My hi-tech Library

Chapter 345: the exploration of knowledge

131 light-years away from the solar system, the Monica galaxy, the sixth planet Thales star, similar to the earth,

Their gravitational forces are almost the same. The gravitational force of Thales Star is slightly larger than that of Earth, but the difference is not very obvious. Unlike Earth, the main star of Thales Star is a young star that emits very strong light. It is two or three hundred times stronger than the sun in the solar system. Therefore, the distance between Thales Star and the main star is very far, more than 200 million kilometers, and it can still obtain energy from the main star without being in an environment that is difficult to survive.

Thales has a thick atmosphere, and the planet itself is surrounded by two satellites. However, the two satellites have now been transformed into fortress planets by the Thales stars on the planet, and a large number of metal buildings have been built. The spaceship, like a school of fish, revolves around the parent star and two satellites.

"The Taixing Explorer is gone!"

"No, our Taixing Explorer was intercepted by an unknown civilization."


The high-level collective of the Thales people became anxious. Through the monitoring of the astronomical agency, they discovered that the Taixing Explorer, which was sent to other galaxies and recorded their civilization, disappeared.

The scientists of the entire civilization, the astronomical scientists, were collectively boiling. They were studying the signals sent back by the Taixing Explorer before disappearing. At the same time, various interstellar spacecraft were launched, searching for potential enemies everywhere.

Through research, scientists have deciphered the last signal sent back from the disappearance of Tai Star, learned how it was intercepted by an unknown civilization, and sent back the last image of the White Eagle.

Once the news of an interstellar warship on an interstellar voyage was confirmed, the entire senior level of the Thales civilization was collectively anxious.

Analyzing the technology of the 'White Eagle', we can draw a conclusion that the technological level of this unknown civilization is almost the same as theirs. However, they intercepted the Taixing Explorer and learned of their existence, but did not give them any information to reply. , the situation is worse.

What kind of civilization is behind this interstellar spaceship, whether they can communicate, what kind of attitude they have towards the Thales civilization, ..., when they could not find this unknown civilization, they had all kinds of guesses.

The high-level collective of Thales Civilization went crazy and hated the person in charge of Taixing Explorers very much, causing their civilization to become very passive.

Without knowing about this unknown civilization, the high-level officials of Thales Civilization started a war preparation plan, resorted to military force, and frantically expanded the Star Fleet.


In a distant galaxy, the White Eagle is like a meteor in the dark universe, escaping from the original galaxy at an extremely fast speed.


Solar system, Mars.

In the past 64 years, over hundreds of thousands of kilometers above the north and south poles of Mars, there are giant metal buildings floating on each side, like the caps on both ends of the planet. They are powerful magnetic field generators for releasing the magnetic field of Mars. A global magnetic field that encapsulates the entire planet, because of their action, the artificially generated atmosphere of Mars begins to be bound by Mars, protecting the atmosphere of Mars from being blown away by the solar wind.

With the emergence of the Martian atmosphere, some green plant greenhouses and rivers appeared on the surface of Mars one after another, and four seasons began to appear.

On the surface of Mars, there are floating metal cities built one by one. There are millions of human beings living in the city. Under the protection of the city's maglev energy defense cover, they live safely in the metal floating city.

In the orbit near Mars, a giant space dock and semi-finished interstellar spacecraft are being processed and produced in the assembly line of the space dock, surrounded by small transport ships that come and go around the space dock.

The entire solar system is already flooded with a large number of human spaceships. Human civilization has completely entered the era of stars and seas. Relying on a huge mechanical force and advanced interstellar technology, it is constantly developing and transforming the solar system.

The space dock of Mars is the base camp for Starship Technology to manufacture starships. Now it is starting the most advanced five-generation curvature engine starships, as well as the sixth-generation starships that can open wormholes. . . .

The human alliance government seems to be saying that the Thales civilization has forgotten, and they did not contact them rashly. Instead, they are developing advanced spaceships. After the fifth and sixth generations of interstellar warships are developed, and they have gained technological advantages, they will consider and the Thales civilization. make contact.

