My eyes slightly widened seeing the exterior of the church decorated in all kinds of stuff from gold to diamonds. Even though I've been here in my previous life it was still surprising to see so much money put in one building.

Looking around I noticed guards with white armor standing near the walls. Since I've gotten this robe the regular NPCs couldn't detect my race allowing me to move more freely.

Walking across the huge hall I saw some people still praying to the Altar.

Many would raise their eyebrow seeing such strong belief, but I wasn't confused.

' Gods are real after all '

I thought, watching the Humans praying. Gods are considered beings of Lv. 500 and beyond. They can ascend to the higher realm.

In my previous life there was no player that ascended to the god realm.

Glancing over the church's structure I noticed some slight changes, but nothing that would hinder my plan. Eyeing the altar I noticed a small metal handle protruding from underneath it.

Everyone would write it off as a design of the Altar, but I knew otherwise. To get the Holy Sparkling Water one needs to descend to the basement of the Holy church.

Walking around I noticed some guards eyeing me suspiciously. While I did nothing wrong I also didn't pray.

Not wanting to receive unnecessary attention I took a seat on one of the benches. Lowering my head to look like I'm praying I kept on inspecting the building.

After a half an hour I quietly stood up and left the building. Gesturing Fenrir to follow me, we walked towards one of the nearby inns.

Since my Race was hidden I quickly got a room. Throwing some pork to Fenrir I lied on the bed.

" We need to increase our bond "

I said, eyeing the wolf. From my previous life I knew that to increase the bond one needs to go through near death situations or receive an item similar to Familiar's Tattoo that would increase our bond.

Thinking about all the stuff I had to do I took a peek at the clock. I had a few in-game days until the truck to transfer our items to the new house would come.

Petting Fenrir's head I looked outside through the window. The sun was slowly descending indicating that my plan would start shortly.

Climbing out of the bed I left Fenrir sleeping in the room and went towards one closed church.

Different from the day there weren't many people in the streets. Since the king's corruption, a new rule disallowing people to leave houses after a certain hour was implemented.

Trying to stay in the dark I moved from shadow to shadow slowly approaching the Holy Church.

There were Soldiers and Paladins constantly patrolling the whole city area, making me lose a lot of time.

Fortunately, after an hour I could finally see the church's tower. Climbing up on the roof of a nearby house I lowered my body and leapt at the church's roof.


With a heavy landing I quickly hid behind the chimney and awaited for guards to pass through the area.

" I think I heard something "

Soon shouts were heard and a group of armed soldiers ran towards the church.

Keeping an eye on the soldiers I prayed that the cloak is not bugged and will allow me to stay hidden.

Fortunately the soldiers didn't notice me even when they were performing a thorough scan of the area.

After what seemed to be an eternity the group deemed the sound to be made by some kind of animal and left the church's vicinity.

Eyeing the area I still spent a few minutes hidden, in case they hadn't left and were still patrolling close by.

How good of a decision it was...

As I was about to come out a soldier wearing golden armor materialized before my eyes, slightly startling me.

Since I knew about the existence of spells that can make you invisible I wasn't too surprised, but it certainly did scare me quite a bit.

I was about to shout, but quickly covered my mouth. The soldier was about 10 times stronger than me and revealing my presence wasn't the brightest idea.

With cold sweat running down my back I managed to keep my head calm.

' He'll leave soon '

I thought while gnashing the corners of the robe. If previously I was confident in stealing the water and escaping unscratched, now my confidence was shattered to dust.

' It's going to be way harder than I anticipated '

Thinking I closely inspected the soldier's armor.

' Why the fuck is a Royal soldier in some random city '

I almost shouted recognizing the symbol on the soldier's chestplate.

Royal soldiers are soldiers of the highest caliber, who are only loyal to royal family members.

Eyeing the anomaly I gritted my teeth seeing an unknown variable appear in my plan. If previously it was manageable, now the plan was doomed.

Royal soldiers don't travel by one, they move in groups of five and more. I could manage to somehow slip through one of the Soldiers, but the others would catch me.

Sitting on the roof I leaned my head on the chimney and took a deep breath.

' It isn't that bad, you can just wait '

I consoled myself, but soon an imaginary tears started running down my cheeks when I saw the Soldier entering the church.

" Well, shit... "

I cursed. Slowly standing up I moved to the right side of the church's roof where a huge window was installed.

Taking a peek inside I noticed the soldier just sitting in one of the benches seemingly offering a prayer.

I could try to assassinate him, but my attempt would be rendered useless. His reaction time would probably save him from assassinations at least two times more dangerous than this.

I also had a hunch that one attack wasn't enough to finish off the soldier.

Thinking of a plan I didn't even notice a pair of blue eyes staring at me from a safe distance.

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