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Chapter 293: extrasolar life star

The Milky Way has three main components: the galactic disk, the galactic core and the galactic halo. The galactic disk is the main body of the Milky Way. It is composed of large and small spiral arms, with a diameter of about 80,000 light-years and a thickness of about 60,000 light-years in the middle. Thousand light years.

The silver disk is also surrounded by a large silver halo, which is somewhat similar to wrapping such a layer of silk on the outside of the Milky Way. The silver halo is scattered with stars and globular clusters mainly composed of old stars. As for the silver core, it is the very center of the Milky Way. , the entire galaxy revolves around the galactic nucleus.

The solar system where the earth is located is located on the shorter Orion arm, which is located near the inner edge of the Orion arm, just sandwiched between the Perseus arm and the Sagittarius arm. The thickness of the cantilever where the solar system is located is about Three thousand light years.

If you start from the earth and reach the center of the Milky Way, it takes about 26,000 light-years, which means that even if human interstellar spacecraft can fly at the speed of light, it will take 26,000 years to arrive.

The region where Earth is currently located is the best place in the Milky Way. Although it is a remote suburban area, it is the most suitable area for life to appear. It is precisely because it is very far from the center of the Milky Way, so the sun escapes all kinds of radiation and the pull of strong gravity, making the operating environment of the solar system very stable. , and this indirectly allows the earth to breed a variety of creatures.

It is precisely because the solar system is located in the most remote part of the Milky Way that the solar system allowed life to appear on Earth within a billion years of its birth. Moreover, the structure of the solar system is also very safe. Its outer layer is protected by the Oort Nebula and the Coyinberg Belt. In addition, the super gas giant Jupiter protects the inner part of the solar system, so that the earth can be protected from frequent After receiving the impact of the asteroid, and under the cooperation of various perfect conditions, life was born on the earth.

Among the star systems adjacent to the solar system, there are many star systems with life. A star system that may harbor life was found 19 light-years away from the earth.

The star of this star system is not far from the dwarf star in the position of the terrestrial planet, and the star is a red dwarf star, and the light shining on the terrestrial planet is just right, and the surface temperature of the terrestrial planet is between 30-45 degrees Celsius , as on Earth, which provides the environmental conditions for the formation of liquid water,...

The Ross 128 system has a red dwarf star in the constellation Virgo, about 11 light-years from Earth, the second-closest system to Earth, with an Earth-sized exoplanet (about 1.8 times Earth's size),…

The Trappist-1 system is 45 light-years from Earth and has 7 Earth-sized planets, 4 of which are in the star’s habitable zone,….


Wanliyan has started experiments again and again to conduct instant observations and take close-up photos of those star systems that are close to the solar system and have a high probability of life.

In the holographic screen, the injection port of Liyan's wormhole pass has been aimed at the TRAPPIST-1 galaxy, which is 45 light-years away from the earth. As long as the calibration and adjustment are completed, the nuclear fusion atomic output will be increased instantly, allowing the space tunnel machine to work. In the state, a wormhole tunnel with a diameter of nearly one meter is instantly penetrated in front of the jet opening of the tunnel machine, and before the wormhole closes, the optical sensing system will take tens of millions of pictures per second. Image down.

"The Wanliyan wormhole tunnel has been successfully opened! New images have come back and there is movement!"

The controller in charge of the holographic projector quickly transferred the photos taken by Wanliyan and reported it excitedly. The command room of the lunar base suddenly became restless.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the holographic screen,

"Master, we have found a planet with signs of life." Da Hei reported to Li Yi.

"I see, continue to activate the Wanliyan to get detailed information on that planet." Li Yi was shocked and ordered the big underworld.

"Understood!" Da Hei readily answered.

Soon, the 'Ten Thousand Miles Eye', far above the moon, was activated again and took a more comprehensive shot of the planet where life exists.

The next moment, all the scientific researchers at the lunar base boiled together, and they saw a large number of photos of strange alien life on the holographic screen, an azure blue planet, a planet with thick clouds like the earth. A large number of photos of alien creatures appeared, yellow tentacles, green eyes, flat bodies, brown scales, ..., insects of various colors, and strange-shaped plants, all presented on the holographic screen.

