My hi-tech Library

Chapter 336: The explosion of science and technology (1)

Mothership Tiangu - Command Room.

Lin Zhibin paced back and forth, waiting for the results of the biopsy, while considering the follow-up plan.

The ground base suffered heavy losses, and this accidental attack greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

Before Tianjingxing established a ground base, a comprehensive scientific investigation has been carried out on Tianjingxing. After confirming that there is no alien civilization, it began to carry out interstellar exploration to the planet, and even established a ground base.

However, the sudden attack shattered human's fantasy about the Sky Whale. This is not a simple planet, it contains a huge and dangerous existence.

In the vast sea of ​​stars, I finally encountered a planet suitable for human immigration. We must not erase this alien species from this planet because some unknown creatures obstructed the 'immigration' plan and cannot coexist peacefully.

Just when Lin Zhibin was thinking about the follow-up battle plan, Zhinao-Xingguang suddenly said: "Commander, the alien biological biopsy report is out!"

"Yeah! Report the results soon." Lin Zhibin paused, looked up at the command screen, and asked impatiently.

"Commander, this species is a mechanical life, the shell is a flexible metal, the base metal: iron, silver, aluminum, zinc, tin, ..., the proportions are: 11.21%, 7.69%, 4.19%, ..., they are The liquid in the body is a balance of permanganic acid, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and a special liquid. Food,..." Zhinao-Xingguang reported to Lin Zhibin in detail.

Listening to the introduction of Zhinao-Xingguang, Lin Zhibin asked inexplicably, "Machine-like beings, are they machines or creatures?"

"Commander, they are neither living things nor machines, but the whole or part of living organisms or life-like bodies, and mechanical bodies composed of mechanical elements. The difference between them and living beings is that they have no autonomous life, but have life reflexes. . "Professor Liu Zhicheng answered Zhinao-Xingguang.

"Yes, most of this species combines the advantages of biology and machinery, and overcomes some of their shortcomings, such as the short lifespan of organisms, long training periods, easy mistakes and illnesses, etc. Ordinary machinery consumes a lot of energy, low power, and requires frequent maintenance. , is a species different from biology and machinery." Zhinao-Xingguang added.

Lin Zhibin's expression changed, and he looked at Zhinao-Xingguang and asked, "So complicated! They are not naturally born species, but manufactured?"

"Commander, the probability of natural birth is very low, less than one in a million." Zhinao-Xingguang replied.

Zhinao-Xingguang's answer indirectly acknowledged the answer to the question, and Lin Zhibin immediately lowered his face.

"Commander, there may still be civilizations that we don't know about on this planet." Professor Liu Zhicheng said with a serious look.

Hearing this, Lin Zhibin's scalp went numb. He was thinking of destroying this creature just now. Then he knew that it was actually created. He thought he was dealing with some unintelligent indigenous creatures.

Humans have yet to discover the hidden alien civilization, which is a big trouble now.

Lin Zhibin took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Xingguang, what kind of technological level does the alien civilization that makes this kind of life machine have?" Lin Zhibin looked at Zhinao-Xingguang and asked.

"Commander, this type of mechanical species has biological instincts such as foraging and growth, self-replication, danger avoidance, ..., etc. The technology of combining life and machinery is perfect, beyond the capabilities of starlight, and the level of technology in other fields of this civilization. , lack of data, unable to fully analyze." Zhinao-Xingguang replied.

Hearing this, Lin Zhibin's face tightened, and he muttered to himself in confusion: "We haven't found them for so many years, are they observing us? No! If so, why are they appearing now?"


Hearing Lin Zhibin's question, the scientists and officers on the scene frowned and thought deeply.

For a few years, they have carried out a carpet search of the Sky Whale Star, and have not found any traces of intelligent civilization surviving on this planet. However, this biological mechanical species was created, which is a serious problem.

"Commander, this planet has been searched by us, and there is no sign of civilization. The most urgent task is to investigate the underground world and find this civilization." Liu Jianbo suggested.

"Commander, I think we shouldn't provoke them. We should report this situation to the home planet immediately." Professor Liu Zhicheng reminded.

