Not even a day had passed when Mother calmly announced that she was about to enter labor, sending the Marquess off to the Sanctum to retrieve the Countess and inform the Empress of this event, leaving me to look after Mother as I settled her onto a bed, her serene and calm smile as she sunk into the sheets at odds with what was about to happen.

"I am not as thick headed as you think I am, Katherine. Last night I thought on it some more, and I... realize just how idiotic it was to think that I failed you. I mean, even if I had, you turned out far better than I could have ever hoped, so if this is me 'failing' my child, well..."

She gave me a reassured grin before looking up towards the ceiling, continuing on even as I frantically made sure everything was clean and ready for what was to come.

Anput was out in the yard, but having heard the commotion she returned inside, standing awkwardly off to the side with Jahi as they watched, while Leone helped me get everything prepared before Lady D'Arcon showed up to actually deliver the babies.

"I guess I've come to accept it, Katherine. I do want to give them a childhood; I want them to remain as children for a longer time than you did, even if kids can be a bit of a pain sometimes... There's just something about watching them grow over a longer period of time that speaks to me, I guess..."

I listened to Mother speak quietly, her words almost too low for me to hear as she leaned back into the pile of pillows.

It didn't take long for the large Demoness to return back with an Elf in her arms, having decided it'd be better to just pick her up and carry her back instead of allowing her to walk herself, much to the chagrin of the Countess who was punching the Marquess' chest, though she was blushing slightly.

Seeing the two women responsible for her large belly, Mother smiled warmly at them as they took a seat on either side of her, holding her hands tightly as we waited for Lady D'Arcon, who showed up a few moments after that.

Gesturing for Leone and I to move aside and free up space, the blonde haired Light Magician began to layer spells over Mother, making her smile more relaxed than before as she was enveloped in warmth and given incredible healing spells to soothe the pain.

Mother seemed to be just fine as she laid there, the only sign of discomfort being the occasional twitching of her ears or thinning of her lips, likely having entered the early stages of labor for awhile now.

As for the rest of us, well, each second dragged on for what felt like hours as we watched, time slowly ticking by as we waited for something to happen.

By the thirty minute mark Mother's smile was gone, replaced by a look of concentration as she began to feel her body trying to push them out, before the pain began to become apparent on her features.

Despite Lady D'Arcon's magical pain killers lacing her body, Mother still seemed to be feeling a large amount of pain as she laid there by the time the first hour ticked by, and even more so when it reached the hour and a half after Lady D'Arcon's arrival.

By that point she was beginning to actually give birth it seemed, as she grunted and tried to push the twins out, evicting them from the warm embrace of her womb and forcing them to join us in the real world.

This... was the stage that made everyone else queasy, with Jahi having to turn away alongside Anput, with Leone even needing breaks as she looked out the window, still watching through the reflection.

The Countess winced alongside Mother, likely recalling her own experience with birth, whilst the Marquess grit her teeth and frowned, hating that she couldn't do anything besides provide support.

As for me, I forced myself to watch, wanting to see what it was like as a morbid curiosity took me over, knowing full well that I would eventually be in that position someday...

That Anput or Leone might be laying there, and I would need to be the one providing comfort and easing their pains if I could.

I sincerely doubt that there was much magic could do for such a painful event without causing problems with the birth itself; pain was a necessity in life, and if you lacked the feeling when you should be feeling it, well, the consequences can be severe...

Like when I almost lost the use of my arm when I used the tattoo on my left arm against Lady Fenryas; it might seem beneficial in the short term, but in the long term it could be drastically detrimental to you.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

And I doubt anyone wanted to risk anything severe with a child on the way.

So we were forced to watch as Mother endured hours of pain and agony as she pushed and pushed, having long since lost her calm demeanor as she hissed and howled in pain, until...

Something slipped into the awaiting hands of Lady D'Arcon, who swiftly began to shroud the child in a layer of soft golden light that cleaned it off entirely, revealing the deep lavender skin of a baby Demoness, with two nubs on either side of her head, one on the temple and the other just above her ear.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl.cοm Swiftly wrapping her in a clean white cloth, Lady D'Arcon handed the child to the Marquess, who held her close as she sat down beside Mother, who was still straining hard, though her eyes glanced over towards the Demoness pair beside her.

Another twenty or so minutes passed by slowly, with the baby crying loudly into the robe before opening her eyes, revealing a set of ambers tinged with red streaks as she stared up at the Marquess.

When her sister joined her, everyone watched as Mother relaxed back into the mound of pillows as she waited for Lady D'Arcon to clean and swaddle her other child, handing her off to the Countess.

The Elven child was pale with a small tuft of dirty blonde hair, her chubby cheeks and pointed ears making her rather cute.

Lady D'Arcon stood up after a few more minutes and smiled at Mother, waving her hand and cleaning off her sweat as she said "Everything checks out so far, no problems to either you or your children... I'll be back in an hour to check again. Enjoy..."

She exited the room, allowing us to approach Mother as she nestled the twins to her chest, the both of them greedily gulping down milk as they got their first meal of their life outside of the womb.

Looking at them both, Mother smiled as she said "Lakshmi and Alessandra... Welcome to the real world, little ones..!"

Lakshmi, the lavender skinned Demoness, pulled away for a moment and glanced up at Mother, before turning her eyes over to the Marquess, making a noise before returning to feed.

"I would assume she approves of the name!"

The Marquess was beaming as she stroked Lakshmi's small back, whilst the Countess nodded as she stared at Alessandra with a soft smile, her sapphire eyes warm as she stared at her second daughter.


If you haven't noticed, all Asmodia names have been from Hindu Goddesses or Demons (except their last name, that's a Christian Demon, Asmodeus)

As for Elves, I've decided to just stick with European, specifically Italy, France, or Germany for influence, with their last names being derived from Biblical Angels in some way (Haniel, the Countess' last name, is from the Angel of Happiness and Joy if I recall correctly.)

Just thought I'd mention this, in case anyone was wondering~!


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