My hi-tech Library

Chapter 279: sanctuary of science

in a few days.

The new academic report of Xingyao Experimental Center begins to report the new theory of space-time wormholes and the news of major breakthroughs in space-time wormhole research.

The physical science community, the global media collectively boiled.

"Professor Chen Tao, a famous physicist, made a major discovery in space-time wormholes, and the existence of space-time wormholes is just around the corner."

"Xingyao Experimental Center-Professor Chen Tao has made a new theoretical breakthrough in the field of space-time wormholes. It is no longer an illusion for human spacecraft to use interstellar wormholes to achieve galaxy crossing navigation."

"Xingyao Technology is the next city in the interstellar field. Professor Chen Tao, a famous physicist, has made major discoveries in the field of space-time wormholes, which complements the layout of Xingyao Technology in the interstellar field."

"The era of large-scale navigation in the universe is coming, and Professor Chen Tao found strong evidence for the existence of space-time wormholes."


Overnight, all kinds of news related to Professor Chen Tao and space-time wormholes appeared on the news hot search lists of major news networks around the world, attracting the attention of countless melon-eating people.

"Again, another major discovery, the Xingyao Experimental Center is really awesome!"

"Professor Chen Tao is mighty!"

"Is there a big guy who will popularize the meaning of Professor Chen Tao's discovery, and can these new theories allow us to find space-time wormholes?"

"Yeah! Wasn't space-time wormholes predicted long ago? What role do these new theories do?"

"Let's put it this way! Einstein's theory of relativity predicts the existence of space-time wormholes. On this basis, Professor Chen's new theory improves the wormhole theory. Through the formula of gravitational wave theory, space-time worms can be specifically calculated. The location of the hole, coupled with powerful artificial intelligence technology, in the future, the use of space-time wormholes for interstellar travel will not be a problem at all."

"It turned out to be like this, thank you for your popular science!"

"Wow! Professor Chen Tao's discovery is so important, it's amazing!"

"Don't mislead people! It's just a theoretical company that discovered wormholes. It's nothing special. It's still a long way from being able to fully utilize space-time wormholes!"

"Yeah! It's just a theory, it's still a long way from entering the practical stage of technology!"

"Don't talk about it. If other scientists' research theories are transformed into real technologies, it will take some time. Professor Chen Tao is a senior scientist of Xingyao Technology. With the consistent style of Xingyao Technology, maybe the practical technology has been researched!"

"It is very feasible, Xingyao Technology is too perverted!"

"Wait for a good show! Maybe the next generation of spaceships will be able to pass through wormholes!"


The comment area for related news was occupied by excited netizens, and countless comments were made to applaud Professor Chen Tao and Xingyao Technology.

"It's another big discovery made by an Asian professor. Western basic science is completely useless!"

"It's a great discovery, their script goes further and further, and our technological progress lags far behind their country."

"Another great scientist was born. The scientists in the Dragon Kingdom are getting better and better. I am afraid all this is due to Xingyao Technology. They have an excellent scientific experiment environment."

"I have to say that it is another century-level discovery, which has made mankind take another big step towards the era of interstellar navigation."

"I'm so envious, the scientists of the Dragon Country are amazing!"

"There is a major discovery, the gap is too big, the future must belong to the Dragon Kingdom!"


On the other hand, foreign netizens have been soured collectively, leaving countless envious and sour comments on the Internet.

For a time, the time-space wormhole has become a hot word that people around the world pay attention to, and the world pays attention.

Space-time wormholes are related to the future technology after all human beings enter the interstellar era. Whether interstellar spacecraft can use wormholes to achieve navigation across galaxies is of great significance. Therefore, this big discovery has immediately become a hot topic among the people, and countless scientists have paid attention to it. key topic.

to push

Guangxingyao Award, Sun Bingwen spared no effort to let the publicity department carry out a more in-depth promotion of the new theory of space-time wormholes.

Inspired by Sun Bingwen and taking advantage of the popularity, Professor Chen Tao accepted the invitation of Xingyao Media and started a follow-up report on the new discovery of the space-time wormhole theory.

