The Backyard of a certain house was strangely covered in shadows. They all were leaning towards the center where a young man sat in a Lotus position.

His sharp face was relaxed, his breaths were deep and rhythmical. One would see that the man is fully concentrated and couldn't be interrupted, unfortunately Kilgros didn't share the same thought.

" Don't you dare mess up my yard! "

He shouted, making me lose focus instantly. Rolling my eyes I looked towards the dwarf only to see him throw something at my face.

' Keep it in Leo, you can do it '

Strengthening my resolve not to punch the blacksmith and I took off the dark cloth from my face.

1️⃣ < Shadow Robe > [ Diamond ]

-- Robe enchanted by Shadow Energy with ability to hide one's identity

~ MP +50

~ SE +20

~ PDEF +50

~ [ Unique! ] - Allows one to blend in the dark...

~ [ ??? ] Sealed


Smiling and Nodding my head I touched the robe's material appreciating how smooth it is. Quickly discarding the < Darkling Robe > I equipped the new item.

Asking for Kilgros to bring a mirror I looked at my reflection.

A dark silhouette with a hood that seemed to prevent one from seeing the wearer's face. The Robe covered most of my body still allowing me to maneuver as easily as I could before.

Opening my Status I looked over my progress.


Name: Leo

Level: 11 < 4250/35k EXP >

Race: Demon

Class: Mage

Subclass: Shadow Mage



HP: 152 <+102>

MP: 350 <+175>

SE: 120 <+20>

STR: 35

AGL: 103 <+3>

PDEF: 74 <+54>

MDEF: 120 <+80>

INT: 230 <+25>

SP: 0


Active Skills:

1️⃣ Shadow Realm < Lv. 2 >


Passive Skills:

1️⃣ Mana Regen < Lv. 4 >

2️⃣ Shadow Energy < Lv. 2 >



1️⃣ Shadow Blast < Lv. 3 >

2️⃣ Lightning Spear < Lv. 4 >

3️⃣ Demonic Flame < Lv. 2 >

~ +3.6% Magical Damage

~ +3.6% Cooldown reduction



1️⃣ < Mana Potion > x3

2️⃣ < Dark Sapphire > x14

3️⃣ < 8426 Gold Coins >

4️⃣ < Salamander Scale > x26

5️⃣ < Fiery Meat > x5

6️⃣ < Basilisk's Fang > x2

7️⃣ < Poisonous Meat > x1

8️⃣ < The Reptile Core > [ Lv. 14] x1

9️⃣ < Archaeopteryx Claws > x1

🔟 < Dark Sapphire> x1




1️⃣ < Shadow Robe > [ Diamond ]

2️⃣ < Salamander Scale Boots > [ Bronze ]

3️⃣ < Salamander Ring > [ Platinum ]

4️⃣ < Demon Prince's Crown > [ Platinum ]

5️⃣ < Eerie Staff > [ Gold ]



1️⃣ +2% Magical Damage

2️⃣ Unique Shadow Energy; Absorbed in Shadows

3️⃣ Natural MP regen

4️⃣ Full; Can't consume more Attribute boosting items


< Map >

< Friend List >

< Guild >

< Pet >

1️⃣ Fenrir < Lv.14 >


I could say that I was pretty much set for the raid boss. I only needed to get the Holy Water and a team.

Scratching my neck I thought about how to even talk someone into attempting to beat a mid-game boss. Cold sweat of uncertainty started to wash over me thinking that I might need to wait at least a month to find someone crazy enough to join me.

Before I could express my gratitude for crafting such a useful item I hissed in pain.

Someone kicked me...

That someone was glaring at me with a look of greed and annoyance.

" Pay up! "

His raspy voice echoed through the yard waking me up from my stupor. For a second I wanted to scam him and run away, but kept myself together.

' It's bad to become an enemy of a legendary blacksmith '

I thought, smiling at the old Dwarf. Trying my best not to break my smiling face I gave him the Sapphire and was about to leave when another item was tossed at my back.

" I've had some leftover Cloth injected with Shadow Energy and didn't want to waste it "

Turning around and picking an item a smile unknowingly made its way to my face.

1️⃣ < Shadow Gloves > [ Platinum ]

-- Gloves full of Shadow Energy...

~ MP +10

~ SE +15

~ PDEF +5

~ [ Sealed ] ???


Now my interest was piqued. Both the gloves and the robe had a Sealed Effect. I've heard of some things called Set Items which will unlock another Attribute or Skill upon the set is complete.

Seeing that both Items have Shadow in their name that is probably the case.

" Thank you "

I said quietly, only for me to hear and left the blacksmith's house. Calling Fenrir we dove into the busy street. I was once again reminded by how important it is to be able to store Familiar inside a tattoo.

I didn't know why the game gave me < Familiar's Tattoo >, even though its Attribute boost is fine I would've preferred to store my pet.

' I need to strengthen our bond '

I thought while walking towards a huge building decorated with huge golden towers that seemed to pierce the clouds.

Its majestic structure could overshadow even a Count's castle. The windows were full of various paintings that represented multiple gods, elements and other things.

Looking at many people kneeling before the church I sighed. Even in my previous church the Holy Church had many members, but the numbers were ridiculous.

When I was Hundred steps away from the church I couldn't walk further, because of the masses that were praying. Since I somehow managed to come at the time some ceremony was in-progress the streets were full of people.

For me to perform a thorough scan of the area I had to get inside. Even though I already knew the building's plan from my previous life it was stupid to believe nothing would've changed.

Kneeling on the cold street surface I hissed feeling the coldness only to receive a few cold looks. Fortunately my face was covered, hence nobody knew I was a Demon.

' It'll change when I'll heal the king '

Thinking about the positive things I kept my head lowered waiting for the ceremony to end.

Suddenly groups of people started flooding out of the church indicating that the ceremony was over. Moving to the side I waited for the masses to dissipate and finally walked up to the Church.

Its huge wooden doors with various paintings in gold were reinforced and enveloped in Mana. Touching the surface of the door I felt a slight burn on my palm.

Raising the palm to my eyes I noticed a slight trail of blood drop from my hand. Quickly cleaning the blood and Equipping the Shadow Gloves I entered the building while an inaudible murmur escaped from my lips.

" Saint... "

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