“His Highness the crown prince ordered that nobody should stand in Kam Chin Kee’s way. Don’t put me in a difficult position, Suen Ling.” Yam Chui Ying didn’t even blink as he spoke. Suen Ling was none other than Lam Mei Mei’s shadow. 

Hearing this, Lam Mei Mei threw a fit. “Yam Chui Ying, get out of my way before I complain to my parents and have you beheaded!” 

Yam Chui Ying didn’t even flinch, while Kam Chin Kee laughed at the scene. He must be dying for me to leave. But that’s good; there’s nothing here I’m attached to anyway. 

With that, Kam Chin Kee entered the Hall of Affairs. The eunuch had obviously heard the news, seeing how he didn’t stop him. The ceiling was socketed with countless gems, lighting up the palace like it was daytime. 

The figure seated on the dragon throne was focused on the paperwork in front of him. It was hard to believe that such a skinny man wielded such influence in the world. He looked up as soon as Kam Chin Kee walked in, his dignified gaze looking down on him. Even Kam Chin-Kee, who had lived three lives, was shocked by it.  

“You’re leaving?” Lam Chun’s voice boomed across the hall. Kam Chin Kee knew this was due to the hall’s gliph formation. 

“It is indeed time for me to leave.” He nodded in response.  

“No matter how unwilling you are, you’re still my adopted son,” Lam Chun spoke after a long pause. “Because of this title and the fact that you reside in the palace, nobody dares lay a finger on you. It may have been like a prison to you, but this prison is the safest place in the entire world. Once you leave, you’ll have nothing to do with me any longer.” 

“Are you sure of your decision?” Lam Chun stared at him with a calm and profound gaze, one that seemed to devour every and anything. 

Kam Chin Kee remained silent for a long time. He looked up at the magnificent hall and took a deep breath. “I can only call a place where I am happy my home.  

“Since I was never happy here, this will just be a prison to me no matter how safe and luxurious it is. How could I ever raise my head while living under someone else’s roof? I no longer wish to live under others.” Kam Chin Kee looked up calmly. 

Silence fell over the hall once again as Lam Chun returned to his paperwork. “Since that’s the case, you are allowed to leave.”  

“I will one day repay the grace of granting me a place to stay for the past thirteen years.” Kam Chin Kee bowed, but Lam Chun only waved his hands in reply, not sparing him another look. 

“Remove him from the Evergreen Palace.”  

“Yes, Your Majesty,” a hidden voice rang out as Kam Chin Kee suddenly found himself outside the palace.

He turned around and took a last look at the Evergreen Palace. With determination, he turned and left with large steps. As he said earlier, he no longer wanted to live under somebody else’s control.

When he returned to the Wandering Son’s Lake residence, the sky was already dark, but the residence was still brightly lit. Chui Yim and Yeung Chun welcomed him in with a feast ready on the table.

With a wide smile, Chui Yim greeted him. “Welcome home!”  

Kam Chin Kee smiled in response. He still had a brother waiting for him here.   

“I’m back.”  

Lam Mei Mei, Lam Ming Sum, Suen Ling and Kan Hang were waiting outside the Hall of Affairs.  

A man emerged from the hall after some time. They immediately recognised Kei Mo, Lam Chun’s current shadow. Kei Mo looked over them, his eyes lingering on Kan Hang for an instant before speaking slowly.

“His Majesty ordered the dismissal of Kam Chin Kee from the palace. From today onwards, he has nothing to do with the imperial family and will not be allowed into the palace without invitation.” Kei Mo vanished immediately after finishing. 

Lam Ming Sum burst into tears as she felt loneliness descend. Lam Mei Mei was in a bad mood. Annoyed, she lashed out. “Stop crying, you annoying brat!”  

“Me crying is none of your business!” In a similarly bad mood, Lam Ming Sum shouted back at Lam Mei Mei, who sneered in response.  

“You bastard!”  

“Lam Mei Mei is forbidden from leaving the Southern Beauty Hall for three months except for school!” A shout erupted from the Hall of Affairs as soon as Lam Mei Mei was still sneering. 

Upset, Lam Mei Mei shot daggers at Lam Ming Sum with a glare but dared not speak as she yelled for Suen Ling to leave.   

“Uncle Kan, let’s leave,” Lam Ming Sum said gloomily, Kan Hang leaving with her after taking a meaningful glance at the Hall of Affairs. 

In the Hall of Affairs, Lam Chun took a deep breath before placing his brush down. Kei Mo stood behind him silently; even his breathing was silent.  

“Where’s Kam Chin Kee?” It was just a simple question, but the pressure in his voice was obvious. Kei Mo immediately answered his king, 

“Your Majesty, Kam Chin Kee has moved into Wandering Son’s Lake residence. The residence was bought by a teenager whose surname is Chui.”  

“Mhmm,” Lam Chun responded as he sat on his throne, deep in thought.  

“I’ve been watching Kam Chin-Kee for a long time,” Lam Chun spoke after some time. “It’s difficult to find such a determined boy with his character. I’d gladly have treated him as my own if he saw me as his father. What a pity…”  

The helplessness was evident in his voice, making it sound like he was mumbling to himself. 

Kei Mo dared not speak as he remained silent.  

After some time, Lam Chun sat up straight again. “Keep a close eye on him for me. Zaa has been unhappy with Kam Chin Kee for a long time, and now that Kam Chin Kee is no longer in my view, he’ll definitely try something. Small tricks are allowed, but nothing lethal.”  

“Yes, Your Majesty.”  

“You may leave. I want some time on my own.”  

“Yes, Your Majesty.”  

Kei Mo left the Hall of Affairs, leaving Lam Chun on his throne. Almighty, powerful, but lonely.  

Far away in the North, in a hidden cave along the Snowdrift Mountain Range, two teenagers were sitting in front of a campfire.The poker-faced teen who wore a bright red robe was constantly throwing sticks into the fire to grow the flame. On the other side was the silver-robed teenager.

He looked extremely bored; he thought the companion he had found would be interesting, but he turned out to be a boring person who only answered basic questions and nothing else. With that, they both waited for the heavy snowstorm to end in silence.  

They were none other than Man Yee Ho and Yeung Tin Hun.  

Man Yee Ho might be Man Chin Hung’s direct disciple, but his name was never announced to the world. On the other hand, Yeung Tin Hun was famous, but Man Yee Ho lived a hermetic lifestyle and knew nothing of him. 

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