My hi-tech Library

Chapter 235: The Unification of Waves

After some haggling, Li Yi asked Baisha for the technology to develop biological brains and the related technology for the manufacture of biochemical planting ships, all of which are exclusive scientific and technological knowledge. Providing the genetic information of a species to Baisha is open. of.

This transaction does not say who loses who earns, each gets what he needs.

For Li Yi, acquiring these technologies can greatly increase the scientific and technological heritage of human technology to enter the interstellar civilization, and it is completely worthwhile to pay for the gene spectrum of a species.

There are thousands of species on the earth. As long as the genetic information of human beings is not provided, this transaction will not cause much harm to human civilization.

The two sides signed the transaction intention, and Li Yi and Baisha ended the transaction and continued to look for new transaction targets.

The entertainment knowledge of human civilization and the gene spectrum of species all have value. Through trading, Li Yi can get what he wants. In addition to advanced technology, there are also some basic theoretical knowledge that has great significance for human technology.

For example: the four fundamental forces of the universe, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force, and another example: the three cornerstones of modern cosmology: the expanding universe, microwave back radiation, the synthesis of hydrogen elements, various physical Theorem, the law of entropy increase, etc. The birth of every basic scientific theory can bring a huge boost to the scientific and technological civilization of mankind.

After more than three hours,

Withdrew from the Civilization Library, this time, Li Yi copied a unified theory on the description of particle Tebo, ready to popularize it.

Particle Tebo is a system about waves discovered by Polite, a famous scientist of the Borse civilization, revealing that all matter in the universe has wave manifestations, such as: microscopic particles: atomic waves, proton waves, photon waves, electromagnetic waves, …, macroscopic Universe: stellar gravitational waves, galactic gravitational waves, ..., living bodies: biological waves, cellular waves, ...; The Tebo theory of everything unifies astrophysics, material physics, quantum physics, ..., the final conclusion on waves.

With the guidance of this fundamental theory of particle special waves, the field of scientific research of human beings will definitely be able to advance to a higher level.

Soon, Li Yi sat at the computer desk and tapped the keyboard, sorting out the gains from entering the library this time.

Regarding the development data of the biological brain, the design drawings and technical data of the biochemical planting ship need to be classified, uploaded to the database of the experimental center, and assigned scientific research tasks to the scientific research units of the experimental center.

After finishing all this, Li Yi left the study and walked to the bedroom quietly.

My family, all fell asleep at this time.

Late at night.

There are still many scientific researchers in the Xingyao Experimental Center, who are still busy, some are doing experiments, and some are learning new knowledge.

The Xingyao Experimental Center has established a complete knowledge learning database, which carries scientific research papers and various technical materials for all scientific research work. Every day, hundreds of new papers are published in the database, and thousands of comments and exchanges are born. It is a holy place for all scientific research workers of Xingyao Experimental Middle School.

Liu Jianbin watched the study materials for a while, and was about to turn off the computer and go to sleep when he suddenly saw a newly uploaded theoretical paper, the title was very loud, and the waves were unified.

Just rushing to such an 'exaggerated' title, Liu Jianbin couldn't help but be curious and clicked to check it.

Author: Muzi!

Looking at the content of the paper again, Liu Jianbin's expression turned serious.

The point of view is very strange, very novel theoretical paper.

"It seems to be a bit predictable!"

Liu Jianbin had a solemn look on his face, line by word, earnestly studied and looked at it carefully.

After a while, the expression on Liu Jianbin's face continued to change. He was surprised, suddenly realized, overjoyed, overjoyed,... He seemed like a professional actor who was practicing his acting skills, and the expression on his face changed quickly and in place.

Liu Jianbin's eyes were caught in the data and he couldn't pull it out. He kept sliding the mouse, sometimes reading the data, and sometimes thinking without moving. He sat in front of the computer and did not move for a long time.

Time passed little by little.

When Liu Jianbin woke up from the paper, there was already a white light outside the window.

Because of this paper, Liu Jianbin watched it all night, and his eyes were red. Not only was he not tired, but instead, he was in good spirits and his thinking was sublimated.

Soon, Liu Jianbin returned the paper to his colleagues, supervisors, and even several bigwigs in the experimental center, asking them for some knowledge involved in the paper.

Because of Liu Jianbin's relationship, this paper quickly entered the field of vision of many scientific research leaders, and they were all shocked by the content of the paper.

