The Lock was unlocked and fell on the floor. Quickly grabbing the fallen lock I stored it inside my Inventory.

' It will fetch a lot of money '

I thought while slowly opening the rusty door.


Its hinges let out dull noises as if forcefully being on apart.

As slowly as possible I made a small gap enough for me to slip in.

Dashing through the door I looked at the clock and noticed that I had around 15 minutes left until the unconscious guards woke up.

As I passed through the door I found myself in a room fully covered in white marbles. In the middle there was a huge pond with white plants growing all around it.

I even noticed a few fishes white in colour, swimming inside the pond.

Looking at the water I saw constant bubbles rising to the surface.

' Sparkling '

I thought while lowering my stance and consuming an MP potion. Even though I had enough Mana I was in need of an empty bottle.

Filling up the bottle I quickly stood up and was about to dash towards the door when I heard the sound of footsteps coming from the tunnel's direction.

Looking around I noticed no good place to hide and decided to jump into the lake.


Something wasn't right, I've found two soldiers knocked out cold lying at the corner of the church hall. They were cleverly hidden and I only stumbled upon them accidentally.

I saw no need to raise the alarm, because my strength would be more than enough to get rid of the intruder.

Opening the trapdoor covering the basement I started leisurely going towards the white room.

Nearing the room I was now sure someone was inside it. The Lock was broken and the door was slightly open.

Taking the hands out of my pockets, I swung the door open and walked into the room.

Unlike my expectations the room was empty. Since it was as white as snow it was hard to miss a human being.

Sending Mana I scanned the whole room, but still couldn't find the intruder. My back went cold at the thought of what my superior would say if he found out that I somehow managed to lose an intruder.

We Royal Soldiers have battalions and every battalion has its leader responsible for his teammates. They can give rewards, punishments and assign specific tasks.

My duty was to guard this Holy church while a special someone would arrive.

" Shit "

I cursed and dashed out of the room trying to catch up to the seemingly long gone thief.

Sending Mana to every corner of the church I tried to find the intruder, but my Mana didn't detect anyone else besides the patrolling soldiers.

" Fuck! "

Curses were flowing out of my mouth faster than the speed of light. My mind went back to the time I couldn't walk for a week, because of a punishment.



I took a deep breath while swimming to the shore. I've spent around three minutes without breathing which was my highest record.

Spitting water I shook off the strange bugs that were sticking to my skin.

As soon as I drove into the pond various beings started being attracted to me and I could only watch as they glued themselves onto me.

Luckily none of them harmed me allowing me to stay in water for a longer period.

Unequipping and re-equipping the Shadow robe made it dry again. Doing the same with all the items, I was finally ready to leave.

Still warily eyeing the exit I left the room with a new item appearing in my Inventory.

1️⃣ Holy Sparkling Water

-- Can cleanse corruption or any disease

~ Single use only


Going back through the tunnel I carefully climbed up the stairs and put my ear on the trapdoor. Some people were talking outside.

' What the hell happened? '

' My head hurts '

' Shut the hell up! '

I could hear shouts and yells of two people. Slowly opening the trapdoor I noticed both of the soldiers I knocked unconscious still crawling on the floor, but now fully awake.

Looking around and not seeing anyone else I quickly dashed towards them and repeated the same process.

" Good Night "

I said before my staff sent them to the dreamland once again.

Bonk... Bonk...

Not wasting anymore time or hiding the bodies I quickly left the church and disappeared into the rainy night.

While walking through the dark I felt a pair of eyes looking towards me. Since I was about to log off I wanted to leave in a cool way.

Turning towards the direction of the gaze I casted a Shadow Blast and threw it high into the sky. While the projectile was still ascending I casted Lightning spear, but didn't let it form making my arms dance with lightning.

Slowly I let the lighting move towards my palms where Demonic Fire appeared. The transition was smooth.

As The White flame engulfed my palm I saw Shadow Blast Descending at fast speeds. Moving my hands upwards I let the Demonic Flame engulf my whole body until I was fully covered in white fire.

Throwing a look towards the stalker I felt his gaze glued onto me. Turning my back towards him I felt Shadow Blast hitting my head and connecting with white fire making a decent explosion.

Fortunately the game doesn't allow one to be hit by his own spell. While the explosion was still in effect I logged off.

Jumping out of the VR Pod I couldn't help, but smile.

​ " I hope she's taken the bait "


A Beautiful female Elf was sitting on one of the houses' roofs. Most of her face was hidden by the dark, but even the dark couldn't hide her over worldly beauty. Her White hair was tucked behind her ear and her eyes were looking in a certain direction where an explosion occurred.

" So he's the unknown player "

She thought out loud looking at the now empty street.

Quickly raising her body she approached the explosion site and took out a book before scrambling something into it and leaving the area with a slightly annoyed look.

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