My hi-tech Library

Chapter 257: 2 small daily

Xingyao Technology has a huge volume. Once the 36 companies under the group are successfully listed, the company's cash flow will usher in an unprecedented expansion of the company's cash flow, and the huge amount of funds will be able to support the company's industrial strategic plan.

Thinking of this, Tang Shaohong couldn't help but get excited.

She has not been so excited for a long time, as if back to hosting the company's new product launch conference, Xingyao Technology will once again usher in take-off.

"Before, I was afraid that the stock market was too small to accommodate our companies. Now the time has come! Look at the market value of Hailing Group, it can also break through trillions. Isn't it the only one that makes smart home appliances! Come to this strength." Li Yi pointed at the news information on the virtual screen and said angrily.

"Mr. Li, Hailing is not only a smart home appliance, it also involves the military industry, chemical industry, and has a close cooperative relationship with our company. Of course, its market value can exceed one trillion, and it should also have something to do with us." Tang Shao Hong laughed and quickly explained to Li Yi.

"That's it!" Li Yi then smiled with satisfaction, and then explained: "Before, I was unwilling to spin off the company and go public. I was afraid that other capital would intervene and could not guide the normal development of the company. Now, our volume is so large. , the strategic direction of industrial development has been finalized, and now, it is almost time to go public, allowing more people to participate in the return on investment brought by the company's industrial development."

Tang Shaohong nodded happily, and then added: "36 branches are listed in batches, and the funds raised are just used for the company's industrial strategy, which greatly accelerates the company's development."

After a pause, Tang Shaohong frowned: "However, 36 leading companies were born in the stock market all at once, all of which are leaders in the industry, which will cause a great blood-drawing effect on the stock market, and I am afraid it will inevitably have an impact on the stock market. "

"This is short-term. From a long-term perspective, with our company as the bottom line, the stock market will never go up and down again! This is also the reason why I plan to list the company very much, to prevent the big dealers from cutting leeks, instead of letting them cut leeks, Why don't we attract funds." Li Yi smiled and replied.

Tang Shaohong's eyes lit up, and she looked at Li Yi unexpectedly. She already wanted to understand why Li Yi chose to split the branch and go public at this time.

The stock market has skyrocketed, attracting a large number of leeks to enter the market. Next, there will inevitably be a slump, allowing the new leeks to take over the market. If, at this time, Shining Star Technology announced the spin-off of the company's boss, it will definitely attract the attention of the massive funds and take the initiative to transfer the funds. Take it away, thus avoiding the disorderly collapse after the stock market has been hyped.

Li Yi met Tang Shaohong's gaze and asked with a smile, "I'll leave this to you, no problem!"

"No problem, I will move forward with this work quickly!" Tang Shaohong nodded happily and said solemnly.

After working in Shining Star Technology for so long, Tang Shaohong has been very comfortable with the position of Chief Executive Officer of Shining Star Technology, but she is just splitting up the industry branch and leading the listing. She has sufficient confidence to do the job well.

The 36 branches of Xingyao Technology are all industry leaders. All of them are listed on the market. The huge volume may cause a huge blood-drawing effect on the existing stock market. The work in this regard should be communicated with the leaders of the relevant departments. Make a time plan for the batch listing.

Seeing Tang Shaohong's focused thinking, and knowing that she was already thinking about the listing of the branch, Li Yi smiled and quickly suggested: "Why don't we just do this today! If there is any problem, we will chat another day. "

"Okay! It's getting late, Mr. Li, we'll be chatting another day." Tang Shaohong smiled and nodded, saying goodbye to Li Yi.

After speaking, Tang Shaohong stood up and left Li Yi's office.

Li Yi also stood up, tidied up the desk, and walked to the elevator in the office.

The elevator door was closed, and the elevator took Li Yi to the parking room where the flying cars were stored. A dozen limited customized flying cars appeared in front of us. The shapes were gorgeous and sci-fi. Each car has unique technology.

The market value of Xingyao Technology is now more than one billion yuan. For Li Yi, money is just a number.

These flying cars are all his toys. Sometimes, he has a whim, and he asks Da Hei to design and manufacture one according to his ideas, even if it is a steel armor, a large mecha, what kind of 'toy' he wants to make, Li Yi All can be done easily.

Li Yi didn't get into the car, but walked towards a circular metal platform. The next moment, the golden platform suddenly cracked open, and countless small robotic arms began to assemble on Li Yi's body with parts one by one.

After a while, Li Yi put on a metal armor.

The metal door slowly opened, and Li Yi ejected, with a stream of particles spewing from the soles of his feet, flying him to the building next door.

On the metal platform at home, a small manipulator helped Li Yi take off the metal armor.

It was not until the last metal part was taken off that Li Yi went out and left the berthing room.

From the mooring room on the roof, the children's voices immediately reached Li Yi's ears.

"What are you guys doing!" Li Yi walked down quickly, looked at Li Yan and Li Rong who were chasing in the living room, and asked with a smile.

"Daddy, Daddy, someone beats your daughter, what would you do!" Li Yan saw Li Yi, and hurriedly flew towards him, crying and asking coquettishly.

Hearing this, Li Yi almost couldn't help laughing out loud, the little guy must be naughty and was beaten by her mother, he was looking for his support!

The world is so simple!

Li Yi decided to teach the little guy a profound lesson, thought for a while, looked at Li Yan, and replied with a smile: "Whoever hits my daughter, I'll hit her daughter!"

"Wow! Forget it!"

Hearing this, Li Yan burst into tears, stepped on her calf, turned around and fled, fearing that she would be beaten again if she slowed down.

Li Yi laughed and took a few steps forward, holding Li Rong, who was about to leave, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Rong, what happened, who was beaten by my sister, tell Daddy."

"It was Mummy's beating. My sister stole candy and was caught by Mummy!" Li Rong explained quickly.

"It's you, you hurt me. You said that there is sugar in the cabinet, and let me get it." Li Yan, who had not been far away, heard Li Rong's words, hurriedly turned and accused him aggrieved.

Li Yan was crying while talking, her face filled with tears, extremely aggrieved.

"Xiao Rong, did you ask my sister to get the candy?" Li Yi laughed dumbly, looked at Li Rong and asked.

Li Rong lowered his head and nodded obediently.

At this time, Zhou Wenhui, who heard the voice, walked in, her pretty face tensed, but there was an unconcealed smile in the corner of her eyes.

"The teeth are gone ~ ~ I dare to steal sugar, Xiaorong, it turned out that you instructed your sister to steal sugar, come over, and give me a spanking." Zhou Wenhui rushed to Li Rong.

"Go! If you make a mistake, you will be punished." Li Yi quickly stretched out his hand and pushed him behind Li Rong.

Li Rong walked up to Zhou Wenhui, took off his small pants decisively, turned to lie on the sofa, turned his head and said timidly, "Mummy, can you play a little lighter!"

"Now I know I'm afraid! Little rascal." Zhou Wenhui was angry and funny, patted Li Rong's little **** twice, and then helped him put on his pants.

"Eat immediately, Xiaoyan, don't cry, brother come over, take her sister to wash her hands." Zhou Wenhui walked to Li Yan, wiped her eyes for her, and arranged Li Rongdao.

"Sister!" Li Rong obediently walked up to Li Yan and held out a small hand.

Li Yan stopped crying, reached out and pulled Li Rong, and went to wash hands together.

Sending two small hands to the back of the restaurant, Li Yi, Zhou Wenhui glanced at each other, showing a bright smile on his face. In daily life, the two little guys could always bring them unlimited joy.

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