Far away in the North.  

The North had a cold climate almost all year round. Northerners had to survive in a terrible environment where snow ceased falling only two or three months a year. These living conditions made Northerners eye the South, which had heavenly living conditions in comparison. 

A small figure with a long cape covering his face left a trail in the snow as he ploughed through it. Holding onto a long wooden staff, he braved the heavy snow and continued his journey. Soon, he saw a ball of flame in the distance, to which he heaved a sigh of relief. 

He entered the building, shutting out the howls of wind.  The figure took off his cape which covered his baby face. Seeing the teenager, everyone inside jumped in surprise. 

“Kiddo, what are you doing here during such bad weather?”  

They only received a glare in reply. He pulled out several silver taels from his pocket and slammed them on the table. “I want some wine.”   

He was currently at a well-known pub near the Snowdrift Mountain Range. There was nothing the waiters could say after the teen took out his silver taels. On the other hand, the teen caught the eye of a few muscular men at the side. They stared at him with unkind looks as their leader stood up. Despite the freezing temperature, the leader wore sleeveless clothes that showed his gliphs clearly.   

This was the style of Northerners. Unlike Southerners, they didn’t fear others seeing their gliphs. Actually, they would show them purposely, like how a peacock flashed its feathers to garner admiration from others.  

It was evident the glipher was a two-chambered glipher. He made his way to the teenager with a smile. “Little brother, why not have a drink with me and my brothers?”  

“Get lost and stop bothering me,” the teen rolled his eyes as he replied coldly.  

The man glared at him angrily. “Little brother, think carefully before you speak. The Snowdrift Mountain Range is filled with dangerous beasts. The most worthless item in the North is a person’s life.”  

“Kok Yeung, don’t cause a scene,” a waiter who couldn’t stand Kok Yeung’s actions cut in.

Kok Yeung stopped after hearing him, but he continued glaring at the teen. 

The waiter noticed the glare and  whispered to the teen, “Little boy, be careful. That’s Kok Yeung, a famous gangster that operates in the Snowdrift Mountain Range. He’s not here for the many beasts but so he can do whatever he wants. Along with his men, they are known for their illegal activity. I suggest you return home soon, boy.”  

The teen picked up a jug and drank from it. The wine that flowed into his body warmed him up. He then turned to the waiter and flashed a smile. “I’m more worried that they dare not do anything to me.”  

After tidying himself up, the youth left the pub.  

Kok Yeung exchanged glances with the men around him. They all stood simultaneously as they went after the teen. The waiter sighed to himself as he believed the teenager wouldn’t live to see tomorrow. However, this wasn’t his business; after working at this pub for a long time, he had witnessed similar matters many times.  

Only a few escaped alive.  

“Leader, are we really going to kill a kid?” one of his subordinates asked.  

“What do you know?” He sneered. “Can’t you see how rich he is? Furthermore, I saw a small part of the staff under the cloth. There were gliphs on it; if I’m not wrong, that should be a gliph weapon.” 

The group shared glances upon hearing that it was a gliph weapon, all of them getting excited. Not all gliphers possessed a gliph weapon, and even a grade one gliph weapon would greatly increase a glipher’s strength. 

“He’s definitely a disciple from one of those great organisations or tribes who’s out adventuring. We‘ll be rich after we get rid of him.” Kok Yeung sneered. He looked at his men. “If any of you mess this up, it’ll be the last time I ever see your face.” 

Everyone agreed to do their best, entering the mountain range despite the heavy snow.  

The mountain range was huge and covered in snow. It was a forbidden area of the North due to its steep geography. It looked like sharp thorns sticking out of the ground from a distance. Moreover, the gale that blew into the mountain range turned the snow into deadly shards of ice. There was a ninety percent chance that one-chambered gliphers would die if they entered. Only two-chambered cultivators and above could survive. 

Due to the danger, there were no commoners in the mountain range, making it a gliphic beast paradise. The North was a huge bestial paradise to begin with, and things were even worse in the Snowdrift Mountain Range. Grade three gliphic beasts were common, and it was said that even grade five gliphic beasts resided there, though nobody had ever seen one.  

Kok Yeung and his subordinates had been spending a lot of time in the mountain range and were extremely familiar with the area, but even they dared not venture into the depths of the mountain range. They only stayed on the periphery, at times hunting for beasts, but most of their time was spent killing and robbing weaker gliphers.  

After some time, one of his subordinates spoke. “Leader Kok, do you think the kid has already died?”  

Kok Yeung didn’t feel too comfortable searching in the heavy snow either. “If he dared step into this mountain range, he’d definitely have heard about the danger. He’s only a one-chambered glipher. He won’t dare enter. Continue searching!”  

His subordinates could only continue the search, praying they could leave as soon as possible. They were unwilling to stay in the snow where many dangerous beasts lived.   

As they searched, they passed by an inconspicuous pile of snow. The pile of snow moved slightly. In the snowstorm, it was easily overlooked. A pair of eyes appeared in the pile, staring at the group with a chilly look as cold as the weather.  

Whoosh… The storm seemed to get worse. A buzz cut through the air.  

Three rays of silver light shot out, followed by three fountains of blood spraying out of the gangsters’ throats.  

Kok Yeung turned around upon hearing the sound, only to see that all his companion’s throats had been slit. They tried to cover the hole to stop their bleeding, but it was futile as they silently fell to the ground with a thud.  

Their blood froze immediately in the freezing temperature. A crimson red covered the white snow, adding a poignant touch of colour to the pale world of ice and snow.

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