My hi-tech Library

Chapter 288: hard choice

The liveliness of the outside world seems to have nothing to do with Xingyao people, they seem to be used to it.

Even Professor Chen Tao, who is the center of public opinion, does not accept any news interview requests, and is unwilling to come forward to accept praise from the outside world. He keeps himself in the laboratory and concentrates on research, the industry, the visiting invitations of those famous scientists, and academic seminars. Yes, they were rejected by him.

How the paper came about, Professor Chen Tao knows very well, he is not so capable, the author of this paper is someone else, he just took advantage of 'artificial intelligence' and is not the real author of this paper.

The situation of Professor Chen Tao should not happen too much in the Xingyao Experimental Center.

For example, in the field of genetics, leading nanomedicine technology and life-extending gene medicine scientific research leader - Wei Hanzhi, studying cold nuclear fusion, quantum physics master of antimatter engine: Professor Zhou, leading virtual network technology Liu Zhiyong, ….

The experimental center of Xingyao Technology seems to have a magic power. Many scientists who lead the scientific research team to obtain major scientific research results in this research are very low-key, do not care about the scientific reputation obtained by their scientific research results, and do not like to appear in various academic conferences , did not come forward to receive those international scientific awards, and only focused on scientific research.

Only, those scientific leaders who have won a huge reputation for scientific research know clearly that they are dipped in the light of Xingyao Technology and are just suitable to replace the scientific research results created by 'artificial intelligence'. With a trace of shame, they can't face it calmly, accept these scientific research results generously, and enjoy these scientific research reputations.

Recently, the office auxiliary system of the Xingyao Experimental Center has been upgraded, and a database of major technologies is added, which requires certain permissions. Only the laboratory leader of the experimental center, the leader of scientific research, and the leader of the scientific research team, Wait, it is a database that can only be read after working in Xingyao Technology for a certain number of years.

In the database, a large number of advanced scientific and technological theories suddenly attracted the attention of the scientific research leaders of the experimental center, which made them even less interested in paying attention to others.

In the core conference room of Xingyao Experimental Center, the door is closed every day, and the scientific research leaders gather together, and academic conferences are held one after another.

"I think the project of strong metaparticle materials can be put on hold. Instead, colloidal metaparticle materials should be developed first, which exhibit emergent properties produced by the definite internal arrangement of the constituent particles, which can be used in the original technical project. On the other hand, the application prospects of colloidal super-particle materials are wider, ... "

"No, no, space is our main development direction now, and the importance of strong superparticle materials is irreplaceable,..."

"Professor Liu, I disagree with you. As an emerging field, colloidal superparticle materials have been widely used in optical pigments, lasers, sensors, tissue engineering, drug delivery, anti-counterfeiting and additive manufacturing. A generation of materials will be the most ideal state, you first look at the scale of the industry deduced by Xiaoxing, ... On the contrary, the use of strong super-particle materials is unknown, and the development cycle is too long, ... "

"Yeah! The development cycle of this super particle material is too long..."

"We have full confidence that..."

In the conference room, all the experts and professors, your words and my words, had a heated discussion around a development project in the field of materials. They quoted the deduction data of the artificial intelligence brain, and they competed to express their views without giving evidence. .

In the chair of the meeting, Sun Bingwen sat in the chair of the meeting reluctantly, watching the heated discussion venue. Since the information in the database was released, related academic conferences, and similar discussion scenes have happened many times.

The database contains a large number of cutting-edge scientific and technological materials, super-particle materials, and various large-scale interstellar instruments. For the dozens of scientific research leaders on the scene, it is a rare treasure, and everyone can't wait to get a project.

However, each of these projects is a huge investment, and there is no return in a short period of time. Therefore, some projects have to be postponed and some projects cannot be carried out.

The problem is, starting that project first and suspending that project has become the reason for their quarrel, and everyone is willing to be left behind.

All the experts and teachers focused on Sun Bingwen's face again, looking forward to his decision.

Sun Bingwen was silent and did not speak. He had also expressed his position before, but it had no effect. They would make trouble and raise disputes. No one was willing to give up easily.

