers thatChui Yim had known long ago. She respected everything, including the food she cooked. If there wasn’t food in this world, humans wouldn’t exist, so such creatures were eventually what gave humans life. 

As Lam Ming Sum mumbled, her right hand moved like lightning. Yeung Chun’s eyes lit up as he noticed the source of the blue flash.

It’s from the gliph on the kitchen knife. The Frosty Moon Gliph?

He smiled thinly, guessing something. 

Plok. With that, the knife stabbed into the fish’s head from above. This was a method to humanely kill the fish. Once the fish stopped breathing, Lam Ming Sum made the next slice. 

Crack! The fish head broke off while she focused on cutting. She continued slicing along the spine. In an instant, half of the fish’s meat fell off smoothly. Yeung Chun felt the urge to cheer, but he kept silent to avoid disturbing her.


Isn’t she afraid of puncturing that stinky place? 

Lam Ming Sum placed the meat on the white jade plate before turning the fish over to cut the meat off the other side. She sliced down without hesitation.

Her speed even made Yeung Chun question if she actually knew of the seamouth’s excretory organ! Even I dare not slice this fish like this!  

But that was exactly what Lam Ming Sum did. 

Oh no! Yeung Chun shouted in his mind.

Yeung Chun’s heart dropped. With his cultivation, he could feel that the area Lam Ming Sum cut into was where the vital excretion organ was. She paused her knife momentarily as well. However, the knife’s blue glow suddenly turned scorching red like the sun. Her hand only stopped for a short moment before her knife continued slicing through!

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