Imaginary gears were constantly spinning inside my head. Even after half an hour I couldn't devise a way to steal the water and escape.

Scratching my neck I eyed the praying royal soldier and took a peek at his Status.


~ An Elite troop trained to serve the royal family

~ Passive

~ Immune to Mid tier corruption


Lv. 50

HP: 2000

MP: 1500

STR: 500

AGL: 800

PDEF: 1000

MDEF: 1000

INT: 2500


I wanted to shatter the window. It wasn't enough for a Royal Soldier to be here, he had to be Elite, of course.

Sighing in defeat I took a seat on the church's cold roof.

" Why me? "

I muttered still gazing at the praying soldier's back. My confidence to get the water was as low as it could get, but I consoled myself that soon the enemy will leave and I'll have my chance.

Funnily enough, It started raining.

Looking at the sky I wanted to shout, but held myself back. It seemed as if gods were punishing me. Little did I know how big of a flag I've just raised upon myself.

Since I was on the roof and had no cover from the rain I was fully soaked in a few minutes. Even with such hindrances I stood completely still not to alert the praying soldier.

After what seemed like an eternity the praying soldier stood up and left the church while disappearing in the rainy night.

It was time for action...

Not waiting any second longer I quietly conjured a lightning spear and made it thin, so thin that it could pass as a needle.

Cutting the window frame I removed the whole window and glass before dumping it into my inventory.

' I'll just throw them out later '

I thought silently entering the church. Unfortunately since I was at the ceiling level my landing was as quiet as expected.


With a dull sound I landed on the red carpet. Dashing towards the corner of the church I managed to hide myself before the door was opened and a pair of two soldiers came into the hall.

" Let's just go nobody is here "

One of the soldiers snorted seeing his partner rushing to check if nobody was in the vicinity. Since he was a dozen years older he had vast experience and was confident that nobody would attack the church, especially now when Royal Soldiers were nearby.

Seeing that his partner will not stop he sighed and sat on one of the benches. Since his superior informed him about the nightshift few hours beforehand, he had barely any sleep.

Closing his eyes, the soldier was about to doze off when he heard a dull sound and before he could turn around his world went dark.


I was once again gritting my teeth, good thing that this world is imaginary or else my teeth would be completely ruined.

A pair of soldiers barged into room and one of them started going around every single corner of the hall, trying to find an intruder. Quickly throwing a glance towards the other soldier I noticed him halfway to the dreamland.

Clenching my Eerie Staff I lowered my body and awaited for the upcoming soldier.


As soon as the soldier came into my reach I swung my staff hitting his head and making him lose consciousness.

Dashing towards the other soldier I managed to knock him out before he could even turn.

' Good thing those soldiers were weak '

I murmured while dragging their bodies towards the corner of the church.

After hiding the bodi... people I approached the altar. I had approximately half an hour before the soldiers woke up, so I had to pick up my pace.

Quickly pushing the Altar to the side, I saw a trapdoor leading to the basement.

Lifting the dusty trapdoor I saw old wooden stairs going down into the dark.

For a second I stopped and looked at the darkness with a small glint visible on my face.

" I was born in darkness, molded by it "

After quoting a famous line from a certain villain I step by step descended down the stairs.

Creating a Lightning spear I illuminated the whole area revealing the dark hallway. Lifting the light source above my head I started running, I had no time to waste.

While sprinting I noticed various symbols engraved on the pathway's walls. I didn't have time to inspect the unknown symbols, but one symbol garnered my attention.

Since this game is very well made it has multiple ancient languages implemented in it. Through the dozen years I've spent playing this game I could more or less know some symbols' meanings. The symbol on the wall meant treasure.

Quickly taking a few photos of the wall I started running once again.

After ten minutes I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. At this point my MP was halfway depleted, because of continuous use of the Lightning Spear.

' I really do need to buy some torches '

I thought while nearing the end of the pathway. The light was produced by a single lantern hung on the ceiling of the tunnel. Below there was a metal door with an old rusty lock that looked to be at least hundred years old.

Even though the situation looked simple, it was not. The lock was enchanted by the newest Mana Technology known to this timeline. If I even try to forcefully open the door, the alarm will go off informing soldiers about my presence.

Carefully touching the lock I appraised its condition. By sending some MP into its construction I could tell it was often used. Not wanting to trigger the alarm I let go of the lock and took a deep breath.

" Here comes the hard part "

I grumbled and started channeling Mana into my arm. When the lightning spear started to form I quickly inserted it into the lock hole and started slowly allowing MP to run wild. The form of the spear started changing randomly and soon a clicking sound was heard.

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