"Raise your hands and vote! The existing scientific research funds of the experimental center are only expected to support 11 projects at the same time, and all the rest are suspended. The palm of my hand is meat, and the back of my hand is also meat. I can't make a decision. Now, I will not make a decision. , it's up to you to vote, go through all the projects, and finally determine the result!" Sun Bingwen looked around the crowd and announced.

The experts and professors fell into silence collectively. They didn't expect Sun Bingwen to come to this trick. However, this method is undoubtedly the most suitable at present. Otherwise, everyone has to fight, and there is no result. Instead, it hurts everyone's peace.

Seeing that the experts refused to make a sound, Sun Bingwen looked around the audience and solemnly introduced: "I don't have any opinions, right! Then from the first project, this project is to study the 'supermagnetic energy shield' project, which acts on the interstellar spacecraft. , used to block ultrasonic waves, radiation, lasers, meteorites, and even energy attacks, ..., project submitter: Zhao Yongkun, this project is very important for the interstellar spacecraft to enter the sub-light speed flight, Mr. Li has specially emphasized that, now start raising your hand! "

After listening to Sun Bingwen's introduction, the experts thought for a moment, and most of them raised their hands.

"A total of 86 people, 18 people did not raise their hands, and everyone else agreed. Next, the next project, ..." Sun Bingwen quickly counted the number of people who raised their hands and began to introduce the second scientific research project.

"The second project, new spin quantum amplification technology, quantum amplification technology has played an irreplaceable role in many measurement processes, spawning many revolutionary results, such as masers, lasers, atomic clocks, ..., current technology , the exploration of quantum amplification precision measurement technology is limited, and the realization of signal amplification mainly relies on discrete energy level jumps inherent in quantum systems, due to the limitation of tunability."

"The inherent discrete transition frequencies of quantum systems often cannot meet the operating frequencies required for amplification, thus limiting the performance of quantum amplifiers, such as operating bandwidth, frequency and gain. If this project can be successfully developed, it will overcome the limitations of the small detection frequency range in the past. It has realized the amplification of extremely weak magnetic fields of multiple frequencies, ..." Sun Bingwen looked around the audience, introduced the specific content of the project, and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages.

Most of the experts and professors at the scene looked like they were listening intently. However, their eyes betrayed them. Since this project was not specifically explained by Li Yi, other than Professor Gao Hongbo, who led the project, others were not concerned about his results.

Sure enough, after Sun Bingwen announced his position, very few people raised their hands, only seven or eight people, all of them were optimistic about this project or had some friendship with Professor Gao Hongbo.

"This round, 11 people voted in favor. Next, the next project..." Sun Bingwen glanced at the number of people, and then introduced the third scientific research project.

In this way, in the core conference room of Xingyao Experimental Center, Sun Bingwen led the experts and professors to vote with difficulty to decide the fate of those projects.

Li Yi put too much technical information in the database this time, and it was too complicated. With the size of Xingyao Experimental Center, he couldn't eat them all together.

At this time, in the bay of Lu Island, Li Yi took his wife and two children to play and play on the beach.

Blue sea and blue sky, waves and waves, under the setting sun, the waves jump like naughty children, and the water is full of golden light.

Li Yi was barefoot, stepping on the fine sea sand, and watching with a smile, Zhou Wenhui took Li Yan and Li Rong to pick up shells and small crabs on the beach at low tide, and had a good time.

Looking up at the sky above the sea in front of you, the magnificent Xingyao City comes into view.

Looking at Xingyao City on the ground, it is still so huge, half of it is hidden by the sea of ​​clouds, it is like a heavenly palace, under the illumination of the setting sun, it is covered with a golden light, and the flying cars have turned into small black dots. Like homing birds, in and out, orderly.

"It's almost time! Have you had enough? It's time to go home!" Li Yi glanced at the sun that was descending toward the sea, and shouted loudly at Li Yan and Li Rong.

"Daddy, Daddy, come and see, I caught a small octopus, and it stuck to my hand!" Li Yan excitedly shouted to Li Yi, giggling happily.

"Really? Take it home to raise it, do you want it!" Li Yi stepped forward and suggested.

"Okay! However, I want to catch one and make it a companion!" Li Yan's eyes flickered, making excuses not to go back so early.