"I think so too. Maybe they are also afraid of us. They only drove us away without killing us. Otherwise, it is impossible for all the soldiers to leave the base." Deputy Commander Xu Xue added while looking at the command screen.

"Commander, although I don't know their civilization information, they don't seem to have space combat capabilities. We are completely invincible. Therefore, I suggest to have a comprehensive understanding of them." Liu Jianbo looked at Lin Zhibin and strongly suggested.

Lin Zhibin swept his eyes around the crowd, pondered for a moment, and nodded solemnly: "I agree, I will immediately convey this news to the mother star, in addition, we can't give up the action on Tianjingxing, and we must increase the exploration of this civilization. ."

"Xingguang, add 300 sets of laser drilling rigs, deploy mechanical troops, and conduct a comprehensive survey of the planet. This time, there can be no omissions." Lin Zhibin paused, looked at Zhinao-Xingguang, and ordered.

"As ordered, Commander." Zhinao-Xingguang readily agreed.

"The entire ship Tiangu has entered a state of combat readiness, and must not leave the post unless there are special circumstances!" Lin Zhibin looked at everyone and ordered.

"As ordered, Commander." Everyone looked at Lin Zhibin and answered in unison.

The entire ship Tiangu entered a highly tense wartime state. At the same time, this situation was also reported to the government of the Solar System-Human Alliance and institutions involving alien civilizations.


The solar system, the mother planet of the earth.

The magnificent spaceport is like another satellite of the earth. The huge body, the spaceships that come from far away, fly in and out, and are surrounded by various types of interstellar spaceships, large and small.

The huge space docking post is like a platform full of metal pipe racks. The overall length of the spaceport is more than 3,000 kilometers. The countless metal pipes that stick out connect countless spaceships, and the large and small spaceships are constantly transported from the inside. Out of the goods, through the tubular metal spit into the space docking post, those several kilometers, a dozen kilometers long spaceships in front of it like a cargo ship in a giant wharf.

Spaceships are large and small, all kinds, and countless. Human interstellar spaceships are all over the solar system, various sources of materials, asteroids, and resources from resource stars are countless.

The cargo of the interstellar spacecraft at the docking post of the spaceport is quickly transported through the giant vacuum pipelines, and the goods will also be transported to the spaceport through the space vacuum elevator connecting the spaceport and the earth sky city, or, from the spaceport to the earth.

The spaceport has become a transit station between the earth and the interstellar spacecraft. It is transported to the spacecraft through a vacuum pipeline. The overall efficiency of cargo transportation is extremely amazing, and the amount of cargo transported is unimaginable.

It is like when the age of human navigation was just opened, after decades of development, now, the era of human interstellar navigation is also in full swing.

Sky City-Xingyao City, the headquarters building of Xingyao Technology

In the luxurious office, Li Yi sat at the desk, absent-mindedly listening to Zhinao's report.

"...In the end, 35 types of survival gene vaccines have been completed, and the entire project will take 2 years to complete." Da Hei looked at Li Yi and ended the report.

"Well, there's still plenty of time!" Li Yi nodded and continued to ask: "Is the optical crystal material progressing?"

"Master, there is currently no 'qualitative' breakthrough, and the optical crystal material project is progressing slowly. However, other projects have recently made more breakthroughs, such as: hetero-antibiotics, particle material films, neutrino detectors, ..., etc. , more than 3,000 important scientific research achievements, and hundreds of thousands of small scientific research achievements!" Dahehui reported.

Hearing this, Li Yi showed a happy smile on his face, extremely gratified.

With the enhancement of the use of human brain genetic medicine, the level of human intelligence has been improved by a certain extent. Relying on the huge population increase of human beings, a large number of excellent scientists have been born, and the effect has been shown quickly.

Any question that cannot be answered by science is simply because the level of IQ is not enough.

Before answering, make assumptions, various assumptions, and then use these assumptions to analyze one by one. As some scientists say, science is the least afraid of failure, because failure often represents more and more When approaching the road to success, what science fears most is not failure, but when it cannot even find failure, then it is the real despair.