After seeing the author "Muzi", Sun Bingwen and several technical bigwigs immediately understood that this paper was written by Li Yi.

Sun Bingwen was overjoyed and immediately held an emergency meeting to discuss the promotion of this paper and the strength of learning.

"It turns out that the gravitational wave communicator was developed based on this principle. President Li is amazing!"

"Yeah! Mr. Li's research on biological waves is also very in-depth!"

"This pulsator sums it up so well! It reveals the quantum wave state of light, incredible, incredible!"


At the meeting, Sun Bingwen, as well as all the experts and professors, highly affirmed the scientific value of this paper. However, Muzi, this id only has Sun Bingwen. Several leaders know that it belongs to Li Yi. Without knowing his attitude, they This matter was not exposed.

Li Yi made a great move this time, and directly sent a 'Science Canon' to the Xingyao Experimental Center, which completely established the status of the Xingyao Experimental Center as a holy land of science.

Hearing that Professor Chen Tao mentioned the gravitational wave communicator, Sun Bingwen quickly looked at him and asked with concern: "Old Chen, how is the development of the gravitational wave communicator! I will go back to President Li later to ask for the publicity of this paper, if there is no problem , I should brief him on the research progress of the gravitational wave communicator."

"You know, Mr. Li has been paying attention to this project!" After speaking, Sun Bingwen did not forget to remind him solemnly.

Hearing this, Professor Chen Tao smiled slightly and said calmly: "Director Sun, our department has done a lot of research. You can bring President Li to the laboratory to ensure that he is satisfied."

"Okay! That's it." Sun Bingwen nodded with a smile, and then announced the end of the meeting.

Sun Bingwen is going to visit Li Yi's house in person. Last night, Mr. Li not only uploaded this paper, but also a lot of other scientific and technological materials, he needs to follow closely.

At this moment, Sun Bingwen finally believed what Li Yi said before, ten years, he really did not waste it!

After the meeting ended, Sun Bingwen left the laboratory in a hurry, came to the parking lot, got into a black flying car, and under the automatic driving of the AI ​​driving system, took him to Li Yi's residence, a place not far from the Juxingyao Experimental Center. top of a metal building.

A garden bigger than a football field, four small children, a few black dogs, an elderly couple playing on the garden lawn.

They should be Mr. Li's four children and Mr. Li's parents.

The flying car stopped in the parking area, and Sun Bingwen quickly got out of the car and greeted them.

"Grandpa Sun, you are here!"

"Grandpa Sun!"

Before anyone walked in, Sun Bingwen immediately heard the greetings from Li Yan and Li Rong.

"Xiaoyan, Xiaorong, what are you guys doing!" Sun Bingwen walked up to them and asked with a kind smile. When he asked about two hours, he nodded and greeted Li Yanshun and his wife.

"We are playing eagles with grandparents and catching chickens! My elder brother is an eagle, he is fierce!" Li Yan glanced at her elder brother Li Yang and complained.

"Grandpa Sun, do you want to play with us? Come and be an eagle!" Li Rong looked at Sun Bingwen and invited him.

"Hahaha! Grandpa doesn't play anymore! I'm looking for your father, is he up yet?" Sun Bingwen laughed and said bluntly.

"Dad, it's a big slacker, still sleeping!" Li Yan replied quickly.

"Da Hei, go to the bedroom and wake up Xiao Yi, Director Sun is here to find him." Li Yanshun quickly looked at a black dog and ordered.

"Okay!" Da Hei responded, and walked towards the hall with his limbs open.

"Excuse me, brother!" Sun Bingwen smiled embarrassedly at Li Yanshun.

"It's alright, that kid has had his old troubles again recently. He often sleeps late." Li Yanshun waved his hand.

Speaking of kung fu, Da Hei led Li Yi to hit the garden and walked to Sun Bingwen.

"Mr. Li, take the liberty to disturb the rest!" Seeing Li Yi, Sun Bingwen happily smiled and apologized.

"I expected you to come, I'll go with you!" Li Yi smiled helplessly, probably knowing why Sun Bingwen came to invite him in person.

"Hey!" Sun Bingwen responded happily, following Li Yi's back.

"Grandpa Sun, Daddy, goodbye!" Li Yan, Li Rong brother and sister politely waved goodbye to them, Li Yang, Li Qing quickly followed suit,

Li Yi smiled and waved with Si Xiao, and then got into Sun Bingwen's flying car.

Soon, the flying car rose into the sky and took Li Yi and Sun Bingwen to the experimental center.