"Come again next time! It's getting dark, and the little octopuses are going to bed!" Li Yi quickly coaxed.

At this time, Zhou Wenhui held Li Rong, put away his shoes, and walked towards them.

Li Yi bent down and picked up Li Yan involuntarily: "Xiaoyan, eat less snacks in the future, it's too heavy, Daddy can't hold it anymore!"

"No, Mommy can't move. It's because Dad should exercise more! Uncle can hold me and Xiaorong at the same time!" Li Yan argued angrily.

"Really!" Li Yi smiled awkwardly, and was refuted by Li Yan.

"Let's go quickly! Grandpa, grandma should be waiting for you to eat!" Zhou Wenhui reminded Li Yan, Li Rong said.

Li Yi nodded with a smile, and led his wife and children to the parking lot.

The bodyguards scattered all around gathered towards Li Yi and the others, and escorted Li Yi and his party home.

Not long after, eight 'Dark Night Three Generations' flew up at the same time, forming a black line in the air, and disappeared over the coastline in the blink of an eye.

As the sun sets in the west, the entire city of Xingyao City begins to light up, the high-rise buildings begin to flash with colorful lights, and the flying cars coming and going in the air also light up their lights, and the Xingyao City that is about to enter the night suddenly changes. A face full of brilliance and high spirits.

In the traffic flow, a fleet of eight luxury flying fleets of 'Dark Night Three Generations' flew into Xingyao City and drove on a special lane, which suddenly attracted the attention of countless flying drivers.

When the luxury motorcade approached the Xingyao Building, the landmark building of Xingyao City, the flying cars passed by, as if encountering their 'emperor', and the flying cars nearby suddenly suspended in the air, all giving way and stopping. flight.

The driver sitting in the flying car and the passengers were all startled.

"What happened! Why didn't you stop?"

"Old Chen, what happened! Why did it stop!

"It's none of the driver's business, this situation should be controlled by the intelligent system! It seems that a big man passed by, and I don't know who it is!"

"It must be someone from Xingyao Technology! However, it is not even a senior leader!"


The driver and passengers in the flying car looked around and found that the flying cars on the channel seemed to be enchanted, they could only float in the air, but couldn't fly, and there was a heated discussion.

"Wow! Look, in the car, is that person in the car Li Yi!"

"It's really Li Yi! With his wife and two children, so many cars, it turns out that their family traveled today!"

"It turned out to be him! No wonder all the cars can't move."

"Tsk tsk tsk! It's to make way for this big guy! It should be! It should be!"

"Finally saw him in person, and at such a close distance, haha!"

"Yeah! I'm so lucky today, did you take a picture!"

"Oops! Forgot to take a picture! Did you take a picture? Send me one."

The flying cars that stopped flying, the drivers, and the passengers all looked at the luxury convoy and discussed excitedly. Some people screamed, annoyed that they didn't take the photo just now.

The rapid development of science and technology of human civilization and the leap into the interstellar era are closely related to the rise of Xingyao Technology. Longguo's economy can surpass the world's, and one family is dominant, which is also the reason for Xingyao Technology.

Therefore, Li Yi, the founder of Xingyao Technology, has become the object of admiration and worship of the whole people.

His motorcade passed by and made them stop and wait. No one was dissatisfied with such a trivial matter. On the contrary, they were extremely disappointed because they failed to seize the opportunity to take a recent photo of him.

Xingyao Technology has become popular all over the world. However, over the years, the founder of Xingyao Technology, Li Yi, has always been very low-key, and has not appeared in any public places. The opportunity for a recent photo was just missed.

It is almost impossible for them to meet such a high-ranking person as Li Yi in their entire life, let alone at such a close distance.

The driver and passengers slapped their thighs angrily, as if they had made a mistake of the million-dollar jackpot.

The flying traffic in the air began to move again. However, the luxury motorcade had already headed to the Xingyao Building, where the flying cars were forbidden to fly over.

The entire Xingyao City is under the control of Xingyao Technology's intelligent system, as is the air traffic system. Under the control of Da Hei, employees who do not belong to Xingyao Technology, in some restricted places, flying cars are prohibited from flying. enter. The liveliness of the outside world seems to have nothing to do with Xingyao people, they seem to be used to it.