Previous astronomical observation methods were limited, the entire planet was irradiated, nebula blocked,..., etc., it was impossible to discover the actual landscape of this unborn planet. This time, the tunnel astronomical telescope-Wanliyan successfully unveiled the planet. veil.

"Wow! What a life star! We found a life star!"

"My God! Is this true?"

"God! Alien life has appeared!"

"Omg! We have discovered primitive life planets!"

"What a miracle! What a beautiful alien life!"


All the researchers in the control room of the lunar base cheered excitedly and danced with excitement.

"Mr. Li, we have discovered a planet of life! Hahahaha!" Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and laughed complacently.

"Yeah!" Li Yi couldn't help but have a smile on his face. The life on Mars is underground, and the number is very rare. It cannot be regarded as a complete life planet in essence.

The planet discovered now is different. It has a complete ecological chain of planets and is only 45 light-years away from the earth. In the future, it is very likely to become the second life planet for human immigrants.

"Mr. Li, do you want to announce this good news!" Sun Bingwen looked at Li Yi and asked with concern.

Li Yi thought about it for a moment, then agreed with a smile: "Publish it! This discovery will help promote Interstellar Technology."

"Understood! I'll arrange it right away!" Sun Bingwen also managed the time, and directly connected with the heads of the propaganda department of Xingyao Laboratory, Xingxing Technology Public Relations Department, Xingyao Media, etc., and began to convey this great discovery of alien life planets to his subordinates. .

The next day, early in the morning, the first thing people did when they woke up was an overwhelming news.

"Great news, great news, the large tunnel astronomical telescope at the moon base-Wanliyan successfully observed a planet with alien life, which is 45 light-years away from us and is the fifth planet in the TRAPPIST-1 galaxy."

"Xingyao Experimental Middle School's new astronomical telescope successfully discovered extrasolar life planets!"

"The second human immigrant planet has appeared, 45 light-years away from the earth!"

"Blue sea star, star glasses use a new type of astronomical telescope to discover extrasolar life stars, suitable for human immigration!"


Overnight, all kinds of news about the discovery of alien life planets with Xingyao Technology firmly occupied the hot search of major news networks, attracting the attention of countless people.

Countless people all over the world were instantly boiling.

"What's the matter? What kind of tunnel telescope, these photos are real!"

"45 light-years? How were these photos taken? Are they real or fake?"

"God! These alien creatures are so scary, are they intelligent?"

"It's incredible, is this true?"

"Xingyao Technology is mighty, haha! The second human immigrant planet has finally been discovered!"

"45 light years, when will the human spaceship fly over!"

"It's awesome! Xingyao Technology is going to go against the sky!"

"Fortunately, there are no alien buildings, it is a primitive planet, and there is no intelligent civilization. I am so lucky!"

"Yeah! If an alien civilization with higher technology than humans is discovered, it may trigger an interstellar war!"


Netizens all over the world were excited to discuss, and they were all shocked by this interstellar discovery.

According to the data released by Xingyao Technology, the TRAPPIST-1 galaxy has a total of 11 planets, instead of the 7 planets observed before. Because the mass of TRAPPIST-1 is only about 0.08 solar mass, it is a very low-mass red dwarf star , In contrast, the upper limit of the mass of a brown dwarf is about 0.065 solar mass, and the energy obtained by all the fifth planets will not be too much, ..., its volume is 117% of the earth, its gravity is very similar to that of the earth, and it is covered with nitrogen The atmosphere of the Lord, . . . "

This primordial star of life is tentatively positioned as 'Blue Sea Star'. Similar to the earth, it has a large number of oceans and green oceans. The species living on the planet are still in the 'nascent period'. According to the observed data, this planet has not found any civilization buildings. , and signs of the survival of intelligent species,  ….

According to the atmospheric composition of Bihai Star, this is a planet similar to the atmospheric composition of the earth, but its oxygen content is more abundant than that of the earth, which meets the basic conditions for the continuation of carbon-based life.

