My hi-tech Library

Chapter 88: Starlight's big move

Li Yi was still the same, and continued to live in the laboratory, busy day and night.

'Big Black' is a rare treasure with endless potential, waiting for Li Yi to tap.

Its learning ability is very strong. It can complete all professional knowledge from primary school to university within ten minutes, and with the learning of a large amount of knowledge, it has the ability to summarize and optimize the knowledge structure.

Li Yi opened the network access rights for Da Hei, so that he can learn mechanical knowledge, chemical knowledge, material knowledge, ..., various professional knowledge related to industrial manufacturing on the Internet.

With the support of a large amount of industrial data, with the assistance of Da Hei, the industrial software development project designed by Li Yi was officially launched.

Time flies, and it's March.

Tuesday, a normal business day.

Magic City, Shenghui Technology.

As in the past, Yang Chen came to the company early, put breakfast on the table, pressed the host, and browsed the website while eating breakfast.

First, look at the news to learn about major events at home and abroad. Then, Yang Chen opened Xingyao Technology's breakthrough website, went to the technical forum, and read the exchange posts.

Since Xingyao Technology upgraded the user points system and canceled the prompt system of the level-breaking algorithm, there are fewer challengers participating in the level. Those levels have no problem-solving algorithm prompts, and they cannot pass the level at all. To gain algorithm knowledge, you have to spend points and follow up. Websites buy algorithm data, or spend money to buy algorithm data purchased by others.

Knowledge is money, and no one wants to share valuable knowledge for nothing.

Therefore, the overall activity of the technical forum has become smaller.

Last time, when he bought the right to use the simulation experiment system for the company, Yang Chen received a compensation of 200,000 yuan from the company, which indirectly proved the value of these points.

The company took the lead to experience the advantages of the simulation experiment system, and quickly purchased the computing resources of Xingyao Technology from Xingyao Technology, which saved a lot of research and development costs. Now, the computing resources of Xingyao Technology will be queued until next year. .

Xingyao Technology, which has completed the development of the simulation experiment system, has kept a low profile, and has not released too many development tasks, making it difficult for Yang Chen to earn extra money if he wants to take up tasks.

Yang Chen habitually clicked on the task list for development requirements, his expression was slightly stunned.

"1, 2, 3, what the fuck! Six figures! With so many development demands, what is Xingyao Technology doing?" Yang Chen's eyes widened, and he exclaimed in surprise.

"Brother Yang, what's the matter! So surprised!"

"Brother Yang, what's the matter?"

Yang Chen's exclamation immediately attracted the surrounding colleagues, who all asked curiously.

"Xingyao Technology is going to make a big move again. It has released hundreds of thousands of task requirements, which surprised me!" Yang Chen quickly explained.

"Hundreds of thousands? That many? True or false!"

"No, it's a system failure!"


Everyone was taken aback, and they followed to open Xingyao Technology's website to check the task list.

Sure enough, there are a total of hundreds of thousands of development requirements tasks on the page, some of which have been received, but most of them are not received.

Yang Chen casually clicked on a development task, looked at the development content and program requirements, and then randomly clicked on another one. After several comparisons, he was finally able to confirm that there were many system failures, these task requirements were not repeated, and they were all real.

too exaggerated! All of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of tasks are required. What system is this to be developed, and so many functions need to be realized?

Yang Chen quickly opened QQ and entered the technical exchange group to see everyone's reactions.

Sure enough, the technical exchange group was boiling at this time. Hundreds of thousands of pieces of information appeared, and the group members were shocked by the generosity of Xingyao Technology. They were exchanging the content of development tasks and guessing the intention of Xingyao Technology.

Yang Chen noticed the speech of a tech giant.

"I summed up, according to the tasks you received, the development requirements mainly involve, functional design, graphic data analysis, model definition, ..., and other sub-domain functions, I guess Xingyao Technology is ready to start with industrial software! "Brother Octopus explained.

"Yeah! My task is also to develop model functions."

"Great! If this software can be successfully developed, Xingyao Technology will be developed!"

"I went to Xingyao Technology for an interview, but I didn't. Now it's not easy to get in!"

"It's just over 100,000 tasks, and it's gone in minutes!"


Seeing the heated discussion among the group members, Yang Chen sighed and silently closed the communication group, feeling a little regretful. Before, if he could spend 10,000 points, he would have already joined Xingyao Technology.

The reputation of this company is getting bigger and bigger, and it is no longer inferior to the first-class manufacturers. With his qualifications and technical level, it is difficult to enter this company again.

Yang Chen received a development task, then browsed the website to see if there were any other changes.

Soon, Yang Chen discovered that more than a dozen new algorithm knowledge appeared in the points exchange list, and even a Chinese programming language appeared. The demand for points exchange was as high as 100,000, which was like robbery.

Seeing such a high demand for points, Yang Chen stopped paying attention. It takes 7-10 days for him to do a development task to get 1,000 points, 100,000 points, and it is estimated that no one can redeem it in a short time.

He casually closed the exchange page, and Yang Chen, who didn't click to understand, didn't know what he missed.

Xingyao Technology's big moves naturally cannot hide the attention from the leadership.

The leader in charge of Ludao, along with a group of subordinates and expert teams, came to visit the headquarters of Xingyao Technology to learn about the operation of the company and solve its problems.

At this time, Li Yi, who is the boss of the company, can't hide in the and needs to come forward to greet him in person.

Li Yi took the inspection leader, Chen Yonghui, and a group of experts and professors to stroll around the office environment of the company's headquarters, introduced the business, and took photos with the employees working on the site. The atmosphere was very harmonious.

After the inspection, at the regular report meeting, Chen Yonghui delivered some supportive speeches, which received warm applause from everyone.

Afterwards, Li Yi also gave a live speech, introducing the business performance of Xingyao Technology since it settled in Ludao for so long.

"The computing power rent of the simulation experiment system is the main business of Xingyao Technology. Now it has been supported by more than 1,500 large-scale R&D enterprises. The industry involves: military industry, materials, metallurgy, pharmaceuticals, ..., 37 industrial fields, etc., Helping companies save nearly 100 billion R&D funds, helping companies obtain nearly 10,000 technology patents, ..."

"With the support of the Rongcheng government, Xingyao has completed the acquisition and consolidation of Jinyuan Factory and Fuxin Factory, and is ready to take the opportunity to enter the 3D printing manufacturing industry, investing nearly 1 billion funds in the research and development of materials and equipment. Recently, research experiments The laboratory has made breakthroughs in nanomaterials, and is working **** mass production,..."

"Xingyao Technology is a technology enterprise dominated by scientific and technological innovation, and it has a research and development auxiliary tool - simulation experiment system. We dare to invest funds in scientific research,..."

"A few years ago, Xingyao Technology acquired the biochip R&D center of Dahua Biotechnology for 380 million yuan. With the excellence of the simulation experiment system, we boldly opened up new research and development directions, and obtained more than 2,000 technical patents in the field of biochips.  … …”


Looking at Li Yi, Chief Chen, and a group of experts and professors who were constantly reporting on their work, they were all pleasantly surprised. At the same time, they couldn't believe the authenticity of the data.

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