Even Professor Chen Tao, who is the center of public opinion, does not accept any news interview requests, and is unwilling to come forward to accept praise from the outside world. He keeps himself in the laboratory and concentrates on research, the industry, the visiting invitations of those famous scientists, and academic seminars. Yes, they were rejected by him.

How the paper came about, Professor Chen Tao knows very well, he is not so capable, the author of this paper is someone else, he just took advantage of 'artificial intelligence' and is not the real author of this paper.

The situation of Professor Chen Tao should not happen too much in the Xingyao Experimental Center.

For example, in the field of genetics, leading nanomedicine technology and life-extending gene medicine scientific research leader - Wei Hanzhi, studying cold nuclear fusion, quantum physics master of antimatter engine: Professor Zhou, leading virtual network technology Liu Zhiyong, ….

The experimental center of Xingyao Technology seems to have a magic power. Many scientists who lead the scientific research team to obtain major scientific research results in this research are very low-key, do not care about the scientific reputation obtained by their scientific research results, and do not like to appear in various academic conferences , did not come forward to receive those international scientific awards, and only focused on scientific research.

Only, those scientific leaders who have won a huge reputation for scientific research know clearly that they are dipped in the light of Xingyao Technology and are just suitable to replace the scientific research results created by 'artificial intelligence'. With a trace of shame, they can't face it calmly, accept these scientific research results generously, and enjoy these scientific research reputations.

Recently, the office auxiliary system of the Xingyao Experimental Center has been upgraded, and a database of major technologies is added, which requires certain permissions. Only the laboratory leader of the experimental center, the leader of scientific research, and the leader of the scientific research team, Wait, it is a database that can only be read after working in Xingyao Technology for a certain number of years.

In the database, a large number of advanced scientific and technological theories suddenly attracted the attention of the scientific research leaders of the experimental center, which made them even less interested in paying attention to others.

In the core conference room of Xingyao Experimental Center, the door is closed every day, and the scientific research leaders gather together, and academic conferences are held one after another.

"I think the project of strong metaparticle materials can be put on hold. Instead, colloidal metaparticle materials should be developed first, which exhibit emergent properties produced by the definite internal arrangement of the constituent particles, which can be used in the original technical project. On the other hand, the application prospects of colloidal super-particle materials are wider, ... "

"No, no, space is our main development direction now, and the importance of strong superparticle materials is irreplaceable,..."

"Professor Liu, I disagree with you. As an emerging field, colloidal superparticle materials have been widely used in optical pigments, lasers, sensors, tissue engineering, drug delivery, anti-counterfeiting and additive manufacturing. A generation of materials will be the most ideal state, you first look at the scale of the industry deduced by Xiaoxing, ... On the contrary, the use of strong super-particle materials is unknown, and the development cycle is too long, ... "

"Yeah! The development cycle of this super particle material is too long..."

"We have full confidence that..."

In the conference room, all the experts and professors, your words and my words, had a heated discussion around a development project in the field of materials. They quoted the deduction data of the artificial intelligence brain, and they competed to express their views without giving evidence. .

In the chair of the meeting, Sun Bingwen sat in the chair of the meeting reluctantly, watching the heated discussion venue. Since the information in the database was released, related academic conferences, and similar discussion scenes have happened many times.

The database contains a large number of cutting-edge scientific and technological materials, super-particle materials, and various large-scale interstellar instruments. For the dozens of scientific research leaders on the scene, it is a rare treasure, and everyone can't wait to get a project.

However, each of these projects is a huge investment, and there is no return in a short period of time. Therefore, some projects have to be postponed and some projects cannot be carried out.

The problem is, starting that project first and suspending that project has become the reason for their quarrel, and everyone is willing to be left behind.

All the experts and teachers focused on Sun Bingwen's face again, looking forward to his decision.

Sun Bingwen was silent and did not speak. He had also expressed his position before, but it had no effect. They would make trouble and raise disputes. No one was willing to give up easily.

