Finishing the array of daggers, I let out a sigh as I set them on the table, staring at the newly enchanted blades and appraising them mentally, trying to recall the prices that I had seen other blades go for with similar suites of enchantments.

I think basic enchants raised the price to roughly triple the normal price of the blade, so if a basic steel dagger was - lets say 20 Silvers - then I could likely get 60 Silvers per the normal enchantments.

Those normal enchantments being the sharpness, durability, and other non attuned enchantments that were quite common and easy to apply to whatever weapon you had.

Now for the attuned enchantments like the water slashes or the piercing winds, I could probably get a Gold and some Silvers for them thanks to the harder process and more useful enchantments that they had; you were basically getting access to a spell that you might not have been able to use normally since you only needed to supply raw mana to it to activate the spells that were inlaid into the blade.

People would pay more for that so that they could cover their weaknesses whenever they went out into a Dungeon, or just to have something more reliable to protect themselves with if they had the money.

So in front of me I had a few Gold sitting on the table, and that wasn't including the various swords that we had as well... those would be fetching multiple Golds if I placed some higher enchantments on them as well.

lightsnοvεl Honestly though, that money would be going back into materials for Anput to forge me new test weapons so that I could continue to study enchanting as much as I could, which would be sold again and used to by more materials until eventually we were drowning in knives... and more knives, some daggers, more swords, axes, hammers... yeah...

It would be quite the cycle to find ourselves in, and I couldn't wait to indulge my enchanting prowess and use it to make money; even if Jahi was apart of a gigantic, wealthy, multi generational Noble Family that makes most other places look like backwater villages...

We couldn't rely on 'Mommy's' money forever, least of all when we actually get past being just 'brats' to most of the world; we still had a few years left on that front.

So having a way to make a living ourself would be imperative, and thankfully - despite Anput and Leone having rather expensive professions - we were all talented enough to sell our wares for a premium, even if our names were left out of the equation.

Besides that, the idea of being able to potentially create gear with multiple enchantments from different combination magics was rather intriguing, since that Magic Pen that Leone mentioned was something that caught my attention rather easily, and if I could get my hands on one and tune it for our potent mana's, well... it would be just the beginning of me churning out rather lucrative and powerful gear for not only us, but our own vaults as well as to play with the market and squeeze as much coin from others as we could.

Nodding to myself, I glanced up from the daggers and noticed that the living room was empty, my train of thought having taken me far from 'Reality Station' and leaving me stranded in 'Lala Land' to the point that I didn't realize I was all alone.

"Well... not always alone~!"

Feeling Cali pop into existence beside me, I sighed as I grabbed the gear and made my way over towards the door, ignoring the Arch Fiend for now and instead deciding to strike while the iron was hot; I wanted to switch from enchanting to tattooing, since I had so many ideas I needed to get ingrained into my flesh.lightsnovel

To start, I had those 'bracelets' that I wanted to intersect on my wrists; one Wind, one Water, each to create blades attached to my arms that would keep me armed no matter what - so long as I had mana, anyways - and even align them perfectly so that they could combine into Ice blades as well.

"Hmph! Be that way then... I'll just go enjoy watching the show..."

Cali disappeared just as suddenly as she appeared, something I had become increasingly familiar with and unsurprised by, so I just continued to ignore her as I made my way into the bedroom, where - another thing I was unsurprised by - I found the 'show' that Cali had been talking about, which I also began to ignore as I stored the various weapons away and sat down at one of the side tables, pulling back my sleeves completely and looking down at my pale wrists, before my eyes made their way up towards my upper left arm, where the white lines of the tattoo I had received during my 'journey' resided.

It was odd to think that I already had two large tattoos and a smaller, insignificant one as well; back in my previous life, they would have been unthinkable - especially the one that Cali gave me - and yet here I was, wanting to add more.

Just another thing that changed about me after awakening in this world...

Though, I had always wanted them, so I guess the realization that no one here cared as much as in my previous world certainly helped that decision...

Pushing those thoughts from my mind, I took a deep breath and centered myself as I began to imagine the runes for the spell that I wanted on my wrist, the two connecting rings taking up very little of my skin and leaving most of my forearm for any tattoos in the future.

For now though, the first ring - the Wind one - was beginning to etch itself into my flesh, the mana I was pouring into the area pricking my flesh like a million tiny needles that were as cold as ice, making me purse my lips as the pain slowly but surely began to mount.

I could handle it, but much like getting a cavity filled or having a blister wrapped up, the pain was enough to make thinking difficult, at least if I was only accustomed to small amounts of pain.

Just a short while ago I had been introduced to pain that many would die from, so this was nothing - even if my constitution did little to ease the effects of 'self harm' and how attaching a spell to my mana pathways was far too excruciating to be subdued by said constitution.

Thankfully the spell was a relatively simple one, and it went on smoothly and swiftly, a pale green bracelet now resting slightly unevenly on my wrist, which would set off anyones desire for things to align, so I began to work on the second of four bracelets that I needed to tattoo onto myself, this time enduring the waves that came and went as the Water Mana lived up to its name, washing over me before falling away.

But, just like the Wind Mana, the tattoo went on smoothly, a blue bracelet joining the green one and intersecting together just above and below my carpal bones, centered below my palm and below the top of my hand.

Now I just needed to mirror that on the other side as well...

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