Mother and I walked into the other room, listening to the now muffled voices of those that we held dear behind the door as we sat down on the large bed, side by side.

I leaned into her side, resting my head on her shoulder as we both stared at the door separating us from everyone else, while I waited for Mother to find the words for what she needed to say.

Her hand rested on my knee, and she squeezed softly as we sat together, until she eventually began to speak, her voice quiet.

ραndαsΝοvεl.cοm "Katherine, I... I'm sorry for everything... It's been weighing on my mind this entire time that I've been pregnant, even after we spoke last time..! I just can't..! I..!"

Her voice began to break, and I felt my heart ache as I heard that, though a twinge of annoyance filled my mind as well.

"Mother, really! It's alright! You didn't... 'fail' me like you think you have! I've still grown up into a woman you can be proud of, right? I still have my manners, my life in a good spot, a good family... I doubt that I'd be here if I was a 'failed' child, Mother! Really... You taught me what I needed to know, taught me some extra on top of that, and did your best to provide for me!"

She glanced down at me, her amber eyes conflicted as she tried to say "But I-"

"But you managed to escape a fate worse than death all whilst I was in your belly! You found a place to call home, a place that protected us both, a new family for us! Without that drive, without you wanting so badly to protect me, where would we have been? That's not the sign of a 'terrible Mother'! You did so much to make sure I had a safe place to grow, and you gave me what I thrive early on. Not many could say they had the Shield of the Empire and a Saintess guiding them through their childhood!"

Mother gave me a small smile at that, her eyes clearing up a bit as I continued.

"Listen, like I said last time, the factors surrounding my birth and childhood were different than most others, Mother. I had to mature quickly, because I was Soul Bound to the Heir of the Asmodia House. I didn't mind that, because I... even back then, I loved her. I wanted to help her however I could, and as such we were both 'robbed' of our childhood! You should know that the Countess feels the same as you do in that regard, yet you seem to be neglecting the fact that she's so excited now because she gets that chance again! Through the blessing that you are bearing for both of them!"

"I... But still, how can you be so sure that I won't fail again? That I won't be able to give them what they need to have that childhood..!"I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Sighing softly, I wrapped my arms around her body and held her close, replying "Mother, the fact that you can talk and even think to speak about this with me shows that you KNOW you haven't failed... After all, if you had failed me, why would you be speaking to me about it? Besides, I think that you'll be stubborn enough to give them that childhood that you think they need. To let them grow unfettered by the real world like all children should. But if they mature quicker than normal, don't be surprised; I hate to break this to you, but we're no longer exactly inside of a 'normal' family nor a 'normal' time.

Perhaps the Marquess' child matures fast because Demon blood matters quick. Perhaps the Countess' child matures fast because of the potent mana inside their Core... If they do, then just be there for them like you were me. Show them what they need to learn, help them through it, and let them grow."

Squeezing her shoulder, I smiled at her before getting up, stretching myself out before adding "Besides, childhood can be rather overrated anyways Mother... I'm having much more fun as an adult then I did as a child... Though, admittedly, I do think my idea of 'fun' was warped~!"

She blushed slightly at that, before glaring and huffing slightly as she stared up at me.

"And before you try and twist that into something bad that you did, I don't mind it, and in fact I welcome it. Otherwise, I doubt I'd have been able to tame Jahi as mine first and foremost~!"

I gave her a smirk before helping her to her feet, the woman still blushing as she muttered "I can't believe that you're so open about it..!"

My chuckle made her glare at me some more, before she pouted as I helped her out into the main room again, rejoining our large family in discussing the future once more, with Mother being the center of attention as everyone looked towards her belly, where two more additions to the family were waiting to be born.

The Countess reassured Mother a few times as well, whispering something to her whenever the conversation shifted and likely saying what I said to her, telling her how she'd be a great Mother once again and how she knows - not hopes, knows - that their child will turn out to be a great daughter to them both.

Even the Marquess showed a gentle side as she ruffled Mohter's ears and kissed her brow, before getting up and winking at Jahi as she led everyone else out of the room, wanting to go relax out in one of the gardens.

Of course, after having been talking about family for so long, Jahi got right into showing us just how she'd expand our family as she practiced thoroughly with all three of us, before we cleaned ourselves up and made our way out to the gardens as well, deciding that rest wasn't too bad as we joined the others once more.

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