"Raise your hands and vote! The existing scientific research funds of the experimental center are only expected to support 11 projects at the same time, and all the rest are suspended. The palm of my hand is meat, and the back of my hand is also meat. I can't make a decision. Now, I will not make a decision. , it's up to you to vote, go through all the projects, and finally determine the result!" Sun Bingwen looked around the crowd and announced.

The experts and professors fell into silence collectively. They didn't expect Sun Bingwen to come to this trick. However, this method is undoubtedly the most suitable at present. Otherwise, everyone has to fight, and there is no result. Instead, it hurts everyone's peace.

Seeing that the experts refused to make a sound, Sun Bingwen looked around the audience and solemnly introduced: "I don't have any opinions, right! Then from the first project, this project is to study the 'supermagnetic energy shield' project, which acts on the interstellar spacecraft. , used to block ultrasonic waves, radiation, lasers, meteorites, and even energy attacks, ..., project submitter: Zhao Yongkun, this project is very important for the interstellar spacecraft to enter the sub-light speed flight, Mr. Li has specially emphasized that, now start raising your hand! "

After listening to Sun Bingwen's introduction, the experts thought for a moment, and most of them raised their hands.

"A total of 86 people, 18 people did not raise their hands, and everyone else agreed. Next, the next project, ..." Sun Bingwen quickly counted the number of people who raised their hands and began to introduce the second scientific research project.

"The second project, new spin quantum amplification technology, quantum amplification technology has played an irreplaceable role in many measurement processes, spawning many revolutionary results, such as masers, lasers, atomic clocks, ..., current technology , the exploration of quantum amplification precision measurement technology is limited, and the realization of signal amplification mainly relies on discrete energy level jumps inherent in quantum systems, due to the limitation of tunability."

"The inherent discrete transition frequencies of quantum systems often cannot meet the operating frequencies required for amplification, thus limiting the performance of quantum amplifiers, such as operating bandwidth, frequency and gain. If this project can be successfully developed, it will overcome the limitations of the small detection frequency range in the past. It has realized the amplification of extremely weak magnetic fields of multiple frequencies, ..." Sun Bingwen looked around the audience, introduced the specific content of the project, and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages.

Most of the experts and professors at the scene looked like they were listening intently. However, their eyes betrayed them. Since this project was not specifically explained by Li Yi, other than Professor Gao Hongbo, who led the project, others were not concerned about his results.

Sure enough, after Sun Bingwen announced his position, very few people raised their hands, only seven or eight people, all of them were optimistic about this project or had some friendship with Professor Gao Hongbo.

"This round, 11 people voted in favor. Next, the next project..." Sun Bingwen glanced at the number of people, and then introduced the third scientific research project.

In this way, in the core conference room of Xingyao Experimental Center, Sun Bingwen led the experts and professors to vote with difficulty to decide the fate of those projects.

Li Yi put too much technical information in the database this time, and it was too complicated. With the size of Xingyao Experimental Center, he couldn't eat them all together.

At this time, in the bay of Lu Island, Li Yi took his wife and two children to play and play on the beach.

Blue sea and blue sky, waves and waves, under the setting sun, the waves jump like naughty children, and the water is full of golden light.

Li Yi was barefoot, stepping on the fine sea sand, and watching with a smile, Zhou Wenhui took Li Yan and Li Rong to pick up shells and small crabs on the beach at low tide, and had a good time.

Looking up at the sky above the sea in front of you, the magnificent Xingyao City comes into view.

Looking at Xingyao City on the ground, it is still so huge, half of it is hidden by the sea of ​​clouds, it is like a heavenly palace, under the illumination of the setting sun, it is covered with a golden light, and the flying cars have turned into small black dots. Like homing birds, in and out, orderly.

"It's almost time! Have you had enough? It's time to go home!" Li Yi glanced at the sun that was descending toward the sea, and shouted loudly at Li Yan and Li Rong.

"Daddy, Daddy, come and see, I caught a small octopus, and it stuck to my hand!" Li Yan excitedly shouted to Li Yi, giggling happily.

"Really? Take it home to raise it, do you want it!" Li Yi stepped forward and suggested.

"Okay! However, I want to catch one and make it a companion!" Li Yan's eyes flickered, making excuses not to go back so early.