"Good afternoon, everyone, welcome to watch the Chronicle of Stars, I'm the host - Xu Qiuxuan, today we invited Tao Chen, a well-known scientist who has been in the limelight recently. Professor Chen is a guest at the studio of Chronicle of Stars." Host - Xu Qiuxuan Look at the camera and introduce Professor Chen Tao, who is sitting opposite to the audience.

"Hello everyone! I'm Chen Tao!" Professor Chen Tao waved and introduced himself with a smile.

"Professor Chen, the new theory about space-time wormholes has been discussed by the whole people recently. Everyone is very curious about the significance of this theoretical discovery, and it will allow us to use the technical way to become an interstellar spacecraft to travel through galaxies, because we are very eager to be able to I would like to take this opportunity to give the audience some popular science." The host - Xu Qiuxuan smiled and looked at Professor Chen Tao and pointed out the theme of today's program.

"Understood, this is the main purpose of my visit to Xingyao Chronicle today." Professor Chen Tao nodded with a smile, looked directly at the camera, and continued: "The theory of space-time wormholes was born in 1916 and was proposed by the famous scientist - Fram. Yes, that same year, Einstein introduced gravity into the theory that eventually led to the famous general theory of relativity."

"The word wormhole is literally understood as the passage of an apple from one point to another point, from point A to point B, the worm goes around the apple watch, of course, it can also pass through the "wormhole", the distance is short, use less time." Professor Chen Tao said.

"Einstein and Rosen's study of the field equations eventually led to the existence of a theory underpinning wormholes. Known at the time as Einstein-Rosen rings, and later as wormholes, general relativity is a theory that specializes in the study of spacetime and essentially explains gravity The essence of it is actually a manifestation of the curvature of space-time."

"The simple description is: matter bends space-time, and space-time makes matter move. Typical manifestations are celestial systems such as the motion of the earth around the space. The core of general relativity: space-time bending. There may be problems, space-time bending, and special circumstances may occur. Two points in different spacetimes, because spacetime is curved, may be connected together, crossing this point, the crossing from point A to point B."

"During this time, I happened to be studying the gravitational wave interstellar communicator. With the support of these theories and the introduction of new gravitational wave-related formulas and algorithms, I deduced these formulas and further improved the theory. Through these algorithm formulas, we can It is used to calculate and locate the location of the wormhole, and to further study the wormhole,..."

"At present, with the support of this theory, we have found a wormhole in the South Gate II galaxy of Centaur, and there is no sign of a wormhole in the solar system. Therefore, as for what netizens said, use wormholes to traverse and achieve cross-border transmission. The navigation of the galaxy will only be realized after the spacecraft technology and the further development of the wormhole opening technology." Professor Chen Tao concluded.

"It turns out that there is no wormhole found in the solar system, so this technology must not be used!" The host - Xu Qiuxuan sighed and said regretfully.

Hearing this, Professor Chen Tao laughed and retorted: "It can't be said that, if we can't find it now, we may not be able to find it in the future. In addition to wormholes that appear naturally, we can also artificially open space-time wormholes through technology!"

Hearing this, the host, Xu Qiuxuan, immediately became energetic and asked with concern, "Is it possible to manually open the wormhole? Professor Chen, can you explain in detail?"

"No problem, in theory, the technology to artificially open wormholes exists, the universe is made of space and time together, and they are very different everywhere. The existence of objects in the universe affects the universe itself, causing The universe is twisted or deformed, and the universe is like a water bed, soft and elastic. This flexible universe can be folded, torn, and even repaired at will. With the intervention of powerful forces, this allows the population to open wormholes The theory has become possible." Professor Chen Tao introduced.

"Well! Is it difficult to manually open a wormhole? Can the interstellar spaceship pass through?" The host - Xu Qiuxuan nodded, and then asked.

"It is not difficult to realize the technical difficulty of artificially opening wormholes.

Small, but it is within the achievable range. As for opening wormholes that can pass through interstellar spaceships, according to the current speed of technological development, it will be possible to achieve it in about a hundred years! Our main research direction now is to open small wormholes artificially, and use small wormholes to drop some detection particles,  … "Professor Chen Tao introduced with a smile.

"Small wormholes? What's the point of this kind of research?" The host - Xu Qiuxuan nodded and asked in a casserole-like manner.