A planet must meet four basic conditions for carbon-based life to survive: 1. It should have a suitable area, that is, it should not be too far or too close to the star, because it will affect its temperature, and the planet needs to be located in a suitable area; Otherwise, humans cannot survive due to the huge temperature difference. 2 It should be of suitable quality and size. 3 It should have the existence of water. Water is a basic requirement for the existence of life. So far, in addition to the earth, Bihaixing is an exoplanet discovered by humans to have surface liquid water.

4. It should have a sound ecosystem. The TRAPPIST-1 galaxy has a total of 11 planets. The location of Bihaixing is similar to that of the earth, and there are two large gas-star galaxies similar to the Jupiter system in the periphery. A safe shield for the blue starfish to withstand the impact of exoasteroids.

The atmospheric composition and gravitational environment of Bi Haixing are very similar to those of the earth. Various data show that this planet is extremely suitable for becoming a colony planet for human immigration to extrasolar galaxies.

In human cognition, they have always been lonely. Many scientists have tried many ways to explore the universe. In the 5,600 stars and more than 67,000 separate spectra of the Milky Way, they cannot find any light signals from advanced alien creatures. Among them There are 2,000 stars that are speculated to have the ability to heat or have a climate similar to that of Earth. Perhaps advanced alien civilizations have no intention of sending energy laser beams across the universe, or they simply do not exist.

But with the discovery of life on Mars, the existence of extraterrestrial life by humans is not as rare as expected by foreign scientists.

Now a new alien life planet has been discovered and announced by Xingyao Technology. For a while, the whole people are hotly discussing it, which deeply shocked the hearts of all human beings.

There is a planet suitable for the survival of alien life near the earth of human beings. Although it is only a primitive star, how can there be no alien civilization in a star system like the Milky Way.

Today, Xingyao Technology has developed a close-up photo that can quickly capture ultra-distant galaxies, even 45 light years away. Unexpectedly, as time goes by, more and more alien civilizations will be captured. Human discovery.

The many stars in the Milky Way have found a planet with life so quickly. There must be countless intelligent civilizations in the vast universe. They may not have discovered human beings, or they have also discovered human civilization. However, not yet. Take action.

However, with the progress of human scientific and technological civilization, human beings also have the ability to discover alien life. If an alien civilization with much higher technology than human civilization is discovered, what will happen then?

Is the War of the Seas Exchange? Everything is unknown.

An unprecedented sense of crisis enveloped everyone at once, and a sense of urgency emerged spontaneously.

"It's too dangerous to look for alien civilizations, and it is strongly requested that the star glasses never use the tunnel telescope!"

"Humanity must unite to build a unified government to face the threat of advanced civilization!"

"Xingyao Technology must stop searching for alien civilizations! This will bring disaster to human Around the world, countless people took to the streets, holding placards to protest, fearing the research of Xingyao Technology. At the same time, some people The people demanded that human civilization build a unified whole to deal with the threat of alien civilization.

Humans are by no means alone. There can be countless alien creatures in just so many stars in the Milky Way. However, human civilization has also divided 193 countries, and it is obviously an extremely irrational behavior to fight internally on the earth.

When people discuss the extraterrestrial life of 'Blue Sea Star', at the same time, they do not forget to discuss the existing political system of mankind.

Countless people took to the streets, calling on all human beings to gather into a powerful human federation, eliminate war and poverty, build a better human society, develop space immigration projects, ..., all human beings should gather to establish a political relationship that is more Unified government, increase cooperation, develop interstellar technology together, and speed up immigration to Bihaixing.

The discovery of 'Blue Sea Star' has 'burned' in human society,

Countless alien species have been named, bicorns, pit bears,..., all kinds of naive alien life, turned into cartoon pictures, and became the object of countless animation artists, rushing to create and rubbing the hot spot.

Because human beings are trapped on the earth and have limited survival resources, wars will break out, competing for limited survival resources and better development space. However, the universe is vast and there are countless stars. There must be countless planets for human immigration, or development near the earth. the planet, humans don't need to be trapped on the earth at all

For example, the Bihaixing discovered today, although he is 45 light-years away from the solar system, but with the development speed of human science and technology, sub-light speed spacecraft should be developed in a short time. The progress of science and technology, after all, depends on Xingyao Technology of.

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