My hi-tech Library

Chapter 90: strategic height

The two experts pestered Jiang Changyong and talked deeply about technical issues for more than half an hour, and gradually found out the real situation of the scientific research line of biochips.

Due to the short development time of the finished product, the durability of the biochip material cannot be determined. However, even so, the design ideas of this biochip, as well as its innovative scientific research ideas, provide the basis for the subsequent development of more advanced biochips. , opened a new door.

As far as the value of this technical idea is concerned, it has been able to rise to the national strategic level.

The country's semiconductor industry has always been blocked by Western countries and various embargoes. With the birth of this biochip, this difficult situation seems to be easily resolved, and there is even the possibility of overtaking on the corner.

At the thought of the huge market size of semiconductors and the technical value contained in such a small biochip, it seems that it is related to the fate of the country, and the professor immediately became red-eyed.

"Great, great innovation, if it can be made, the whole world will be changed because of you!" Professor Cui grabbed Jiang Changyong excitedly, trembling all over, and praised happily.

"Yes! This direction is very promising. Silicon-based chips have reached the physical limit. Your success proves that biochips are the future." Professor Zhang nodded excitedly.

When Chen Yonghui, who was talking with Li Yi about other businesses of Xingyao Technology, heard this, he couldn't help turning his head, looking at them and asking, "How is it, have you understood the situation of this biochip? How big is the market value?"

Professor Cui Wenhui calmed down his excitement, facing Chen Yonghui, said solemnly: "Secretary Chen, the technical details are well understood, this core-making technology has great potential for development, and may become an opportunity for my country to get rid of the suppression of Western semiconductor technology. Unlimited development potential."

Such a high evaluation?

"Professor Zhang, this is your judgment too?" Chen Yonghui looked at another think tank assistant, Zhang Runsheng, and asked for his opinion.

"Yes!" Professor Zhang Runsheng nodded without hesitation and introduced excitedly: "This is a century-old invention and innovation. Biomaterial biochips are not that no one has tried. However, unlike traditional binary silicon-based chip materials, The disorder and complexity of biological materials, there is no suitable architectural language to apply!"

"Yes! Compared with silicon-based computers, human brains and animal brains are the most advanced 'computers' in the world. The reason why biochips based on biological materials are not considered is because we do not have the language to control 'organisms'. "Professor Cui Wenhui nodded in agreement.

Hearing such astonishing judgments from the two aides, Chen Yonghui couldn't react for a while.

Working together for so many years, their excellent strategic vision has been proven in practice time and time again.

If this judgment is true, then the influence of Xingyao Technology has exceeded the level of one province and one city, and has reached the national strategic level.

"Comrade Xiao Li, Dianweiji is an excellent invention! I don't know how you found it!" Professor Cui Wenhui ignored the thoughtful Secretary Chen, and asked Li Yi with shining eyes.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Li Yi, and Professor Cui Wenhui asked the common question in their hearts.

Seeing this, Li Yi walked to a monitor without haste. He had already thought about how to answer this question.

Li Yi put his hands on the keyboard, tapped the keyboard a few times, wrote a piece of editing code, and explained: "That's how I found it. When developing the simulation experiment system, I learned a lot of programming languages, and created a lot of New algorithms, however, existing programming languages, simply do not meet my development needs.”

"Like this statement, in a two-dimensional array, each row is sorted in ascending order from left to right, and each column is sorted in ascending order from top to bottom, to complete a function, enter such a two-dimensional array and an integer, to determine whether the array contains the integer."

"According to the idea of ​​binary, the matrix is ​​ordered. From the lower left corner, the upward number decreases and the right number increases, so start searching from the lower left corner, and when the number to be found is larger than the number in the lower left corner. Move right to find The number is smaller than the number in the lower left corner, move up, ... But if you change it to another, can you directly search for the answer!"

"Slowly, my thinking broke away from the binary mode, and I thought of this point-dimensional system. Later, I found that the point-dimensional system is not suitable for expressing in English. On the contrary, our mother tongue can adapt to this point-dimensional system very well. System structure,..." Li Yi explained while demonstrating, and introduced the R&D process of Dimension System in a reasonable and unmistakable manner.

At the end of the introduction, Li Yi looked at Jiang Changyong and Wang Hongmin, and concluded 'fortunately': "Later, I thought that this point-dimensional system needs a suitable chip to use, so I pushed it to Jiang Gong and Wang Gong. They did research, and unexpectedly, they gave me a big surprise and successfully developed this biochip!"

After listening to Li Yi's introduction, Jiang Changyong and Wang Hongmin showed stunned expressions. Then, they thought of something and looked at each Qi revealed a strange expression.

Professor Cui Wenhui and Professor Zhang Runsheng couldn't help nodding their heads.

"Your simulation experiment system is indeed a big project. Xiao Li is really a computer genius!" Chen Yonghui couldn't help but praised when he heard the light in his eyes.

"It's amazing to have created so many advanced technologies at such a young age!" Professor Wenhui Cui nodded again and again, full of praise.

"Yeah! This talent is unparalleled!" Professor Zhang Runsheng nodded in agreement, looked at Li Yi and asked with concern: "Comrade Xiao Li, take the liberty to ask if you can borrow me to study the Chinese programming language you created. ?"

"Of course, no problem. I'll give the two professors a copy later. However, this language information has not been officially released, and the two professors have been asked to keep it secret." Li Yi replied with a smile.

Later, under the leadership of Jiang Changyong, the group visited the laboratory for the development of biochip mass production technology.

The inspection work continued until nightfall.

If not, the Jinyuan Factory is located in Rongcheng, and Chen Yonghui and his party would like to go there and take a look.

At the gate of the R&D building, Li Yi and his subordinates watched Secretary Chen's motorcade drift away, and Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

It was the first time that I received a major leader to inspect the work. I was afraid that I would lose my courtesy in front of them, and everyone was nervous. However, fortunately, the task has been completed perfectly.

Secretary Chen was extremely satisfied with the achievements made by Shining Star Technology in the field of technological innovation, and even made a verbal promise to them on the spot to give them strong support in terms of tax policies and funds. After the meeting was discussed.

All in all, this inspection activity has successfully brought Xingyao Technology into the upper-level vision, and the company's future business development will definitely receive strong support from above.

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