Returning everything to the box that Anput had brought into the training grounds, we gave the Jackalkin a few more words of praise - which she soaked in like a sponge and puffed out her chest in pride - before taking the box and leaving the training grounds behind, making our way back towards our room.

The bottle of wine had been finished swiftly between all three of us - Leone taking a break and shaking her head, declining the offer - and helped keep us all warm from our exercise, as well as relaxing our minds somewhat and creating an ambiguous mood amongst us all, though we were still in control of our actions, reining in that mood to something that wouldn't impede us or cause any embarrassment as we entered the room.

Already the smell of excellent cooking was making our stomachs rumble, and Mother turned to smile at us as we entered, though that turn was impeded by the gigantic blue baby attached to her back.

I chuckled softly as I glanced at Jahi, who ignored me as she made her way over towards the couch, plopping down and letting out a sigh before smirking as Leone sat beside her, making me roll my eyes as the Demoness tried to make me jealous by embracing the Vampire intimately.

Anput went to put the armor into our room, and I walked over to the kitchen and took a peak at all of the pots and pans that were set out above the stove, nodding my head as the scent from each of them only made my stomach rumble some more, though Mother just gave me a smile and murmured "Go rest, Bessie and I have this. It should be done in a few minutes... Perhaps longer since I have to lug her around as well..."

The Marquess just grumbled as she nuzzled her cheek between Mother's ears, her ruby eyes cracking open for just a moment as she stared at me tiredly, only to close her eyes a second later as she continued to embrace Mother from behind, enjoying the warmth of the Dogkin as she cooked everyone dinner.

The Cowkin hummed quietly to herself as she moved around to a new pot, stirring its contents and doing her best to make herself small enough that no one would take note of her, which we all appreciated.

Meanwhile the Countess was back in her rocker with the two babies in her arms, all three of them dozing quietly as they enjoyed the warmth of the blanket wrapped around themselves.

I took it all in for a moment before making my way into the bedroom, grabbing some of the extra weapons and armor that we had and bringing them back out into the living area, where I sat down on a chair and laid the gear out in front of me, knowing that I needed to practice enchanting once more before giving our new gear some nice enchantments.

Anput came out with me and fell onto the couch beside Jahi, lounging contentedly across the Demoness' lap and stretching herself out some more before curling up, looking more like a cat than a canine.

Ignoring the exceedingly smug Demoness, I grabbed the basic dagger that I had long since put aside from my arsenal and spun it around, inspecting the simple blade and picking out some enchantments from my mind to put onto this weapon for practice.

To start - like I always did - I placed the enchantment that would actively draw in more mana and allow the material to be soaked in mana, strengthening it somewhat and improving the capacity for enchantments even if the space became more limited thanks to this enchantment taking some up.

Concentrating my mana, I began to trace out the runes for this enchantment and reacquainting myself with it as I started my work, focusing entirely on the task at hand and enjoying the quiet while it lasted.lightsnovel

The all too familiar enchantment went on swiftly, and I took another deep breath as I began to envision some other basic enchantments that didn't need my elements to work, relying instead on basic, raw mana.

An endurance enchantment, a sharpness enchantment, and a small cleanliness enchantment, rounding it out as a normal, yet reliable dagger for someone to take out into the city casually; a nice, average, reliable weapon that didn't require much maintenance whatsoever.

Everything went on smoothly, and I slowly lowered myself back into the waters of enchanting as I controlled my magic intimately, making sure to keep it steady, consistent, and completely under control as I ingrained the metal with my mana, altering its properties and adding some extra oomph to it.

With my confidence slowly returning to me, I grabbed the next dagger and started anew, placing on the battery enchantment and repeating the endurance enchantment, before swapping to my elements to begin the more complicated enchantments that required a bit more finesse and understanding of both the materials and myself to go on smoothly.

Not too much mana since that could render all of the enchantments useless and turn the metal brittle or too soft, but not too little that the enchantment I put on was barely worth having at all.

I needed to find the balance and understand what I was working with and what I could do with the gear I was enchanting.

For the dagger, I started with water and decided to keep it simple on that front as well, since we had an excess of items for me to work with and practice on.

I went with a crescent slash enchantment, the simple - yet effective and deadly - enchantment a staple of my early spell casting career, giving the weapon some needed range and surprise capabilities.

Switching over towards my Water Mana, I made sure to let it flow through me and keep it calm, not letting my naturally chaotic and cold Water Mana get away from me and ruin my work, which was two times harder than enchanting with normal mana.

lightsnοvεl Additionally, the Water Mana placed more strain on the metal then raw mana, which meant I needed to be doubly careful to not make the enchantment too strong since it would destroy the dagger.

However, even if it was a bit harder then the initial enchantments, the entire thing was still well within my capabilities and still so, so easy to do, just needing to get comfortable in the whole thing again.

Still, I was getting back into the groove of it all rather quickly, but extra practice never hurt anyone when it came to preparing for something, so I took my time and took up another dagger, beginning another enchantment.

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