My hi-tech Library

Chapter 333: space vacuum elevator

Earth, Star City.

Li Yi and his eldest son, Li Yang, ended the call, wishing him a smooth voyage, and hung up the video call.

The mission of the Tissot is half a year, and it will take half a year to see Li Yang. Li Yi is inevitably a little reluctant, but this is his dream.

"The children are getting old!" Li Yi couldn't help sighing, and looked at himself in the glass mirror. He was nearly fifty years old. Although he looked as young as thirty years old under the effect of the life-extending gene medicine, but , The deep and wise eyes are the precipitation of the years.

"Master, the second phase of the spaceport, the immigration area is completed, and the next step is to implement the next plan to carry out the first batch of immigrants to the spaceport: 300,000 people." Da Hei's virtual image suddenly appeared on the holographic screen, reporting to Li Yihui.

"The spaceport living area is completed? With a population of 300,000, plus supplies, how many spaceships are needed, you will deduce the arrangement!" Li Yi was overjoyed and ordered quickly.

"Okay! Master." Da Hei responded.

Immediately, a dense stream of data appeared on the holographic screen, and the data from one spaceship to and from one another appeared on the holographic screen one after another.

"5 million sorties, 300 trillion tons, ..., is the round-trip frequency of the spacecraft so high?" Li Yi was taken aback when he saw the data deduced by Da Hei. After the launch of the spaceport immigration plan, the spaceport and the earth will travel back and forth between the spaceport and the earth. The navigation frequency of the spacecraft of the parent star has increased dozens of times, hundreds of times, with the passage of time and the increase of the immigrant population, the program will increase exponentially in the future, and the cost is too high.

"Master, the adaptive gene-enhancing agent has not yet been popularized. Therefore, the immigrants are currently unable to adapt to the long-term life in the spaceport, ...," Dahei responded to Li Yi.

"Is there any other way to save costs?" Li Yi interrupted, understanding what Da Hei meant.

"Master, you can build a space vacuum elevator from a space port to Xingyao City! This will improve the transportation efficiency by 560%, greatly reduce the flight frequency of material transportation spacecraft, and provide long-term and sustainable economic benefits." Big Black Analysis arrive.

The next moment, a magnificent virtual image of a spaceport appeared in the holographic screen, and its two ends were connected to the spaceport Haoshixingyao City, with a length of 30,000 kilometers, like a long straw extending from the earth, connected to the sky The airport is extremely grand in scale.

"Can this be built?" Li Yi murmured unconfidently after seeing the space vacuum elevator designed by Da Hei.

"Yes, master, the construction of the space vacuum elevator is not very difficult. As long as the centrifugal force of the rotation of the spaceport and the earth is used, it can be built completely. The vacuum pipe of the space elevator can be made of a nanomaterial, ..." Dahei detailed as Li Yi introduced the construction steps of the space vacuum elevator.

In the holographic screen, a model of the construction of the space vacuum elevator soon appeared.

Drive the spaceport to the orbit where the earth's autobiography overlaps, drop a few thick steel cables, and build engineering spaceships at the same time, release engineering robots, start construction around the cableway, ..., keep going down, wait for the steel cables to reach Xingyao City Connected, began to put vacuum tubes in the pipeline..., the spacecraft regularly sprayed ion flames to offset the orbital changes caused by the gravity image of the space vacuum elevator,...

"To get rich, build roads first." This sentence is correct wherever it is placed, whether it is ground transportation, air transportation, or air and ground.

More and more spaceships travel between the spaceport and the home planet Earth.

It is definitely not cost-effective to use interstellar spacecraft for space transportation. The maintenance cost and use cost of the light spacecraft are very large. Even if there is antimatter energy, cold nuclear fusion energy, and the driving ability of the transportation spacecraft is greatly improved, it is still not cost-effective.

The earth has an atmosphere that is thousands of kilometers thick. Every time the spacecraft enters the atmosphere, it will cause huge trauma to the spacecraft itself, not to mention that the transport spacecraft has to carry a lot of materials. If something goes wrong, the spacecraft will explode in flight and disintegrate. That would be a catastrophic loss.

Therefore, when human civilization develops towards interstellar civilization and flies from the mother star to the universe, the first and first problem to be faced is the "gravity trap" of the earth.

Gravity traps, in simple terms, act like real wells, constraining human space engineering.

