My hi-tech Library

Chapter 298: Star Age (1)

Time flies, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

The whole human society has always been in a "lively", and there are different topics every day, discussing antimatter powered spacecraft, blue sea stars, new planets in tunnel astronomical telescopes, and great discoveries of new galaxies.

The Mars transformation plan proposed by Xingyao Technology, the second-phase construction of the Mars base, the grand strategy of interstellar development, ..., etc., medium and large-scale texts, have become major projects for the joint development of all mankind.

However, the disturbance of the outside world has nothing to do with Li Yi. He still lives a simple life of two points and one line, either staying in the experimental center or staying at home.

At the same time, Xingyao Technology's leading Interstellar Entertainment has also progressed smoothly. Millions of interstellar-themed music around the world have been copied into Xingtu space by Li Yi one by one, and authorized to more than 100 agents, benefiting countless stars. .

Using this fund, Li Yi continued to buy stellar civilization-level black technology in the library.

The only problem is that with the current level of human technology, these black technologies can only be temporarily placed in the database to ballast, and many of them cannot be used.

What Li Yi can do is to work with Da Hei, choose and choose, find those easy technologies, and convene a scientific research team to tackle key problems together.

Because of this, Xingyao Technology can become a miracle of human civilization and lead human scientific and technological civilization to climb the technology tree extremely efficiently.

The appearance of the antimatter-powered spacecraft has brought about drastic changes in the entire human society.

Chen Tianyu sat in the co-pilot seat of a flying car, looking down at Xingyao City, his expression was much more mature than a month ago.

Soon, the flying car slowly landed in the parking area of ​​a spaceship-like building following the dense traffic.

This month, Chen Tianyu launched an attack on the position recruited by Xingyao Technology - Captain, but unfortunately, the reality is too cruel. In the face of the competition of countless excellent talents, his 'background' is far inferior to others, and it is inevitable that he will lose the election. .

However, instead of going to that logistics company, Chen Tianyu was going to follow a friend's introduction and go the other way.

After Chen Tianyu went downstairs, he met his fellow villager Lin Ruihua at the agreed place.

Lin Ruihua took Chen Tianyu into the hall and introduced with a smile on his face: "How about it, there are many people! This is the busiest place in Xingyao City now!"

Chen Tianyu looked at the crowded hall and asked in surprise, "Yes! There are so many people, where is this place?"

"This is the ship insurance hall! Don't you want to find a spaceship to take a stake in the adventure! Here is a collection of spaceship leasing, sales, shareholding, business undertaking, voyage joint insurance, ..., and so on. The people who come here don't want to run the ship. No matter what type of spaceship, you can find it here." Lin Ruihua introduced with a smile.

Chen Tianyu's eyes lit up, and he was pleasantly surprised: "There are those models that can sail right away?"

"Of course, Explorer, Soaring, Huanzi, Watcher, ..., these more popular classic ships are built by Xingyao Group, with good performance and guaranteed quality, but Xingyao Technology's boating missions are very popular, of course. , there are other spacecraft built by other groups, such as Hualin Heavy Industry's Feitian, Sanxing Group's Yaoguang, Furong Group's Triumph, ..." Lin Ruihua introduced in detail.

Lin Ruihua pointed to the big screen in front of the crowd and explained, "Aren't you looking for a boat to take part in the expedition? Go to the front to register the information, then read the recruitment announcement materials, and choose a suitable boat owner to discuss. If you have money and want to invest in shares, you can watch The prospectus channel may find a suitable boat."

"Well, Brother Lin, thank you for your suggestion!" Chen Tianyu nodded happily and said gratefully.

"Ha! It's such a trivial matter, what's your politeness! Maybe I'll have to rely on you for a meal!" Lin Ruihua waved his hand and smiled.

Chen Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and quickly responded with a smile: "Brother Lin, you're joking, you've been in Xingyao City for so long, and it's me who is more or less the same as you."

Hearing this, Lin Ruihua sighed, looked at Chen Tianyu and said with a wry smile, "Little brother! For the sake of fellow villagers, there is something I need to tell you in advance."

"Yeah! Brother Lin, you said." Chen Tianyu looked at Lin Ruihua and nodded solemnly.

"Interstellar exploration seems to be very romantic and romantic, but it contains huge risks, ranging from ruining your family to ruining your family, and in serious cases, you can't even come back with a boat." Lin Ruihua introduced Chen Tianyu.

"No! Interstellar voyages are so dangerous?" Chen Tianyu asked in surprise.

