“How dare you!” Kok Yeung yelled and drew a large knife from his waist as he slashed down at the pile of snow. 

The pile of snow exploded, revealing the hidden teenager carrying a silver spear in his hands. It blended into the stark white snow perfectly as if it was one with the snow. As it drew across the snowy air, its trajectory was entirely concealed without stirring up the surrounding snow.. It was as if he and his spear were the only sources of light in the world.  

Kok Yeung knew that he had to run once he saw the spear. Being a person who survived on illegal activities, he had great survival instincts. He always fled if he felt that he couldn’t deal with his opponent. But this time, he realised that his judgement came up short.  

The teen might only be a one-chambered glipher, but his attacks were even stronger than most two-chambered gliphers he had encountered. It even reminded him of the glare a three-chambered glipher who murdered three people out rage. 

Just who is this kid!?  

Kok Yeung was a two-chambered glipher, but having broken through to this rank about twenty years ago, he was extremely experienced. His fear didn’t affect him as the gliphs on his arms lit up. It was a commonly seen gliph in the North, Superhuman. 

The Superhuman gliph was similar yet different from the Super-strength gliph which used gliphic plants. The former brought a greater increase of strength, while the latter could be used for a longer period. 

As energliph entered the gliph, the knife in Kok Yeung’s hand turned red. 

“No matter how strong you are, you won’t be able to escape this attack!” He growled. “Gliphility, Monstrous Slash!”  

“Monstrous?” The teen chuckled. “Interesting name, but what a pity that the gliphility doesn’t live up to it.”

Kok Yeung failed to realise that the thin white fog from the teen’s feet boosted his speed amidst the snow storm. The teen took a step, moved several feet away instantly, making Kok Yeung miss his target.


“How is this impossible?” The teen laughed as he attacked with his spear once again. The air was filled with a silver light that shot straight towards Kok Yeung through the heavy snowstorm. 

Kok Yeung was caught flatfooted; he had just used up his strength and had yet to muster another burst of power. He fought in a pitiful state in the snow, and his knife received chips all over its blade. This pained him greatly as he treasured the weapon; It was taken from a one-chambered glipher and was his strongest weapon. And now his precious weapon was close to being destroyed in this fight.  

“Who are you!” His scream rang across the mountain range. His two surviving subordinates fled long ago after realising that Kok Yeung was losing. 

The teen had swift and agile movements, and the spear moved like one of his limbs. 

“You forced me!” Kok Yeung gritted his teeth and stared at the teen with bloodshot eyes before suddenly throwing his damaged grade one gliph weapon towards him! 

The teen was surprised, but more white fog emitted from his feet as he moved to dodge the attack once again. But before he could do so, Kok Yeung stared at him furiously as he shouted, “Explode!” 

The knife instantly exploded—Boom!   

Gliph weapons were made of rare ingredients and completed by having gliphs carved on them, allowing energy to be stored in the weapons. Now that the weapon containing Kok Yeung’s energliph exploded, it was a deadly attack against one-chambered gliphers! 

The thick blanket of snow on the ground scattered all over as the knife exploded.  

Kok Yeung knew that he should flee at that moment. The cold temperature and screeching wind weren’t why the Snowdrift Mountain Range was dangerous; it was the many deadly beasts lurking around. It was a smooth journey for them up till now as they were familiar with the landscape, barely allowing the group to avoid most beasts. 

However, this fight would definitely attract any gliphic beasts nearby. Despite this, Kok Yeung didn’t leave. His eyes were glued to the front as he wanted to see the teen’s corpse with his own eyes.

As snow kept falling, traces of the explosion disappeared under the wind and snow.  

The teenage figure appeared once again, the spear still in his hands. The only difference was that he was now wearing a silver robe which shone brightly, with a belt which was longer than his robe around his waist dancing in the gale. The belt was no less shiny than the silver robe.  

The instant Kok Yeung saw his clothes, he was reminded of a legend regarding a type of textile.  

Legends had it that there was a type of silkworm, an ultra-rare gliphic beast, that could only be found in areas with huge climate changes. Only producing silk once every century, its silk was said to be invincible. Furthermore, it had a natural affinity for energliph, protecting the cultivator and supplementing his cultivation. 

The silk had an interesting property; it would change colour according to the season. Vibrant green during spring, blazing red in summer, reserved yellow in the fall and shining silver in winter.   

The silkworm could only be found in the Four Season Mountain, so it became one of their specialities, the four season silk. Due to its rarity, only a few members of the Four Season Heaven owned a robe made of this silk, and every one of them was an important member of the sect. For example, the sect leaders; the four Yeung brothers, or their famous Young Master; Yeung Tin Hun.   

If Kok Yeung could identify the robe but not Yeung Tin Hun, he should just die of stupidity. Anger and sorrow washed over him.  

“Why didn’t you say that you’re the Four Season Heaven’s young master! I wouldn’t dare offend you if you did!”  

Kok Yeung had always been proud of his observation skills. However, today was the worst day of his life for him to offend the Four Season Heaven’s young master…. 

This teen was indeed Yeung Tin Hun. He sneered as his belt danced in the air like a long tail. “So you mean that you wouldn’t mess with me had you known who I am? Do you mean that weaklings deserve to die under you? Bullying the weak and fearing the strong? You deserve death!” 

Kok Yeung laughed so loudly that it overpowered the gale. It was full of despair and fury, a dying man’s sorrow. “This is the rule of the North, where the weak are prey for the strong! Yeung Tin Hun, you’re too childish. You’ll eventually die in someone’s hand even if you take my life today.”  

“Since that’s the case, I’ll give you a painless and swift death. Rest in peace.” Yeung Tin Hun snickered.  

His belt flew in the air, the spear in his hands dancing murderously.

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