A person standing at the bottom of a 10-meter-deep well needs all his strength to climb out of the well, but it takes no effort to walk hundreds of times on the flat ground beside the well.

Therefore, "entering space orbit from the surface" requires a super large rocket, but from "orbit to other earths" may only require a small space capsule.

If the construction cost of the space elevator is not considered, the transportation cost of the space vacuum elevator is only one percent or even one thousandth of the transport spacecraft, because it only uses cheap electricity, and does not need to consider air friction and the like!

"The First Cause of All Realms"

In terms of the scale of material transportation, the space vacuum elevator is also superior.

The synchronous orbit of the spaceport and the earth is always maintained, and the same angular velocity as the planet,

The theory and specific principles of the space vacuum elevator are not difficult. It is equivalent to hanging a few 'special' steel ropes from the spaceport, and then planting a vacuum tube. If you want to transport anything, just use it to transport it through the vacuum tube.

Of course, the transportation process of the vacuum tube cannot be done in one go, and there are several transfer stations in the middle to control the space vacuum elevator.

Its key technology, of course, is the vacuum ladder material!

Ordinary materials cannot be used for this kind of vacuum tube, such as carbon nanotubes. If they hang down for tens of thousands of kilometers under the earth's gravity, they will be pulled off by their own weight, so ordinary materials are completely unsuitable.

Fortunately, the current super-materials of human civilization are constantly innovating, and there are many materials available for building a space vacuum elevator.

Supercarbon nanotubes, as one-dimensional nanomaterials, are light in weight, with perfectly connected hexagonal structures, and possess many unusual mechanical, electrical and chemical properties.

It is very small, but is as strong as diamond and flexible enough to be made into long fibers.

In theory, a nanotube cable with a width of 1 meter and thinner than paper can support a weight of 13 tons (earth gravity), and its own mass is less than a few grams. This super nanomaterial can become a space vacuum elevator main material.

The next step is to build a transfer station for the space vacuum elevator, which needs to be equipped with a cold fusion energy station, a floating stabilizer,…

Li Yi carefully browsed the design drawings of the space vacuum elevator and found that the difficulty of building this space vacuum elevator was not as big as he imagined. No matter the construction material or construction technology, Xingyao Technology has mature technology.

The construction scale of the space vacuum elevator project is too grand. If the project can be successfully implemented, after completion, it will be of great value to the future development of human civilization to the interstellar.

In the past, the transportation of tree stump materials to the spaceport required millions or tens of millions of freight. Once the space vacuum elevator is operational, it can be easily accomplished with only tens of thousands of yuan. At the same time, the efficiency will be thousands of times that of spacecraft transportation. Passengers and supplies on Earth are transported directly through vacuum pipelines, and it does not take a few hours to arrive at the spaceport, or return to the ground from the spaceport.

"Okay, okay! Arrange this project and discuss it. If it can pass the acceptance of the scientific research and design department, then start it immediately and implement it as soon as possible." Li Yi read the project design of the space vacuum elevator and excitedly ordered the big underworld.

"Okay, master!" Da Hei answered the order, and immediately divided the design content of this project into hundreds and assigned them to the accounts of the heads of various departments within Xingyao Technology.

After explaining Da Hei's arrangement of the space vacuum elevator, Li Yi's attention was suddenly attracted by the spaceport dock. He immediately used a virtual projection to connect to the spaceport dock.

The next second, Li Yi's virtual projection appeared in the command room of the large airport dock.

"Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Li, good morning!"

In the command room, everyone saw Li Yi greeted respectfully in unison

"Mr. Li, you came just in time. The new generation of 'Tianyu' class battleships is about to be tested." Xu Di, the command room for the performance test of the battleship, introduced to Li Yi.

"Well! Don't worry about me, you guys are busy!" Li Yi nodded to them, staring at the command screen, watching a magnificent interstellar spaceship slowly coming out of the dock.

The "Tianyu" class battleship with a length of 5.5 kilometers uses the latest anti-matter engine and various battleships with the most advanced shipbuilding technologies. It is the core combat force of the First Fleet of the Human Alliance, and it is also the pinnacle of the shipbuilding industry under Xingyao Technology. technological masterpiece.

The 5.5-kilometer behemoth slowly pulled out of the dock and was exposed to the command screen for a few minutes.