Lin Ruihua looked at Chen Tianyu and introduced: "Yes! Interstellar voyages are not a joke. First of all, a long distance needs to be prepared for sufficient supplies. The route must be clearly planned. If the preparation is not sufficient, it is very likely that the entire ship will starve to death. , Secondly, there may be various accidents during the voyage, such as: meteorite impact, star explosion, cosmic rays, ..., which can easily cause the spacecraft to malfunction."

After a pause, Lin Ruihua looked at Chen Tianyu and asked, "In the vast universe, once the spacecraft fails, what does it mean? You understand!"

After hearing Lin Ruihua's words, Chen Tianyu's expression changed slightly.

"Of course, fatal problems such as accidents and spacecraft failures rarely occur. However, there is a very high chance that the interstellar flight will return home. As a result, it is a huge loss!" Lin Ruihua looked at Chen Tianyu and explained.

Hearing this, Chen Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Aware of Chen Tianyu's expression, Lin Ruihua asked in surprise, "Why, are you planning to go on an interstellar voyage?"

"Yes, Brother Lin! The fixed line is too rigid and not suitable for me!" Chen Tianyu nodded and replied.

The last job was very boring and repetitive. Chen Tianyu didn't want to work on those jobs that didn't change.

After listening to Chen Tianyu's words, Lin Ruihua laughed and explained quickly: "Haha, Xiao Sun, listen to Brother Lin's advice, if you want to conduct an interstellar voyage, the Mars base still needs to run, first accumulate some aerospace experience, then interstellar voyage will not messed up."

After speaking, Lin Ruihua introduced with a smile: "Before this, you need to fill out the form first, and then you will need to carry out relevant aerospace skills training. You can only take up the job after completing the assessment. It's troublesome!"

Hearing this, Chen Tianyu nodded and thanked: "Thank you Brother Lin, if you didn't take it with me today, I would have to take a lot of detours."

"You're welcome, I'll take you to register first!" Lin Ruihua waved to Chen Tianyu.

Chen Tianyu followed closely and walked towards the service hall.

The wages of avarice is death.

During this time, the interstellar development strategy led by the Dragon Kingdom was officially finalized. The global government jointly formed a human alliance. Under this political framework, the infinite galaxy of the universe was redefined.

When a planet suitable for immigration is found, the alliance government recognizes the status of the planetary colony governor, enjoys the right to 1% tax collection for 200 years, explores a suitable resource star for development, has the right to develop, and will receive policy support from the alliance government,..., just a few This encouragement policy has deeply stimulated the global public, leveraging countless capitals to pour into the field of interstellar voyages.

The fiery aerospace field has driven the vigorous development of the global interstellar spacecraft manufacturing chain, just like the era of human navigation. With the opening of the era of navigation, the development of the shipbuilding industry has been greatly encouraged.

The huge blue earth, spaceships are like mosquito swarms, surrounding the entire planet, rising and falling in the huge spaceport, or galloping, and like hard-working bees, extremely busy.

The entire human civilization, under the agitation of this interstellar exploration wind, showed an extremely fiery state.

Chen Tianyu did not listen to Lin Ruihua's advice, and resolutely decided to develop in the direction of interstellar voyage. Only in this way can he drive the most advanced "Pioneer" of Xingyao Technology.

Of course, before embarking on an interstellar voyage, one must accept other voyage missions and accumulate voyage experience.

The reason why Chen Tianyu failed to interview for the position of captain of Xingyao Technology was ultimately due to the lack of actual driving experience. Although he had extensive spaceship driving experience in the Xinghai Era, he had also passed the senior captain's rank, but in the real world, Chen Tianyu eventually There is no experience in driving interstellar spaceships, and it is precisely because of this that he has been brushed down by a large number of competitors.

Under the recommendation of Lin Ruihua, Chen Tianyu chatted with the person in charge of a small shipping company, Huanxing Tourism, to get to know the company that mainly conducts interstellar tourism business.

"Now that the interstellar civilization is in the initial stage of sailing, the flying car is such a convenient means of transportation that the footprints of the world's wealthy classes can easily be spread all over the world. Many travelers have already visited any scenic spot on the mother planet, desert, Mount Everest, Even in the north and south poles, most wealthy travelers have begun to get tired of the natural scenery of the earth." Zeng Maosen, the person in charge of Huanxing Tourism, looked at Chen Tianyu and introduced to him.