"Of course it is of great significance. First, continuously improve the wormhole opening technology, from small to large, and continue to improve progressively. Second, if the small wormhole technology is successfully developed, it will allow us to further understand the universe, ..., Third, the small wormhole opening technology can be combined with the astronomical telescope technology to develop a super tunnel astronomical telescope." Professor Chen Tao introduced in detail.

The host - Xu Qiuxuan was a little confused. She didn't expect that Professor Chen Tao could talk about so many things. However, after hosting the technology program for so long, she still heard the key points.

"Professor Chen, listen to what you mean, the small wormhole opening technology is already in sight? Are you developing a super tunnel astronomical telescope? Is this a confidential project? Can you disclose some information?" The host - Xu Qiuxuan looked at Professor Chen Tao and asked. .

"The Super Tunnel Astronomical Telescope project has just been launched, and everything is still in the theoretical stage. It has not entered into substantive research, and there is not much that can be said." Professor Chen Tao explained with a slight smile.

"Understood! Can you tell us the content of this scientific research project and what effect it can achieve after the project is successful?" The host - Xu Qiuxuan nodded and said understandingly.

"Okay! Open the multi-dimensional space tunnel through the super collision of particle beams, drop detection particles at the limit of the tunnel closing time, ..." Professor Chen Tao nodded and introduced the research and development of the super-tunnel astronomical telescope endlessly. project.


Professor Chen Tao appeared in the Xingyao Chronicle Studio, which brought the ratings of the Xingyao Chronicle to another peak.

Countless people around the world are watching, and at the same time, many scientists are watching this show.

Ender Smith is a German scientist. His main research fields are quantum physics and astrophysics. Watching Professor Chen Tao talk about the scientific research plan of the super tunnel astronomical telescope in the program, he couldn't help sitting up straight and his eyes were shining. , can't wait to know more.

However, this is a TV show, and the audience's knowledge level is limited. Professor Chen Tao can't explain too much professional knowledge. After a brief introduction, he began to talk about some basic science knowledge.

Ender Smith stood up anxiously and walked back and forth, looking impatient, and wanted to call him to have a conversation.

Suddenly, Ender Smith's cell phone rang.

Ender Smith glanced at the incoming call, and it was his colleague Charlie, who quickly answered the phone.

"HI, Ender, have you watched the show? How do you feel? Do you think that project will be successful?" Charlie asked straight to the point as soon as the call was connected.

"I don't know, I need more content to judge. However, since he dared to say it, he must have a clear direction. Unfortunately, there is no way to participate and witness the birth of this astronomical telescope." Ender Smith sighed , judged.

"Yeah! I think so too!" The other end of the phone also took a breath.

The two were silent for a moment.

"Professor Rayleigh, Professor Daniel and the others have all gone to Xingyao Technology. I heard that they are involved in some very cutting-edge projects." Charlie said suddenly after changing the conversation.

"What? Are you going to leave the lab too?" Ender Smith asked concernedly, as expected.

The call fell into silence for a while, and both parties probably had the same meaning.

Not to mention the benefits of Xingyao Technology, the scientific research field is also the most advanced in the world, and it is in every field, which can give them a lot of advanced knowledge.

On the other hand, due to the backwardness of science and technology and the sluggish economy, the investment in the frontier fields of scientific research is getting less and The welfare benefits enjoyed by these top scientists are increasing day by day

What makes them unacceptable is that projects in the field of cutting-edge technology cannot catch up with the perverted Xingyao Technology.

"Yes, I don't think there is any chance to continue to stay in the laboratory. The attraction of Xingyao Technology is too great, and I can't stand it anymore." Charlie was silent for a while before speaking.

After a pause, Charlie then asked, "How about you! Do you want to go together?"

"Maybe!" Ender-Smith looked at Professor Chen Tao on the show and replied.

As soon as Ender-Smith's voice fell, the two ended the call tacitly, and the two sides were ready to leave together and go to the holy land of science to pursue the truth of science.

At this time, similar situations are happening in scientific research institutions in many countries around the world. Every time Xingyao Documentary presents cutting-edge scientific research results to the world, it can always attract some scientists in related fields to leave their original work units and go to Xingyao. The experimental center seeks a position.

The Shining Star Experiment Center has become a scientific mecca for all mankind, constantly attracting the world's most outstanding scientists.


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