The "Tianyu" class battleship, with a three-layered design, is like a long loaf of bread that has been smashed in half. The oblique side is covered with dense gun barrels. It is extremely sturdy. It is completely designed for war. Violence. Various weapons, various reconnaissance equipment, equipped with the most advanced large-scale anti-matter power, the overall maximum speed can reach 30% of the speed of light, which increases the extremely terrifying combat distance.

The thick barrels of dozens of main naval guns are like hedgehogs covered with spikes, and the ferocious barrels have a thick metallic luster, which is extremely gorgeous.

This 'star fortress' armed to the teeth is so luxurious that people feel inexplicable love at the first sight.

The "Tianyu" class battleship is the most expensive ship in the first fleet of the Human Alliance, except for the mothership. It is the first super warship designed by human beings. Many life functions will be discarded, and many weapon modules will be discarded. It will increase again, as well as a strong defense and power system.

"Actually, I still compare the Pangu mothership. First, its size is larger and more magnificent. Second, its combat mode is more flexible and its continuous combat power is stronger. If the Tianyu battleship is fully output, it will not take three hours, and the follow-up energy will be supplied. not up."

"Who said it wasn't! Even if this big man is equipped with twelve large antimatter energy furnaces, it will not be enough to spend a day. The weapon system is designed too violently."

"I don't think it is necessary to equip motherships. Instead, it is necessary to equip more Tianyu battleships. The real space war should be a short-lived battle, one that determines life and death..."

"Captain Zhang said that the mothership is too bulky and can easily become a space target once a war starts,..."

"It's true that you like big firepower, but the cost of the Tianyu battleship is too high, and only four or five ships can be built in a year or two..."

In the command room, the officers watching the "Tianyu" class battleship leaving the port, the officers couldn't help but talk excitedly.

So far, human beings have not discovered a real alien civilization, and have also conducted a real interstellar war with alien civilization. The current interstellar military system and interstellar war are all applied from the virtual game-Xinghai Era experience.

What is the real interstellar war, and what kind of way the interstellar fleet of alien civilizations will exist, no one has a concept.

With the birth of the "Tianyu" class battleship, the vast majority of military strategists, seeing its powerful force armed to the teeth, were conquered by it one after another, changed the perception that the mothership was the main ship, and transferred to the battleship faction.

Listening to the arguing between the main mothership faction and the main battleship faction, that no one could persuade the other, Li Yi couldn't help laughing happily.

However, in the star map space of the library, I have seen many war images of alien civilizations. Li Yi really does not want human beings to conflict with other alien civilizations. An interstellar war is won or lost, unless the technology of both civilizations, The difference between civilization levels is two or three levels or more. Otherwise, even if you stand on the winning side, the loss will be staggering.

"Mr. Li, the "Tianyu" class battleship has completed its departure from the port, and the weapon test can be carried out." Xu Di looked at Li Yi and asked for instructions.

"Huh? Is there no crew on the "Tianyu" class battleship test ship?" Li Yi nodded, looking at the empty command room with the holographic screen, and asked curiously.

"Mr. Li, this is the first completed performance test of the "Tianyu" class battleship. There are certain risks, so the audience has a brain to operate!" Xu Di quickly explained.


What danger can a Tianyu-class battleship be? My sister's Captain Xu has been thinking too much. He should have some crew members for manual testing. Otherwise, if this continues, the human crew will be completely eliminated by artificial intelligence." An expert suggested aloud arrive.

"Yeah! Now that the shipbuilding process is so mature and the risk is extremely low, I volunteered to board the ship to complete the test!"

"Me too, Mr. Li, let me get on the ship!"

As soon as Li Yi's question ended, experts and professors applied to him one after another, eager and eager to watch him.

"Go, go, go, what are you doing! This time, the main test is to test the weapon system of the Tianyu battleship, and its power system must be used with all its strength. If something happens unexpectedly, the consequences will be catastrophic. In addition, from the accuracy of the weapon, the response Speed ​​to the control of the spacecraft, no matter which aspect, do you have a better brain than you?

"Yeah! I understand your feelings, but Commander Xu is in charge of this test, and the whole audience must listen to him. Let's wait until he arranges the test for you!" Li Yi looked at the crowd and said with a smile.

Everyone was helpless, and could only watch the "Tianyu" class battleship slowly sail towards the experimental area under the control of the interstellar mastermind.

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