My hi-tech Library

Chapter 89: big white baby

There are thousands of companies in Ludao, large and small.

As a political leader, it is difficult for Chen Yonghui to understand the foundation of a company in detail, not to mention, it has been less than a year since Xingyao Technology moved from Yangcheng to Ludao.

Before, there was a big commotion when Huawei purchased the technical services of Xingyao Technology. Chen Yonghui had a little understanding of the company, but he was too busy to come to inspect it in person.

Originally thought that Xingyao Technology was just an Internet company with very advanced technology, then, Li Yi's report today completely made him see the ambition and potential of Xingyao Technology.

If these data are true, then Xingyao Technology is by no means a simple Internet company.

Looking at Li Yi, who was in his early twenties, who was talking endlessly, this young guy has achieved such a huge success in such a short period of time, Chen Yonghui couldn't believe it.

Like Chen Yonghui, the experts and think tanks who accompanied the scene also felt incredible.

As soon as Li Yi finished his speech, someone couldn't help but ask a question: "Mr. Li, take the liberty to ask, your company has made a major breakthrough in the field of biochips and has obtained more than 2,000 technical patents. You can take a look at this biochip. Do you know its detailed parameters?"

Hearing this, Li Yi looked at the speaker, and then at Chen Yonghui, who was in the chair, and asked, "The actual biochip is in the R&D center. Secretary Chen, is it convenient to come and see it together?"

"Go, go, let's go now. I originally wanted to know if your company is preparing to develop into the field of industrial software. Then I know that there are such major gains. You are hiding it!" Chen Yonghui was overjoyed, staring at Li Yi and sighing After saying a word, he stood up impatiently.

When they saw Chen Yonghui stand up, everyone stood up one after another.

Chen Yonghui took Li Yi's arm enthusiastically, as if he was afraid that he would escape, and 'brought' him to the biochip research and development center.

Soon, a convoy of two Audi cars and a business minibus drove out from the underground parking lot of Zijin Building, along Huandao Road, and went to the Biomedical Park in Haicang District, outside the island. The biochip acquired by Xingyao Technology The research center is located in the park.

Before the convoy arrived, Li Yi had already informed Jiang Changyong that they came out to prepare for the reception.

Not long after, Chen Yonghui, who changed into a white lab coat, brought three subordinates, Li Yi, and the head of the R&D center into the biochip research room.

In a laboratory full of equipment and instruments, a small pyramid-shaped pale green substance is placed in the center of a bare machine, which is the actual biochip.

"This is the biochip you developed? What material is it made of, and can it drive a computer?" Chen Yonghui stared at the unusual 'chip', looked at Li Yi questioningly, and asked with concern.

After Chen Yonghui saw the 'biochip', he felt that he had been deceived. This 'chip' was not the same thing as what he had seen in other biochip companies before, but two different products.

"Secretary Chen, this chip was researched by Director Jiang and the others. Let him give you an introduction!" Li Yi turned to look at Jiang Changyong and introduced it.

"Okay! Director Jiang, please, please explain more clearly." Chen Yonghui took a deep breath and looked at Jiang Changyong seriously.

"Secretary, you're welcome. This biochip is made of biological materials and is developed in another system. It can indeed drive the computer. Look here and I'll show you." Jiang Changyong hurried up to meet him, feeling To the suspicion in Chen Yonghui's words, he first turned on the machine to demonstrate the operation of the biochip, and proved it with actual practice.

With Jiang Changyong's operation, the machine started running with a 'di' sound, a black prompt box appeared on the LCD screen, and some Chinese characters were displayed.

"In order to match the framework of this biochip, our President Li specially developed a Chinese character compilation language." Jiang Changyong looked at the Chinese characters and continued to introduce.

Seeing that the machine was successfully turned on, Chen Yonghui couldn't help being a little surprised. He turned to look at the two think tanks beside him, and asked them for advice, wondering what they saw.

Unexpectedly, the two subordinates did not see him at all, instead they stared at the biochip in the center of the machine, holding their breath, fearing that if they gasped, the machine in front of them would be damaged.

"Professor Cui, Professor Zhang, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong with this biochip?" Chen Yonghui asked in surprise, looking at the two of them.

"There is a problem! Of course there is a problem!"

"The problem is big! This problem is too big!"

The two professors stared at the exposed structure of the biochip and the low foundation connected to the motherboard, and murmured their response.

Chen Yonghui frowned and just wanted to say something with a sullen face.

Cui Wenhui suddenly turned his head to look at Jiang Changyong and asked excitedly: "How did you do it? What biological material did you use? How to ensure that there will be no qualitative change, and is its performance stable? ...

"Yes, what is the main frequency of it? How much can the peak operation reach? What is the point dimension system, and what architectural instructions are used?..." Prof. Cui's question hadn't been answered yet, and Prof. Zhang couldn't wait to catch Jiang Changyong's arms, asked with concern.

Jiang Changyong from UU reading had already expected the excited reaction of the two. He knew deeply how much impact this biochip would have on industry people, and he was very impressed with their mood at the moment.

"Two professors, please be patient, I will answer your questions one by one. First of all, this biochip is indeed made of all biological materials. Unlike the previous silicon-based biochips, we use a gel to cross-link several denucleic acids. , ..., the polymer that finally forms a point-dimensional structure, ..., the specific experimental data belongs to the trade secret of our company and cannot be provided, I am sorry." Jiang Changyong smiled and calmly explained from the material development process of the biochip rise.

Professor Cui and Professor Zhang were a little confused and a little confused. They are specialized in semiconductors, and they are specialized in dealing with silicon-based chips. Understand.

Even the two professionals were stunned, especially Chen Yonghui, who was on the side. However, his mentality has stabilized, so that the two experts who have seen the wind and waves can be like this. The biochip developed by Xingyao Technology is definitely not simple. .

Then, Jiang Changyong continued to introduce to them the performance parameters of the biochip, as well as the various new technologies used in the point-dimensional system, Chen Yonghui was no longer in the mood to listen.

Chen Yonghui looked at Li Yi with a smile on his face, his eyes full of admiration.

Compared with other special zones, the development of Ludao has been far behind other places, especially in the high-tech field, which has been left behind by Pengcheng.

Today, I accidentally discovered the big treasure of Xingyao Technology. It was like a pie that fell out of the world and was picked up by him for nothing. Chen Yonghui couldn't be more satisfied.

However, Chen Yonghui, who was immersed in joy, had no idea how big a treasure he had picked up in vain.

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