The Empress stood up and gestured to Lady D'Arcon and Lady Lorelei, smiling softly at the Marquess as she said "Chordeva, I do hope everything goes just as well with this next daughter of yours as it did with Jahi... She certainly turned out rather decent so far."

Smirking over at Jahi, the Empress added "I do hope you don't make me take back my own words, young Jahi... Despite some obvious flaws, I don't particularly mind you as a daughter in law. I at least know that my youngest won't be in bad hands with you."

She looked back towards Mother and gave her a smile as well, nodding to her as she said "As for you, I do hope it all goes well Miss Julie. Hybrid children can be... a tad more taxing on the body, but luckily Arc is here to help. I hope the Gods bless you with a safe birth. Ah, and Ria? Congratulations on your second daughter as well, dear. Tess wants to congratulate you too, so perhaps make your way towards the Sanctum tomorrow morning? She wishes to see you badly."

The Countess nodded, whilst Mother bowed her head before looking towards me, a conflicted smile on her face.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl.cοm I could tell that she was still bothered by her own thoughts on having 'failed' at raising me, the guilt she created for herself becoming rather heavy despite us speaking about this before...

Smiling back at her, I decided I needed to talk with her once again and just reiterate the words I said last time, to really drive them home; apparently we were the same in terms of stubbornness that refused to go away even as people told us to do something differently...

Monica stood up as well, the blonde nodding to Leone before following her parents out the door, leaving only family inside the room.

Well, family plus Nirinia, as the Djinn sat awkwardly at the side, sipping on her tea as she tried to make herself as small as possible.

The Marquess sighed as she glanced at the green skinned woman, making her shrink in on herself some more as she avoided the Marquess' ruby gaze, flinching as she coughed.

"Nirinia, I would like some time with just my family..?"

Placing the teacup in front of her, the Djinn smiled stiffly at the Marquess as she said "Well, you're my mentor, and as the saying goes 'A mentor is like the parent you never had'... or something like that."

We all just stared at her for a few moments before the Marquess just sighed, waving her hands at the Squire as she muttered "Whatever, stay then..."

The Countess just raised a brow at the woman before looking towards Mother, joining her in caressing her belly as they sat quietly beside one another.

"Like the Empress said, I think it'd be best if you all remained inside the Palace for the next few days... Julie is due any day now, and it would be nice if you were all present for when she gave birth to your siblings. It's... something unique and unforgettable, and whilst it is something you might find... harrowing in the moment, it'll become a memory that you cherish. Though, I imagine it gains a more potent luster when it's your child being born, and not just a sibling. Something special about the culmination of your love being brought into the world, I guess."

Rolling her eyes, the Countess muttered "You guess..?" before she turned towards the rest of us, saying "She is right, it would be soothing for Julie if you were all present, at least. Technically speaking, Anput, Leone, you two would be one set of the babies Godparents... who the other set would be is beyond me at this moment, considering..."

The Marquess grinned widely at her wife as she finished her sentence, smugly saying "We have no other friends? That it's just you, me, Julie, and our children~?"

"I really wouldn't want to say it, but yes. That... is the case. If only~ someone else in this room was married, we could have them as a Godparent as well, but..."

We all turned to look at Nirinia, who froze as she felt the weight of all our gazes upon her muscular frame.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"Uhm... Sorry? Wait, I can still be the cool Aunt! Different title, but it's still there! Just like I'm Bluey's 'Aunt' too!"

Jahi gave Nirinia a dry look, shaking her head as she said "No, you're not. You are no where NEAR mature enough to be considered anything above... a cousin, I guess? Even that's iffy..."

The Djinn donned a hurt look as she stared back at Jahi, before grinning stupidly as the Marquess agreed with her daughter, saying "You aren't the sharpest blade on the rack, that's for sure..."

"Still a blade though~! And a damn good one~!"

"Yeah... Sure. Anyways, what is going on with you and the Lioness? We haven't seen her this entire time, so..?"

Nirinia's smile faded, and she leaned back into her chair with a sigh as she stared at the ceiling, mulling over how to answer.

I grabbed the other teapot and refilled everyones drinks, just as Nirinia decided to answer.

"We see each other here and there. I ignore her, she ignores me, so... yeah, it's back to normal. Certainly doesn't help that she catches me going to or coming from the brothel most of the time, so..."

The Countess rolled her eyes before dryly saying "Did you ever think to simply NOT go meddle with the whores and instead focus on deepening a real relationship with someone? There's a good deal of warriors, adventurers, and others who might just fit your bill, Nirinia."

She just pursed her lips as she rested her chin on her palm, her lips pulled into a thin line.

"See, you both act more like parents to me than my own do. Ma just tells me I need to get back to training and stop waisting everyones time, while Mom is as quiet as ever... The two of you at least take a moment to give advice. Wouldn't that make you parents to me as well~? In other words, family~?"

Nirinia grinned at them again, making the two glanced at one another before they sighed together, making us all chuckle.

None of us missed her redirection of the conversation, but Mother decided to accept her olive branch and changed the discussion, smiling softly as she asked for ideas on names from us all, apparently undecided and not too enthusiastic about 'Daega' or 'Carla', which were the names that the Marquess and Countess put forwards originally.

The two seemed saddened by the way their desired names were pushed aside so quickly, but they recovered when we all began to toss names out, eventually setting on pair of names for each depending on whether they were futa or pure.

After that, Mother stood up and gestured for me to walk with her into the other room, where we would talk privately for a bit.

The rest of our family - blood related and those brought in through bonds - remained inside the main room, chatting about the future in the broadest scope of the word whilst awaiting our return.

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