By the time that I had enchanted the third dagger, dinner was ready and smelling absolutely delectable, everyone in the room making their way towards the table without hesitation as we watched Bessie and Mother ferry the platters of food over to the table, each one looking far more tasty then the last.

Like everyone had come to expect, most of those platters were laden with steaks and various different cuts of beef; ribs, sirloins, ribeyes, flank steak...

Each of those platters was filled with enough food to feed almost two or three average families for two days, and yet this would all be consumed by us in mere minutes; that wonderful Demonic metabolism that the Marquess bestowed upon her daughter guaranteed that, while the utilization of mana from myself and physical exertion from smithing that Anput did made our stomachs bottomless as well.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Even Leone was quite famished, still needing to properly replace the calories she burned this morning and afternoon...

What would look like a waste of food in my old world for a group this size was actually just the norm for us now, and I had come to accept that, even if I would feel guilty for a few moments before and after the meal since I couldn't help but try to count the calories in my head.

Though that was washed away when I realized I more then burnt what I needed and that I was entirely able to eat this much without worrying that I would get out of shape, so I didn't let that guilt weigh me down for long...

Dinner was a quiet affair, the large pots of rice and cold noodles complimenting the star of the meal - which was always the meat - and the various bowls of sautéed broccoli and corn laden with butter and seasoning filling our stomachs quickly.

No one spoke, and we all devoured our first and second portions swiftly, with even Alessandra and Lakshmi joining the feast as they nibbled on some broccoli and flank steak respectively.

The baby Elf was nestled on Leone's lap, while Lakshmi had found her way towards Jahi, plopped directly in the middle of her lap and gnawing on the piece of flank steak she had 'stolen' from her sister's plate.

Water, tea and wine washed down the food and helped to fill us up quicker, making the third and fourth portions take longer to devour and grow smaller each time we got more food.

After my own third helping of steak and rice, I decided to just mix some strips of flank steak with the cold noodles and some vegetables, chasing them down with wine and enjoying that euphoric relaxed, tired feeling that came after eating so much good food, leaning back in my chair and letting out a content sigh as I sipped on the remaining wine and observed everyone else.

Letting myself begin to digest everything, I enjoyed the sluggishness of being post feast, my body feeling heavier and tired, even if I knew that I had already rested for long enough.

Jahi, Anput, and the Marquess continued to eat, cleaning off the rest of the plates and draining the teapots and wine bottles, while the rest of us just enjoyed the bliss and watched them lovingly.

Eventually though, I got up and moved back towards the living area, taking a seat in the chair I had been occupying before and picking up another dagger, idly realizing just how many we had.

Taking a deep breath, I began to slowly reenter the zone of enchanting and focused on the blade, continuing from where I left off and continuing to practice this skill of mine.

It was a bit harder now that my mind and body were a tad more sluggish, but I took it as extra practice that would make me just that much better at enchanting, focusing my mana and engraving it onto the metal below.lightsnovel

While I was doing so, the others all finished up as well, dispersing from the table and beginning to help cleanup, while Mother took the two babies and left to give them their proper dinner.

The dagger didn't take long to finish, and I placed it on the table beside the three others with a sigh, giving myself a moment to recover and regather myself before I reached for the final dagger, only to stop as I realized something.

How would I enchant things in an element that wasn't my own?

For the simple enchantments the answer was simple; have someone else supply their mana to me and use them as a 'battery' of sort as I did the enchanting, but the problem was when I got into the higher level enchantments.

I couldn't rely on their mana to not fluctuate too much or be too strong, and with someone like Jahi, well... I wasn't too comfortable or certain about her Light Mana not harming me in the process.

Leaning back into the chair, I begin to ponder my new problem for a few moments, before looking over at Leone and asking "Leone, is there a way to store someone else's mana into some kind of medium that I could then use to enchant something?"

The Vampire looked over at me from where she was sitting, a book in hand as she relaxed.

"Something for enchanting..? I... don't know. Perhaps. The only thing that I could think of would be taking a Mana Crystal and using that instead, but..."

"Well, couldn't I take a dried up Mana Crystal and have someone re imbue it with more mana? Or what about something like Jahi's Light Mana or Anput's Metal Mana?"

Pursing her lips, Leone closed her book and drummed her fingers over the cover, thinking on it while the others just looked between us before going to their own conversations.

"Perhaps... maybe you could take a simple, basic Mana Crystal - one without an element - and turn it into an elemental crystal through enchantments? I know that one of the most common enchanting tools - if you don't have that element yourself - is a Magic Pen, which uses small Mana Crystals as a fuel source and is output from the tip of the tool, like an actual pen. If you could create your own fuel source with Metal, Light, Ice... hells, if we could find a way to do so with Moon and Blood Mana as well... The problem is getting it in solid form and separating it from our control, all while making sure it doesn't decompose too quickly to be used..."

I nodded, letting out a sigh as I realized I had just made a rather complex problem for myself, but... it was one I would need to face soon anyways.

Again, I could do basic Fire and Earth enchantments with Leone or Anput's help, but I would not be able to do advanced enchantments for those simple elements or any enchantments for the combined elements like Metal.

And I wasn't certain about my ability to utilize Jahi's Light Mana either, since it's potency compared to the rest of us was just... too destructive.

Using it without any proper understanding or a better way to control it might cause severe damage to my Core, which was far too dangerous to risk trying.

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