Whether it is from the early ancient classical mechanics, to the culmination of Newtonian mechanics, universal gravitation, to the birth of the theory of relativity, to quantum theory, a series of scientific successes and scientific explosions, it can be said that scientists are the least afraid of failure. group of people.

With the improvement of the overall IQ of all human beings, human civilization has once again experienced a wave of technological explosions.

This scientific and technological explosion is based on the whole of mankind. It is the same as the five scientific and technological revolutions (two scientific revolutions and three technological revolutions) that have occurred in the human world since the 16th century, rather than the technological tide led by Xingyao Technology.

Humans who have entered the interstellar age ahead of time, the real technology of human civilization is at least four or five hundred years behind the interstellar civilization.

According to the most reasonable scientific and technological progress analysis data, human civilization should first land on the satellite closest to the earth, that is, the moon, which was achieved in the middle of the twentieth century, and then human civilization should land on the nearest satellite to the earth. On terrestrial planets, probably at the end of the twenty-first century.

If human civilization develops normally and large-scale wars for survival resources, such as World War II, do not occur, then human civilization should build a large space station in the early 22nd century, and then slowly transform that satellite to form A window to space launch spacecraft.

With the formation of the spaceport, human beings have initially adapted to life in outer space, and only after mastering the necessary technologies for space survival can they try to colonize the planets closest to the earth, such as Mars, and all this must be done by the end of the 22nd century. Or maybe only in the early 23rd century.

After that, human science and technology gradually progressed, at least at least. It would not be until the middle of the 24th century that it would be possible to land on the outermost terrestrial planet in the solar system by means of a manned spacecraft, and then reason according to the speed of technological progress. To completely leave the solar system, it must be achieved at the end of the 25th century, or even the 26th century, and to form a real spaceship fleet and conduct safe navigation between galaxies, at least..., it must be in the 27th century. .

Human civilization has entered the interstellar era of opening up the stars and seas in just a few decades. It is impossible for such a rapidly developing technology tree to have no problems.

Fortunately, with the support of artificial intelligence brain-big black, and the support of a large number of alien technologies in the library, when the human science field is climbing the technology tree, the general tendency is to be comprehensive and complete, and there are no details of partial subjects. If there is a problem, it should be the lack of experience in basic science exploration.

However, this problem, with the popularization of human adaptive gene-enhancing drugs, the popularization of genetic human brain-enhancing gene drugs, and the increase of a large number of people further provides the number of outstanding human scientists, in addition, Shining Star Technology's investment in the field of basic science, regardless of cost, has made human beings gradually improve the theoretical discovery of basic science.

Now, the human scientific community is gradually challenging the dark clouds of the physical world. For example, the large-scale adaptation of adaptively enhanced genes, the symmetry between positive and antimatter is broken, and the propagator of quantum gravity has not yet been found. In high-energy physics, Physicists have never understood the fundamental mechanism of mass production. The information absorbed by black holes will eventually be released, so where will this information go? If black holes don't emit information, how can the theoretically predicted black hole radiation be explained? ...

Li Yi looked at the management background of the experimental center. At this moment, the content of the holographic screen in front of him suddenly jumped, and the content of the alien galaxy appeared.

"Master, the Tiangu number that colonized the UV star Cetus - Sky Whale, was attacked by alien creatures on Sky Whale, suspected of encountering an alien civilization." Da Hei reported to Li Yihui.

Immediately, the Tiangu spacecraft appeared on the holographic screen, as well as the picture of the Tianjing star ground base being attacked by alien creatures.

Li Yi watched the holographic video silently, without much tension.

With the continuous development of human interstellar spacecraft around the solar system, more and more earth with alien life has been discovered. One thing can be confirmed. The universe is more lively than scientists imagined, and the tenacity of life is beyond human imagination. , Those planets that human scientists have concluded that life cannot exist, often have some strange alien life, and their life forms are beyond the imagination of scientists.

However, these alien life basically only stays in the parent star civilization. If they cannot break through the planetary trap, and if they have not developed an excellent civilization system, it is difficult for them to leave the parent planet and develop towards planetary civilization.

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