"Come again next time! It's getting dark, and the little octopuses are going to bed!" Li Yi quickly coaxed.

At this time, Zhou Wenhui held Li Rong, put away his shoes, and walked towards them.

Li Yi bent down and picked up Li Yan involuntarily: "Xiaoyan, eat less snacks in the future, it's too heavy, Daddy can't hold it anymore!"

"No, Mommy can't move. It's because Dad should exercise more! Uncle can hold me and Xiaorong at the same time!" Li Yan argued angrily.

"Really!" Li Yi smiled awkwardly, and was refuted by Li Yan.

"Let's go quickly! Grandpa, grandma should be waiting for you to eat!" Zhou Wenhui reminded Li Yan, Li Rong said.

Li Yi nodded with a smile, and led his wife and children to the parking lot.

The bodyguards scattered all around gathered towards Li Yi and the others, and escorted Li Yi and his party home.

Not long after, eight 'Dark Night Three Generations' flew up at the same time, forming a black line in the air, and disappeared over the coastline in the blink of an eye.

As the sun sets in the west, the entire city of Xingyao City begins to light up, the high-rise buildings begin to flash with colorful lights, and the flying cars coming and going in the air also light up their lights, and the Xingyao City that is about to enter the night suddenly changes. A face full of brilliance and high spirits.

In the traffic flow, a fleet of eight luxury flying fleets of 'Dark Night Three Generations' flew into Xingyao City and drove on a special lane, which suddenly attracted the attention of countless flying drivers.

When the luxury motorcade approached the Xingyao Building, the landmark building of Xingyao City, the flying cars passed by, as if encountering their 'emperor', and the flying cars nearby suddenly suspended in the air, all giving way and stopping. flight.

The driver sitting in the flying car and the passengers were all startled.

"What happened! Why didn't you stop?"

"Old Chen, what happened! Why did it stop!

"It's none of the driver's business, this situation should be controlled by the intelligent system! It seems that a big man passed by, and I don't know who it is!"

"It must be someone from Xingyao Technology! However, it is not even a senior leader!"


The driver and passengers in the flying car looked around and found that the flying cars on the channel seemed to be enchanted, they could only float in the air, but couldn't fly, and there was a heated discussion.

"Wow! Look, in the car, is that person in the car Li Yi!"

"It's really Li Yi! With his wife and two children, so many cars, it turns out that their family traveled today!"

"It turned out to be him! No wonder all the cars can't move."

"Tsk tsk tsk! It's to make way for this big guy! It should be! It should be!"

"I finally saw him in person, UU reading and still at such a close distance, haha!"

"Yeah! I'm so lucky today, did you take a picture!"

"Oops! Forgot to take a picture! Did you take a picture? Send me one."

The flying cars that stopped flying, the drivers, and the passengers all looked at the luxury convoy and discussed excitedly. Some people screamed, annoyed that they didn't take the photo just now.

The rapid development of science and technology of human civilization and the leap into the interstellar era are closely related to the rise of Xingyao Technology. Longguo's economy can surpass the world's, and one family is dominant, which is also the reason for Xingyao Technology.

Therefore, Li Yi, the founder of Xingyao Technology, has become the object of admiration and worship of the whole people.

His motorcade passed by and made them stop and wait. No one was dissatisfied with such a trivial matter. On the contrary, they were extremely disappointed because they failed to seize the opportunity to take a recent photo of him.

Xingyao Technology has become popular all over the world. However, over the years, the founder of Xingyao Technology, Li Yi, has always been very low-key, and has not appeared in any public places. The opportunity for a recent photo was just missed.

It is almost impossible for them to meet such a high-ranking person as Li Yi in their entire life, let alone at such a close distance.

The driver and passengers slapped their thighs angrily, as if they had made a mistake of the million-dollar jackpot.

The flying traffic in the air began to move again. However, the luxury motorcade had already headed to the Xingyao Building, where the flying cars were forbidden to fly over.

The entire Xingyao City is under the control of Xingyao Technology's intelligent system, as is the air traffic system. Under the control of Da Hei, employees who do not belong to Xingyao Technology, in some restricted places, flying cars are prohibited from flying. enter.

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