My hi-tech Library

Chapter 198: extremely suspicious

"How do you get customers to line up outside the door? Can't this problem be solved?"

In the Xingyao Technology Headquarters Building, the chairman's office, Li Yi looked down at the team in front of the building and asked inexplicably.

"Mr. Li, this problem is really difficult to solve. The capacity of several elevators in the headquarters is limited, and the number of customers who have visited recently is so large that this problem occurs. Even if the appointment mode is adopted, the staff will be arranged to go down to receive them and block them. Mobai's customers, this problem is not easy to solve, unless you can change to a larger headquarters building." Tang Shaohong explained helplessly.

Hearing this, Li Yi couldn't help but feel a big head. The size of Xingyao Technology is so large that in a moment and a half, he can find a more suitable headquarters building in Ludao.

Li Yi turned to look at Tang Shaohong and asked, "Let's see if we can divert other businesses? The headquarters will take the initiative to build a dock base and some financial work?"

"My work has already been done in this regard. The headquarters is the dock base project, Zhangcheng has arranged the flying car project, your experimental center has implemented a lunar base, the off-island supercomputing center has been changed to a virtual network, and the business headquarters of biochips ,..." Tang Shaohong introduced one by one.

Li Yi nodded and said nothing. It could be seen that Tang Shaohong and the others had done their best in these areas.

This piece of meat is so fat that countless entrepreneurs and capitals all over the world can't wait to take a sip of soup on Xingyao Technology, so that a large number of visitors queue up at the gate of the company headquarters.

Li Yi sighed, turned and sat back on the sofa, giving up on solving this problem.

"This situation won't affect your work, right! Archway commuting is a problem!" Li Yi looked at Tang Shaohong and asked.

"Fortunately! Everyone's emotions are high, and these troubles can be overcome!" Tang Shaohong smiled slightly and said incredulously.

Li Yi nodded, not bothering about this issue anymore.

In this situation, we can only wait for three years before the skydock base is established, and we will solve the headquarters building of Xingyao Technology together. The headquarters building will be used first.

"Mr. Li, the experimental center has recently achieved a lot of scientific research results, and the outside world is constantly speculating about the news of the air dock base. Should we hold a product launch conference to publicly react to the world?" Tang Shaohong Looking at Li Yi, he asked for instructions.

"Huh? Aren't the products in the experimental center still in the experimental stage? Can't mass-produce them yet?" Li Yi frowned and looked at Tang Shaohong in confusion.

"Mr. Li, we can announce the concept product first! This will help improve the company's strength and popularity. This time we proposed the air dock base project, and many public opinions are questioning our project. Therefore, we need a product launch conference. , show your muscles!" Tang Shaohong and Li Yi looked at each other and introduced with deep meaning.

Hearing this, Li Yi immediately woke up and nodded with a smile: "Okay! I have no objection. Are you looking at the arrangement?"

The high profile of Xingyao Technology is now like this. The designs he provided to the experimental center were eventually developed through the experimental center. If a product launch was not held, it would not have any impact on him, and he did not need to play.

On the contrary, holding a product launch conference is also good for the popularity of Xingyao Technology, and Li Yi is happy to see it succeed.

"Okay!" Tang Shao nodded happily, looking forward to the moment when it shines again.

Soon, the news of Shining Star Technology's upcoming third product launch conference was officially disclosed to the media from all walks of life through the Propaganda Department, and preparations for the launch conference began.

As soon as the news of Shining Star Technology's upcoming press conference was announced, the domestic media was instantly boiling.

"The shock is coming, Shining Star Technology announced that it will hold a product launch conference at the Exhibition International on October 30!"

"It's here! It's here! It's here again. After a year and a half, Xingyao Technology is back!"

"Latest news! The official news of Xingyao Technology is about to hold a new product release."

"Xingyao Technology held a product launch conference. What new products will be released this time?"


The Propaganda Department of Xingyao Technology acted quickly, and major media reprinted it one after another. For a time, various news about Xingyao Technology’s product launch occupied the hot search list of major news websites, attracting the attention of countless netizens.

"My God! Xingyao Technology is going to hold a product launch again! The efficiency is terrible!"

"What product are you going to release this time! I'm looking forward to it!"

"Xingyao Technology! Awesome!!"

"Xingyao Technology is here again! This time the industry is unlucky?"

"Hurry up and empty the warehouse! Xingyao Technology is here to engage in technical rolling again!"

"I'm going! Does Xingyao Technology have another heaven-defying product? Who knows what it is!"

"Scary wow! At this moment, I don't know how many tech company bosses are shivering!"

"Looking forward, Xingyao Technology, mighty!"


Countless netizens across the country are collectively boiling, leaving countless excited messages in the news hot search comment have applauded Xingyao Technology, and many people are looking forward to it.

As soon as the news of Xingyao Technology's product launch conference came out, a group of people contacted Li Yi, especially several bigwigs, and immediately asked him about the content of the conference.

In the first two conferences of Xingyao Technology, several subversive technology products announced have a huge impact, causing a fatal blow to several industries and spreading widely.

Have a heart!

"Lin Lao, this conference mainly introduces conceptual products such as aerial docks, spaceships, and flying cars. There are no mature products."

"Yes! Yes! There are no special product releases that will not hit other industries!"

Li Yi took the mobile phone to talk to Mr. Lin and assured him again and again.

Finally, after hanging up Mr. Lin's phone, another big guy called and went straight to the topic to ask him about the inside story of this Shining Star Technology product launch.

In this regard, Li Yi can only explain patiently again.

The people who can directly contact him are almost all people of high status, and Li Yi dare not offend him.

"Drink some water!" Zhou Wenhui saw that Li Yi had hung up the phone, so she brought the thermos.

All afternoon, Zhou Wenhui saw that Li Yi kept receiving calls and saying the same thing.

Li Yi took the thermos cup, drank a few sips of water, and smiled helplessly: "I knew earlier, I shouldn't have agreed with President Tang's suggestion. The trouble caused the big bosses to be shocked."

Zhou Wenhui smiled and said with understanding: "Everyone was frightened by Xingyao Technology, so now it's a bow and snake shadow!"

"Yes! Then should I be proud!" Li Yi laughed, looked at Zhou Wenhui, and asked with a smile.

"Of course! You are my pride!" Zhou Wenhui nodded happily, resting her head on Li Yi's chest, and said softly.

Li Yi embraced Zhou Wenhui and looked at the sunset, feeling extremely relaxed and happy.

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