The Thales civilization also began to actively prepare for the war when it discovered that the other party had other intentions because it was aware that the unknown civilization had intercepted their Explorer.

Both civilizations seem to be driven by time, crazy to develop their respective star fleets.

As for Li Yi, who woke up from frozen dormancy, his days were spent constantly getting to know his grandsons and great-grandchildren and getting familiar with the environment of the new world.

Because of this update of the new technology library of Xingyao Technology, the scientists of Xingyao Technology have become very busy collectively during this period.

Scientists have a lot of things to do every day. They have to digest and absorb these advanced new technologies as quickly as possible. At the same time, they have to make time to participate in the development of a new generation of warships and the application of various new technologies. They are happy At the same time, also busy.

This time, Xingyao Technology has an even more back-end database, the amount is too amazing, such as wormholes, anti-gravity, new materials, ..., large and small, thousands of copies of various technology types, hundreds of branches.

These technologies cover almost all aspects of interstellar science, and almost every scientist can be assigned tasks.

In order to digest this part of things as soon as possible, Xingyao Technology has also set up a hundred scientific research teams to deal with different disciplines and allocate related tasks. The number of scientists involved is as high as one million or more.

It can be said that the release of the database permissions this time is a major technological upgrade of Xingyao Technology over the years, which has boosted Xingyao Technology's status in the scientific holy land of scientists.

Over the years, with Li Yi's dormancy and Li Yang's rise to power, the development of Xingyao Technology in the field of scientific research has become slow, and other competitors have made breakthroughs. Major scientific progress has lost the luster of its former scientific mecca.

In just a hundred years, human civilization can develop so rapidly in the interstellar era.

Now that feeling comes back.

The scientists of Xingyao Technology are all excitedly devoted to the research of cutting-edge technology.

Earth Jupiter, Xingyao Technology Headquarters Building, Chairman's Office.

Li Yang was sitting in front of his work, carefully watching a large number of reports, work reports, and various data. They were gathered on the holographic screen like flowing water, and he needed to read and annotate in real time.

"Dad, aren't you back? Why am I still sitting here, approving these documents." Li Yang said with a sad face, looking at his younger sister, Li Qing, in front of him.

"Don't be cheap and still be good! Does Dad look like that kind of person who thinks about power?" Li Qing gave Li Yang a blank look and asked remindingly.

Hearing this, Li Yang sighed with a wry smile: "I know he's not, but my dream is to be a fleet commander! I really want to start this interstellar spaceship like Xiaoyong and travel the stars!"

After finishing speaking, Li Yang looked up into the space and felt that this office was his cage. After so many years, when will his childhood dream come true.

"Then hurry up and train a successor so that you can be free!" Li Qing explained with a smile.

After listening to his sister's suggestion, Li Yang was quite moved. However, when he thought of the size of Xingyao Technology and the meaning it represented, Li Yang thought about several sons, either he had a heavy responsibility and couldn't bear the size of Xingyao Technology. A company, or the personality is not suitable, can't find the right person at all.

"It can only be found in the grandchildren. Li Mu and Li Qiang can still be cultivated, but it will take a long time for them to grow up!" Li Yang sighed and said helplessly.

"Then just wait, anyway, we have time." Li Qing said with a smile.

Li Yang sighed and couldn't help but admire his father's courage. When he was in his twenties, he was able to hand over such a large enterprise as Xingyao Technology to him. He managed it like walking on thin ice for more than 60 years. Now, he has to give it to him. The next successor realizes that this is not an easy task.

Li Yang is a little curious about the secret of his father~Li Yi, that special space, it seems to be related to the secret of the rise of Xingyao Technology, and the sudden choice of his father to freeze dormancy seems to be related to that special space... What is he hiding? what?

Li Yang gradually lost his mind as he thought about it. He was very curious about this secret, but it was his father. Li Yi didn't take the initiative to say it, so he really couldn't ask.

capstone novel

"Father! What is he doing now?" Li Yang recovered and looked at Li Qing and asked with concern.