"The interstellar travel industry is different. Right now, the topic of interstellar is the most popular. According to the survey data of authoritative organizations, the number of tourists who tend to take an interstellar trip in the near future has reached hundreds of millions, and they hope to fly to the starship before the end of their lives. The potential users of space have reached 5 billion people, and from this alone, you can see how active the interstellar tourism project is!" After a pause, Zeng Maosheng looked at Chen Tianyu with fiery eyes and introduced.

Chen Tianyu couldn't help but nodded. He also had this idea. When he made money, he had to take his parents and grandpa on a trip to space together, and let them see with their own eyes. real look.

"The interstellar travel project was started by Xingyao Technology. Since the project was launched, it has been in a saturated state. No amount of interstellar spaceships can stop the enthusiasm of passengers. However, its high travel price has blocked a large number of people who are eager for the sky. users, therefore, this field is by no means something that Xingyao Technology can undertake." Zeng Maosen continued.

Chen Tianyu involuntarily nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! Xingyao technologists have great careers. Many industries rely on powerful technologies and earn high profits. Therefore, some mid-to-low-end projects will not be put down to do it. For example, this interstellar tourism project , they are only high-end users." Lin Ruihua nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Xingyao Technology eats meat, and we can also drink soup. These low-end users are enough to satisfy millions of interstellar travel companies! Interstellar travel is also a service industry, and Xingyao Technology can't afford to do it. We don't mind doing it, so this project is a very profitable project, how about it, Mr. Chen, are you willing to join." Zeng Maosen smiled and nodded, looking at Chen Tianyu and asked.

Chen Tianyu thought seriously.

Human civilization is at the beginning of interstellar civilization, and interstellar travel is currently the most popular business. Of course, for interstellar travel, the biggest market occupant is Xingyao Technology. They not only have moon bases, cosmic spaceports, but also Fire base, more advanced spacecraft manufacturing.

Xingyao Technology's business in Interstellar Travel has been very mature. Since the business started, it has engaged in the business of sending passengers to the sky for more than 100,000 times, and there has never been an accident.

Seeing that Xingyao Technology is madly attracting money, more and more companies are participating in this interstellar travel business.

A variety of travel projects have been developed, such as: a 10-day tour around low-earth orbit, a lunar landing tour, a 15-day life tour of the spaceport, ..., etc. Various interstellar travel projects are greatly enriched , to promote the development of this industry.

Compared with Xingyao Technology's high interstellar travel fares, these small travel companies have lower ticket prices, and at the same time provide a variety of cost-effective and content-rich services to meet the optional range of users of all classes.

As Zeng Maosen said, now engaged in the interstellar travel industry, 'Qian Jing' is ambitious, and you don't need to take too much business Boss Zeng, I am inclined to join your company! Wondering how many starships your company has, though, and when will I be able to fly alone. "Chen Tianyu looked at Zeng Maosen and asked with concern.

"Our company has its own spacecraft, namely: the 100-meter-long Voyager, and the 150-meter-long Explorer. When the business is full, it will think of other colleagues or the ship leasing department of Xingyao Aerospace. Rent an interstellar spaceship!" Zeng Maosheng looked at Chen Tianyu and introduced.

"Mr. Chen, you have a lot of driving experience in Xinghai Era, but in reality, you don't have much driving experience, so let's do it! You first take up a job as a trainee captain. Three days later, our company will have a flight business. When that time comes, you will learn from the driving captain first. For a period of time, if you can pass the captain's single driving approval, the shortest one month and the longest three months will let you be on your own." Zeng Maosen looked at Chen Tianyu and finally promised.

Hearing this, Chen Tianyu was moved, and he would be able to board the spaceship in three days. Although it was an assisted pilot, this also met his expectations.

Seeing Chen Tianyu's hesitation, Zeng Maosheng couldn't help but feel anxious, and then added: "Mr. Chen, don't worry about this, you have a senior captain's certificate. Once you meet the actual operating time, you can drive alone. We have sufficient business. Guarantee that you will not waste your time, we can write this into the contract.”

"Okay! I agreed, everything was negotiated before, let's write the contract!" Chen Tianyu nodded and agreed with a smile.

Hearing this, Zeng Maosen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and nodded with a smile: "Okay, I'll start drafting the contract now!"

After speaking, Zeng Maosen took out his mobile phone and began to draft an electronic contract on the spot, for fear that Chen Tianyu would change his mind.

This year, captains with a senior captain's certificate are not generally sought-after.

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