Yeung Chun was busy preparing dinner when Lam Ming Sum surprised him by running into the kitchen. 

“Ming Sum, what are you doing here?” 

“Uncle Yeung, what are you cooking?” Lam Ming Sum scanned the kitchen instead of answering.

“You actually know how to cook?” Yeung Chun asked, laughing as he rambled. “I’m making something special. Brother Chui has been saying that my cooking tastes mediocre lately! I’m going to take out my best dishes today.

“This is the leftover top-grade glutinous rice wine we have. I added a dozen herbs and spices into the wine before marinating the chicken with it. I call this dish ‘Drunken Year’.” He pointed to the chicken at the side before turning to another ingredient. “And this is the sunset umbrella, found only in the Northern Burning Tribe. It’s a special type of fungi that shines like a blazing flame in the day and dims as the sun sets.  

“Moreover, it’s a great ingredient for tattooing gliphs, but ordinary-quality sunset umbrellas can be used as ingredients for g-food too. It’s extremely beneficial for those cultivating positive energy styles!” 

Lam Ming Sum listened to him attentively. As a Northerner, Yeung Chun had a very different cooking style that Lam Ming Sum could learn from. 

“Uncle Yeung, do you need this seamouth?” 

“Nope.” Yeung Chun laughed. “We already have so many dishes, I’ll cook it tomorrow instead.” 

“Then give it to me!” Lam Ming Sum whined while tugging at Yeung Chun’s sleeves. 

Chui Yim, Kam Chin Kee and Kan Hang sat in the living room, enjoying some wine. 

“How long have you guys been friends? Since a long time ago?” Kan Hang couldn’t help but ask. 

The two shared a glance and answered together, “Perhaps we’re fated to meet.” 

Kan Hang hummed; he didn’t like the mysterious answer he got. With that, he turned to Chui Yim. “I wasn’t expecting this from you, as a child of Southary. That distant city isn’t that prosperous, yet you achieved so much; getting an outer sect slot, becoming Doctor Odd’s disciple and becoming friends with the Tse Clan.” 

“Of course, I’m Chui Yim! Gold will shine no matter what.” Chui Yim rolled his eyes, to which Kan Hang readied his fists to punch him. Before he could, the bald kid blurted, “What’s wrong with your hand?”

Realising his hands were noticed, Kan Hang lowered them silently. 

“Let me take a look.” Chui Yim grabbed Kan Hang’s hands over. Kan Hang twitched his eyes but let the teen be as he knew that it was an act of kindness.  

Slowly, Chui Yim removed the tape on both of his hands and gasped at the sight. Both palms were dark purple, with two scary looking finger sized holes in the left wrist. He closed in to take a sniff. Despite Kan Hang blocking the flow of energliph for so long, the poison was already deeply entrenched in his hands, which made the stench ever so evident. 

“I’ve already consulted a professional glipheon, one more experienced than you. The poison has already seeped deeply into my bones and meridians. I’m already lucky that I can still forcefully restrain the poison and barely use my energliph.” 

“It stinks, but I smell a sweet, flowery scent that is intoxicating. Is this the black serpent blossom poison?” 

Kan Hang remained silent. 

“I’m pretty curious which glipheon you consulted. It can clearly be fixed, but he didn’t. Who the hell did you offend?” Kan Hang’s body trembled in agitation at Chui Yim’s words. 

“What did you say?” Kan Hang’s complexion fluctuated from his emotions,but Chui Yim ignored him and took an even closer look at his hands. After some time, he pointed at his right hand.

“This, it’s done for. You’re right, the poison has seeped into your bones and meridians. However, you’re good enough to forcefully block your meridians. It’s been preventing the poison from seeping further into your blood and body, but your right wrist is wasted. 

“But your left wrist can still be saved.” He then pointed at Kan Hang’s left wrist. “Maybe you’re very lucky. Your wrist is seriously injured, but not the nearby meridians and bones. The injury stiffened your hand, but it dissolved most of the blood tainted with poison. There’s a chance it’ll heal up when treated properly.” 

“Do you mean what you said? To what degree can it recover to?” Kan Hang couldn’t help but ask. 

As a glipheon, Chui Yimnever made empty promises like his usual self. “You can at least cultivate with it,” hesaid with confidence. 

“I believe you felt it too. The injury actually opened the path to your left arm chamber by chance. Someone denied you treatment intentionally… No, they are actually harming you by delaying things. The glipheon that treated you might have realised this already. When your left arm recovers, you will become the next five-chambered glipher after fifty or a hundred years of cultivation.” 

Kan Hang opened his mouth anxiously to speak but was cut off. 

“What are you all talking about?” Lam Ming Sum came out with a huge platter. 

“Let me help!” Kam Chin Kee rushed over. 

“Everyone! Come, dig in!” Yeung Chun came out after Lam Ming Sum and threw Chui Yim an empty punch. “You better say it tastes good today!” 

“You got me excited alright, brother Yeung.” Chui Yim laughed. Many colourful dishes lay on the table: chicken which tasted like sweet wine, as well as unknown dishes that burned like fire. 

“Brother Yeung, quickly introduce the dishes!” 

Yeung Chun coughed, but his pride was evident. “These are my specialties from the North, let me introduce them!” Like what he told Lam Ming Sum, he gave it his all today. He had never even put in so much effort back at his sect. 

Unlike the South where people excelled at various skills, the North had fewer elites of all occupations. It was a secret that Yeung Chun was the best chef in his sect. As someone who loved freedom, he tended to try many activities. 

Dissatisfied with how Chui Yim was putting on a fake smile while eating the food usually prepared, Yeung Chun started sourcing for ingredients after Kam Chin Kee moved in and provided financial support. The end result was the feast today.

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