"Mr. Li, do you plan to promote your unification theory? Why don't you use your own name for such a great reputation?" Soon after getting in the car, Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and asked straight to the point.

In this paper, Li Yi used a nickname instead of his real name. Sun Bingwen probably guessed Li Yi's attitude, so he did not disclose the true identity of the author of the paper.

However, this wave unification theory is of great significance to the human scientific community. It categorizes the appearance of 'waves' of almost all matter in the universe, and reveals to all mankind the reasons for the birth of 'waves' and the propagation of 'waves' The appearance of various substances, the process of 'wave' transmission, the principle, ..., and so on.

This is a magnificent work with extremely heavy scientific weight and great significance for the development of human scientific and technological civilization. Its author, Li Yi, will enjoy a great reputation.

However, Li Yi seems to be unwilling to bear this kind of reputation, otherwise, the author will not be marked as a nickname.

"The author will use Muzi. Let's use the reputation of Xingyao Experimental Center Group to publicize it to the outside world! I want to be quieter. For me, this reputation does more harm than good." Li Yi smiled and explained.

Hearing this, Sun Bingwen nodded understandingly and looked at Li Yi with admiration.

Such a great scientific reputation is an opportunity to be famous in the human world for eternity. Li Yi is willing to give up like this, which is really not something ordinary people can do.

However, when he thinks of Li Yi's identity and the wealth he has, Sun Bingwen understands it very well. This kind of fame and fortune that lasts through the ages, added to Li Yi, is just icing on the cake, optional.

While speaking, the flying car landed from the parking area of ​​the Xingyao Experimental Center.

Sun Bingwen took Li Yi and went straight to the laboratory of the gravitational wave interstellar communicator, preparing to inspect the research progress of the gravitational wave communicator.

Gravitational wave communicator laboratory.

Professor Chen Tao, with his scientific research team, greeted him at the door.

After a warm welcome, Professor Chen Tao brought Li Yi and Sun Bingwen into lab coats and walked into the dust-free laboratory.

Walking into the dust-free laboratory, all kinds of sophisticated instruments come into view. There is a naked device with a 'horn' in the center. At the scene, dozens of scientific research workers are busy, they are in front of the screen, debugging Code data, monitoring instruments, etc., very busy and focused.

"Mr. Li, Director Sun, we have overcome various technical problems through technical materials and successfully developed this set of gravitational wave communicator. Look at this instrument, it is one of the cores of the entire gravitational wave communicator: gravitational wave communicator. Sensors, gravitational waves are very weak, and there are long waves and short waves, long troughs and wave crests, ..., through this wave sensor, we can sense and identify the existence of the gravitational wave band, and correct the attenuation encountered in the wave transmission process."

Li Yi and Sun Bingwen nodded, looking forward to Professor Chen Tao's continued explanation.

Professor Chen Tao didn't let them wait too long, and he guided the next equipment module with his hand, and continued to introduce, saying: "This module connected to the sensor is a wave vibration embedder, and its main function is to adjust the frequency of the electronic wave and realize the realization of the gravitational wave. Resonance embedding, to enhance the strength of electronic waves, adopts superimposed wave transmission technology, traction wave technology, and wave source enhancement technology: the main framework: wave frequency enhancement group, ..., mainly used to solve the transmission of electronic waves embedded in gravitational waves, ...".

"The core part of the entire gravitational wave communicator is the analyzer for the transition between gravitational waves and electronic It integrates nanowave technology, zero-delay reception, new bridge technology, ..., frequency division Using technology, the main structure: demultiplexing demodulator, single-wave excitation set, short-wave frequency divider, ..., increase the accuracy of wave transmission, achieve no interference between sub-channel transmission, ... ".

"This is a multi-component network device, which uses the combined network transmission technology of wireless wave differential conduction and multi-combination. The main structure is: millimeter wave frequency receiving end, nanowave interpretation end, multi-component mixed output end, short wave transmission end, weak wave increasing element set, ..., optimized according to the special requirements of millimeter wave transmission, ..." Professor Chen Tao continued to explain the next device.


Li Yi and Sun Bingwen numbly watched Professor Chen Tao introduce various instruments endlessly. His explanations were very professional, technical terms were readily available, and analysis techniques were also in place.

Following Professor Chen Tao's explanation, Li Yi and Sun Bingwen couldn't help but have smiles on their faces. Seeing his confident posture, could they have already developed a gravitational wave communicator?


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