"He accompanies the old men on a trip to the moon. At this moment, it seems that he is on his way to Mars, and he is expected to arrive the day after tomorrow." Li Qing adjusted a look at the holographic projection and introduced.

Li Yang couldn't help but feel envious. Looking at this trend, after his father woke up, he took his grandparents to travel around the world. He really didn't want to continue to interfere in the daily management of Xingyao Technology!


On the safe passage from Earth to Mars, a comprehensive ship Xingchen, under the protection of two cruise frigates, slowly flew towards Mars.

Li Yi was alone, standing in front of the ship's window, admiring the vast starry sky outside the window and the dazzling scenery when the spaceship was flying rapidly.

After waking up from the frozen dormancy state, Li Yi injected the second-generation adaptive gene-enhancing agent, and his body functions were strengthened at one time. At this moment, his physical age still maintained the appearance of about thirty years old, but his mental age was more than a hundred years old. age.

Li Yi's eyes are deep and wise. He communicates with alien civilizations in the library, and manages such a huge enterprise as Xingyao Technology on a daily basis, carrying the future destiny of human civilization. Now that it is like this, you can put down the boulder in your heart and enjoy such a leisurely time at ease.

With a "huh", the automatic glass door opened, and Zhou Wenhui slowly walked into the captain's room and walked behind Li Yi.

"Still watching! What's so beautiful, you won't get tired of seeing this stereotyped scene!" Zhou Wenhui laughed and teased Li Yi.

"The mood is different! I only have time now to take a good look at this wonderful world." Li Yi did not look back, but responded to Zhou Wenhui's words with a smile.

"Then keep watching! I'm going to sleep!" Zhou Wenhui gestured angrily and hilariously.

Li Yi turned his head and glanced at Zhou Wenhui, watching her lying on the bed and sleeping with the quilt.

Li Yi walked to the coffee table and sat on the sofa, admiring the beauty of the universe outside the window, his eyes gradually lost focus.

In the star map space of the library, Li Yi's consciousness appeared here, reading the knowledge public area, spending a lot of 'star coins', purchasing advanced technology, and couldn't help worrying about the daily management of Xingyao Technology. Next, he has every day. Spend a lot of time collecting advanced technology in the library.

64 years have passed. In the Star Atlas space, the agents continue to sell 'music', accumulating a large amount of funds for Li Yi's account, enough for him to spend a while without worrying about money.

There is a huge gap in the level of technology application depending on the level of civilization. There are some advanced technology Even if you spend money to buy them, human civilization will use them for a while, but they can be used as The foundation of the future development of human civilization.

The current technology level of human civilization is at an important stage in the development of planetary civilization to stellar civilization, and it is most suitable to reserve technology at the level of stellar civilization.

A star-level civilization can perfectly control the energy of this star system, and can travel freely between planets and star systems. And there is no need to worry about energy issues at all. Human civilization can almost do a small part of this. The antimatter furnace technology can continuously extract the antimatter existing in the universe and make use of it.

Next, the curvature engine and wormhole were developed using technology. Human interstellar spaceships can almost achieve limited freedom. Human civilization is half a foot into the level of stellar civilization.

However, there are still many technology trees to climb before a true stellar civilization.

The real stellar civilization, in terms of biotechnology, communication methods, energy utilization, transformation of stellar systems, civilization systems, etc., requires tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation to complete.

It will take a long time for human beings to step into the stellar civilization with the other foot.

Li Yi roams in the knowledge base of the library, exploring the technology of stellar civilization, and at the same time is eager to learn about the technology of more advanced civilization, such as: galaxy civilization, star civilization, and even **** civilization that can use multi-dimensional space transformation, ....

The universe is too big, and the knowledge in the library is endless. Li Yi is very curious where these advanced civilizations have gone and what they are doing now.

The most advanced civilizations are no longer limited to the form of existence. They are reclusively scattered in the vast universe. They have already surpassed light. They do not know what technology they use and can see everything that happened in the past.

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