Leo sat in the crowded university cafe, reading the note left in his notebook and trying to decide if he should go to the meeting or not. He knew he was already suspected, and he had to act as out of character as possible to avoid revealing his identity.

He was considering whether he should go immediately or be slightly late. Lost in thought he didn't even notice the envious glances of the girls around him.

As one of the most handsome men in the university, Leo should've been approached by countless girls. But now, after making an enemy of a powerful man, nobody wanted to be seen with him. The only thing the girls could do was watch him from afar with greedy eyes.

Standing up he sighed and put his notebook into his backpack.

As Leo walked through the wide corridors, lost in his own thoughts, he accidentally bumped into someone.

Apologizing to the man, he didn't even notice something being slipped into his pocket.

Checking his expensive wristwatch, Leo sighed and slowly made his way to the F15 field, a huge football stadium with massive stands filled with red seats. Some people were playing football, but Leo paid them no mind, walking straight to the spectator's section.

In the distance, he saw a lone figure sitting in the VIP section. It was a woman with white hair, wearing the Preklin University uniform. Ava was already waiting for him.

'It's too late...'

Ava was already waiting for him...

'Act normal...'

Approaching the girl Leo exhaled a few deep breaths and waved towards her. Taking a seat one chair away he raised his eyebrows, acting surprised.

"It's a nice stadium isn't it? I wish I could play football, unfortunately my body is not fit for a player, I can't even..."

Leo was acting like an NPC in Fragmental. Talking about anything else, except for the main stuff.

"I've invited you here to talk about business"

Ava cut him off in the middle of Leo talking about how good lasagna is.

'I thought it'd be something more concerning...'

Secretly wiping his sweat away Leo allowed himself to get serious.

"Does this have anything to do with Fragmental?"

Leo knew that Ava briefly heard his conversation with Tia, most importantly, the part where she mentioned about being able to produce Intermediate health potions.

Surely Ava nodded her head and Leo sighed in relief.

'My identity is yet to be revealed...'

Turning his eyes towards Ava Leo turned on his business man personality.

"I'm listening..."

With a calculative gaze and small smile playing on his lips he seemed as if he'd been in the business for years.


The transactions went smooth and Leo was left surprised by how much he'd be able to sell the potions for.

The demand for potions wasn't that high yet, but Ava decided to buy them for above-average price. She even decided to buy some shares which'll prove to be a smart choice in the long run.

Leo wasn't planning to stop making money, until he had enough to buy the entire moon.

Writing some information onto the notebook he had, Leo gave the paper to Ava and she signed it. Taking a photo of it and carefully storing the sheet of paper inside his bag Leo smirked.

"Pleasure doing business with you..."

Leo was about to stand up and go grab himself something to eat, when Ava's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"I have a favor to ask..."

Using a monotonous tone was her usual way of speaking, but this time Leo could hear slight nervousness mixed within it.

Turning his body to face her he lifted his head waiting for her to elaborate.

"I'll need a ride home..."

That was unexpected...



Ava has a car! Why would she ask Leo for a ride, it can't be... Is this some kind of test? Shit!

Leo's thoughts were running rampant all the while his face slightly stiffened. Even though it was barely visible Ava noticed the change in his expression.

"My car has run out of fuel and my friend has caught a cold and can't bring me back home..."

You can always take an Uber....

Leo thought inside, but only nodded. He was reluctant to do so, because he knew that something was amiss.


Waving it off he turned to leave the stadium and left Ava's field of vision with calm and steady steps.

'I think I nailed it...'

Thinking about the conversation they've just had Leo clenched the handle of his bag. Quite an important document was stored within it.

Nearing the building where his next lecture will begin Leo crossed paths with Eli who was running towards the stadium, probably to meet Ava. Luckily she didn't notice him, or rather hadn't recognized him.


Freezing in his spot Leo felt cold shivers run past his body.

Ava mentioned that her friend was sick, but Leo saw Eli within the university.

"That was a trap... huh?'

Leonard had no way of knowing that Eli was Ava's friend, but Leo, the unknown player, did.

'Real life is scary...'

Thinking about good times where all he had to do was play Fragmental Leo sighed.

People take everything for granted until it is taken away.

Taking a seat he hadn't even noticed how the room became full with students and soon the boring lecture began.


As Leo walked towards his car, he could feel the various looks coming his way:

Envy... Awe... Jealousy... Anger...

He didn't know if it was because of his car, because Theo's lackeys had spread rumors about him, or because a top level beauty was walking right behind him.

With a bitter smile hidden by his cold expression, Leo snorted to himself, wondering why he was attracting so much attention.

Climbing into his car he urged Ava to follow and drove away from the university with many glares following him.

As Leo drove Ava home, the two of them sat in silence, the awkward atmosphere was becoming almost tangible. Neither of them wanted to start a conversation, but somehow, Ava found herself breaking the ice.

"When will I be able to retrieve the potions?"

She asked, not really expecting an answer.

Leo was surprised by the question and hesitated before responding.

"I'm not sure yet... I'll have to check in with the Alchemist to make sure how much stock we currently have"

He had expected that she'd contact him concerning the business through the email he gave her.

Ava's eyes narrowed as she tried to read between the lines. She had a feeling that Leo was trying to keep the conversation plain and simple, and she had a feeling that he was aware of it himself.

He was doing it on purpose...

"What Level are you?"

She asked, trying to squeeze as much information as possible.

Leo shifted in his seat, feeling uncomfortable under Ava's scrutiny.

"Just reached Level 10 and I hope I'll advance to Lv. 11 today!"

Saying that, he shut his mouth hoping that the previous silence will engulf the ride and make the questions go away. He had to concentrate on driving and pay attention to Ava's trap-like questions at the same time

Ava wasn't satisfied though. She was at least 50% certain that he was the unknown player, and she was determined to uncover the truth bit by bit.

"I think I've seen you in Fragmental..."

She said, a hint of suspicion in her voice.

"You're a demon, you've said?"

Leo's heart raced as he realized that Ava was becoming bolder and bolder. He had been careful to keep his online identity a secret, but it seemed that he couldn't avoid the topic any longer.

"I'm sorry, but I prefer people not to pry into my business..."

With a cold voice he spoke, making Ava widen her eyes and bite her lip.


He heard Ava whisper and nodded his head. She should control herself a bit, he was already sweating.

Ava was reluctant but decided to let it go for now. She knew that they both played Fragmental, and she was determined to find out if Leonard was truly Leo she knew within the game.

As they approached their houses and said their goodbyes, Leo couldn't help but feel relieved that he had managed to evade Ava's questions for now.

Lazily stumbling through his front doors, he didn't even bother to wait until Rick came to express his love and limped towards the pool.

Removing all of his clothes, except the underwear he jumped into the water hoping to wash away the tiredness he had accumulated during the day.

Soon enough a small dog leapt after him jumping straight into the pool.

Rocky was not afraid of the water...

"Come on! Don't lick my face..."

Trying to escape from his pet's devious tongue, Leo was reminded about Fenrir. Especially the time when he tried to lick Leo while covered in Poisonous Rat blood.

'It's better after all...'

Knowing full well that Ricky would not give up Leo gave up and let the soaked fur ball violate him.

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